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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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Yum, since I am off of school, right now. I have been rather creative with my food :3

This morning I made french toast sticks, homemade (from the bead, to everything but the eggs)

Then I had a bunch of chips, lol.

And I made COOKIESS :3

Now I am eating cheddar soup, as a dipping with microwave broccoli (We didn't have any clean forks so I am using bamboo skewers as chopsticks.. xD

So, what are you eating/what have you made that is interesting?

I just finished my noodles with apple sauced poured all over it.
Apple Sauce makes everything better. ;l
It does.

Mhm, yes it does.

Uhm the most interesting thing I've ever made is a mess... But I ate some fried rice my mommy and brother and I made last night for lunch :3 yummy for dinner I had pizza and popcorn yummies!

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Well my favorite food is.... Ginger Ale.


If you look at my desk, there are like... 6 empty, smashed cans of it. And then probably two half full ones, and an un opened one at once.. :3

I'm bad at giving it up.

I like it so much because my stomach ALWAYS hurts, so it helps my tummy :3

Well my favorite food is....Ginger Ale.

If you look at my desk, there are like... 6 empty, smashed cans of it. And then probably two half full ones, and an un opened one at once.. :3

I'm bad at giving it up.

I like it so much because my stomach ALWAYS hurts, so it helps my tummy :3
I'm having Ginger Ale. @___@

The most interesting thing i've ever had is turkey bacon.. xD

Runner Up: Pancakes

Cecib :puroperatchi:

Right now I'm eating a pear.

And the most interesting thing I made was salsa. I got my dad to taste it and he loved it, but he gaged when I told him there was orange juice and applesauce in it. :puroperatchi:

It was really good though. Really. :3

Right now I'm eating a pear. And the most interesting thing I made was salsa. I got my dad to taste it and he loved it, but he gaged when I told him there was orange juice and applesauce in it. ^_^

It was really good though. Really. :3
I just had a pear about an hour ago. Pears are so good.

About 10 minutes ago I had noodles with disgusting sauce all over them. Yummy.

Grandpa tought me how to make smores with dark chocolate and pepper and some killer eggs.

Im eating a Ham Sandwich Most interesting thing I'v made is ... A Ham sandwich..

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