Fisker's Tamagotchi Logs


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Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
Somewhere in California
I've been a member of Tama Zone for a short while, and I decided to start a log at TT two. I have 2 V4s (Punk'd Out and Blue Spirals US) and a V1. (Purple Circles US) Sorry, I'm a little stiff on the first post. Bleh. :D I haven't been running them a lot, since school starts tomorrow.

Don't worry! I'll update them soon!

The template was by Cyann of TamaZone. Thank you!

Now, here we go!


My Grey V4 is a Gozarutchi named _Hiro. He's a Gozarutchi with extremely low stats. I'm not really fond of the approach animation. He just got the FireFighter job today, and I'm really liking it.


This Blue V4 has only been a Nonbiritchi named Hoshi since today. (Woot!) I've been playing a boatload of flag, and then he has the Preschool teacher job. Not so good at that. >.<


My Purple Circles is a Gozarutchi named _Yume. I took very well care of her, until I went to Someplace Fun Galt yesterday, which then she got a load of bad care, then turned into a Gozarutchi. It's beyond me why she didn't become a Robotchi; her heearts were 3/0. Maybe that's a Tamagotchi Plus JP thing only. :eek:


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I've tried connecting Hiro and Yume since I wanted a baby. However, I could not get one for reasons I shall soon explain.

At about today, I decided it was time for Hiro to get a kid. First attempt with Yume: not so good. Second attempt: forced matchmaker. He married a sweet Furawatchi, and a had a baby boy. Heh.

Also while I was gone, Hiro got a job! I flipped through the jobs, and decided my favorite job there: fire man. I'm not very good at the game, but I just have a bit of fun playing it. All I do is press "B" repatedlly until a drop hits the building fire arrow. Currently paused.


Just got a poop-o-gram. I shall decide to feed him snacks later.

He is quite the anti work-o-holic. He still gets his paychecks, no matter how low. The last time he worked was when he first got the job, trying to up his Social points. He hated it, and played flag for the time being. I also tried forcing the Matchmaker to him, but no luck.


After the last connection with Hiro, the battery was drained from the last of it's life. The last time I changed the battery was when Dawn the girl Mametchi just got married the other day to Tracy the ShimaShimashi, and was taking care of a baby girl. It only lasted about 6 generations then on. I wish the V1 had the love potion, cause that woulda saved the battery, and made things a lot easier. <:|


This happened September 7, 2007 PDT


At about 6:24PDT P.M., Hoshi finally got married. He married a Mimitchi, and had a boy. I keep forgetting to get his paychecks, so I'm pretty lazy with him. I've been neglecting him a bit, so ... not too good. *shows smile*


I'm not gonna get a battery for a while. I'm probably going to put her down.


Spending time with baby.


I'm too lazy to upload the pics, so I'll do it later. d: My brother's watching first season The Office, and I'm listening while typing. I'm also watching Shin-chan. (I think P-Low/Skillful Abbot does too.)


NEW GENERATION! (Note: the V1 will be put down when it stops showing the empty battery sign. 3 days+, and it's still going.)


[bLUE V4]

I'm going to aim for a Pyonchitchi with this one. I've only fed him only, and ONLY his favorite foods. I named him Iruka (dolphin), fed him only milk, and he evolved into a Mohitamatchi: now I'm just going to get tempted to get a Minotchi. I donated enough money money so I could get a Sceptre. I also downloaded the source text for the Items XML ( ) and tried using D-Best's method to get the other King items via hex #s. It didn't work. Now I just got the sceptre, and some Pineapple, (because it's his favorite food) and a lot of money. Heh. Right now he's 23 pounds, and isn't in preschool. I'll be hosting it later on my website. I'm hoping for an Obotchi.


Note: To look at the source text, right click it, and then "View Source" or something



I named the baby Yoshi. (I love Super Mario.) I've fed him a lot of steak while he was a baby, but played games with him. He didn't do much, and turned into a Petitchi. He hasn't gotten bad care, nor good care; somewhere in the middle. :s I'm good with this care, cause I'm wanting to end up with a Social character. (ShimaShimashi/Zukyutchi) Pretty satisfied right now.


No MizuTamatchi? SCORE!

Sharingan rules!

//Fiskeryatigo (haha)

Just some rememberances including Hiro and Hoshi, leaving.









That last one was just the TV showing Saturday Night Live. (The one with Peyton Manning, y'know, where it shows the United Way skit: ) I also got Yoshi being accepted into preschool, and Hoshi leaving, which for some reason, a 3.3 MB file won't upload as apposed to a 25.6 MB. I'll try tomorrow.


eDiT: I lost the leaving movie. Oops.

At about 4:38 PM PDT, Yoshi and Iruka finally evolved. Yoshi became a Yangu Robotchi, and Iruka became a HinoTamatchi. I also got a huge clip showing my 3 Tamas, but I don't feel like uploading yet. I also don't want to show Teacher Choosing, or graduation from Ms. Frill. I got some pictures of them choosing Mr. Canvas as their teacher. I want Yoshi to be a Zukyutchi. And if Iruka doesn't turn into a Pyonchitchi, he'll become a ShimaShimashi if my crazy theory works. I got the pics on Photobucket. I'm not sure if the images are now at 640x480, or 320x240.



Snap, how do I resize? But that's just good filler.

Guys, if you like Halo, check this out:

Red vs. Blue

I've recently gotten a few Tamagotchi Game Boy ROMs, in which there is a G1/G2 game, and a Mori/Umino game. I'm finding it harder to run the Mori than the Umi. The Mori has a skull over it. I've given it the ointment and pills a few (tons actually), but the skull is still over it... hey, it evolved! Into ... *looks at Tamenagerie* a Imotchi! It's just blobbing around in the terrarium thingy. Now I just need to get the Kura-thingy on the Umino.

Morino: Named "Ari"

Umino: Named "[Tsu]shi"

It also looks like the Mori and Umi have skill points, which 3 skills, with 3 games for each, or difficulty levels..I'm very fond of the "Addition" Game, and that raises "Smart Point" stats. I can't tell if the KG is going quickly up, because I only play games if the happy is zero. And [Tsu]shi just turned into the whatsisname! The Kura-something?! (Can somebody help me?) Guys, I just love this thing.

Once I woke up and ad breakfast today, I went quickly to my Tamagotchi. I then set the times to the wake-up time, and there you have it: Iruka became a Pyonchitchi! Yes! It just looks so funny! And Yoshi decided to become a Zukyutchi, a new character to me. Score.

Today, Ari decided on evolving into an ... Minotchi! (The one in the Morino, not the one in the V4/EnTama.) Also, [Tsu]Shi had the skull that never went away until you give her 5 doses of the pills and ointment. Maybe is he eats too much candy, I give the pills. But if the random rock falls down on her before I press the "B" button, I give her the ointment. Maybe. [Tsu]Shi hasn't evolved into the Teen Stage of the Umi no yet. Wait just a minute... That means there was no Cocoon stage! (Maybe when it was sleeping...) Now I wonder if the Umino has a Teen stage. I hope I don't get the Oyster guy for the adult stage.

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