For those who take their tamagotchis to school


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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2004
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Its difficult having your Tama at school because you want to play with it and you can't and if you do the teacher will see you and take it up or those little freaking bratty kids who are teacher's pets will tell on you cause they got nothin' else to do and blah, blah, blah. Below is lists of things you could/should do and should'nt do.



2.set in back rows of chairs (or away from teachers)

3.Only check on Tama when near people you trust (friends)

4. If you have a chance, go to the bathroom, check on your tamagotchis there.

5. Keep Tama in your backpack or pocket


1.Never have your Tama out near a teacher (even if he/she "likes" you.)

2. Don't leave Tama out in the open, don't leave on your desk when you leave class to go to the bathroom, break, etc.


4.If your Tama gets unhappy just feed it snacks, after you get home just play games to make it lose weight!!

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I'm pretty good keeping my tamagotchis hid in class if I have too, I'll play with them behind my purse or in my coat sleeve. I wouldn't turn the sound on in English class even if anyone dared me!

When I was in high school, I would sit my tamagotchi on my stand during band, right next to my sheet music. That way I could keep my eye on it, and my band director would think I was looking at my music. ;)

but what happens if the kids at your school make fun of you if you bring a tamagotchi what should i do? ;)




Type: Itchigotchi


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Oy..tell them that alot of older adults play with them, too. Tell them that they're just not as mature as all us tama-lovers.

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Ah, us poor persecuted tama-parents... they just don't understand, do they? :/

Ah well. Hrm, I take my 'gotchis to school and keep them in a separate bag from my backpack. I open it during class and check on my little babies during class, keeping them in the bag so no one sees. Usually no one cares, but once in a while someone asks what I'm doing. I just tell him/her I'm looking for a pencil or something relative to the class. Sometimes I'll say I'm looking for a cough drop...there's plenty of excuses you can make. I haven't got caught yet! ;)

When I was in middle school, a girl stole mine. I told her I was gonna put a curse on the thief (hoping to get her to confess ha ha). She was a rather dumb theif because the next day I saw it hanging out of her bag. I knew it was mine because the tama angel logo was drawn by me (it rubbed off). I took it out of her bag and we were in a tug-of-war over the thing. I'm usually shy at school but the girl had my tama baby! I couldn't call the teacher cuz he would take it and keep it. (he had 5 on his belt!) Atleast I got it back. No hard feelings between us, She was to stupid to know any better. And my tama was okay.

but what happens if the kids at your school make fun of you if you bring a tamagotchi what should i do? :D




Type: Itchigotchi

lol, that happend 2 me but i just tell them the hardcore facts:

40 million tamagotchis were sold when they 1st came out, that more than than the population of Aust.

15 were sold every sec at their peek (in 1997)

Just say stuffs like that so theyll think, if that many people like them, i might like them!

a little off topic but- a person at school was playing the tama in class and the teacher saww so she's keeping it 4 a week

but what happens if the kids at your school make fun of you if you bring a tamagotchi what should i do?  :)  
I'm in college and I have one. I usually keep it in my backpack wherever I go. I reached in my backpack to check on my tama and some guy I don't really like asked me what I was doing, I told him I was playing a "little electronic game" and he demanded to see it. I thought for sure he'd make fun of me, but he was like "I used to have one of those!!" ^_^

I keep my Tama out where anyone can see it in school. Everyone knows I'm the weird guy already anyways, and so far I've had like, fifteen other students of every variety tell me, "Oh, sweet, it's a...a gigapet, or a tagagutchi! I used to have like, five of those,"

Maybe the kids in my city are just weird, but we all seem to have had about five or six of them when we were younger. I'm not ashamed and so far nobody's made fun of me except this one kid who happens to be an idiot.

And I'm a senior in high school, which may not seem too old for some of you, but we're expected to be the "top of the class" you know, "the adults". I just keep the sound off and if she starts to cry, I pause it till the end of class (I take all A.P. classes, so they're pretty rigorous, that is, I don't get the chance to look away from the teacher long enough to even feed Kochi a snack) and then deal with whatever she needs when the bell rings. She survived her first day at high school with flying colors and no incidents!

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