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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hey there, tamatalkers!!!

I am Flutterby!!!!

I started to take the love of tamas about two years ago. I joined tamatalk, an ever fun site to me. as the year passed along, i started to lose my interest in my eight tamagotchis. I didn't want to, of course!! I just couldn't help it, I lost interest naturally. But, One day, i decided to drop in on my old pal tamatalk. The minute I entered the site, I realized what a fun and special thing tamagotchis were to me not too far back. I then instantly gained interest in tamatalk again, also naturally!.. but not tamagotchis. I missed my friends and the fun topics everyone came up with. But I didn't have to miss it anymore.. NOW I'M BACK!!!

I still aren't fully interested in tamas anymore. I do miss those gotchi days.. just, i don't really, well, it's hard to explain in words. I've told enough, it's complicated.

all I wanted right now was to see If anyone possibly needed a friend, call me Flutterby!! Or, flutter is fine.

I need a warm welcome!

See you all around!,

~Flutterby :blink:

Hiyas, Flutter!!!!

I am friend-less.

I am growing out of Tamas a little.

I will be friends with you! :D :D

And welcome back to TT!!!! :D

-_Flame_ B) :furawatchi:

Hi im new to tamatalk too. Im also friendless ill be your friend. but I think you have this post in the wrong place . it should be in introductions :wacko: :wacko:

Hi im new to tamatalk too. Im also friendless ill be your friend. but I think you have this post in the wrong place . it should be in introductions :wacko: :wacko:
PM me, too!! :D

oh yea i posted this when i didnt know how to change the topic area.. maybe a guide can change it.

but thanks!
