Foreign Exchange Students


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
Foreign Exchange Students ~

They're amazing.

We have a bunch of German foreign exchange students in school right now, and they're so awesome (I live in the US, if you didn't already know that). They're staying here for two weeks, and they are so cool.

They follow the schedule of the kid in their host family - Students studying German in school took them in (I'm not studying German; I'm in Japanese). I sit next to a girl name... Franny / Frenny (not sure which, lol) in my photography. And there are three of them in my English class.

Monday night, one of the girls on my volleyball team was hosting two and she brought them to volleyball practice. They apparently never played volleyball before, because they had to ask us if the point of the game was to hit the ball over the net, and those sorts of things. But they did really well! They're coming to our game on Sunday and I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

They can speak quite a bit of English, but they're are still a lot of gaps... they're learning so much already though. Like, one girl had to ask what "compete" meant. And when we asked the girl in my photography how long she has been in the US, she was like, "Five years.... wait, I mean days. Five days," xD (they were in Boston before they came here). And they have such cool accents. I'm a sucker for accents.

My friend Emily and I are like, "Dude, we're going to be foreign exchange students in Australia!" xD <3 Australia, <3 Sam Koster, <3 Short Stack. Emily said she's going to move there someday.

So... have you ever hosted a foreign exchange student(s)? (I would love to, but my parents would never let it happen). Have you ever met any foreign exchange students? Has your school hosted any?

It's so cool, I can't even imagine it. I can't imagine being in Japan right now for a month, living with complete strangers and not being able to speak English. It would be major culture shock, but it would be an incredible experience. :]

Ready, set, DISCUSS! :D

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I've never hosted an exchange student before. Not really my thing. I don't particularly care for letting random foreign people in my house. xP

Although, we do have a few in the school. A couple of years ago, there were two Thai foreign exchange students, and this year there is an exchange student from Kazakhstan in my Spanish class. I hear she's been studying English for years, and so her English is fairly good, though she still has a heavy accent. Now, she has to learn Spanish too, since she's in that class. It's kind of funny. But cool that now she'll be able to speak three languages. :)

I go to a boarding school, so I have a lot of international students who I live with (mainly from Taiwan, China, Korea, Germany, England, and Mexico). They are so cool. One of my best friends is from Japan, and he's always helping out the kids who are taking Japanese for their language (and he started a Japanese club.)

Most of our actual students went to either American or International schools in their home countries, so they can usually speak English pretty well. We also have a few exchange students (one from Japan, one from France, one from Russia, and one from Germany) who are very new to America and our culture and stuff. It's really fun to talk to them, because they're always asking how to say things, why we do certain things, and stuff like that.

I would love to host an exchange student, but unfortuantely only day students can at my school (boarders can't exactly keep an extra person in their room, lol). I would really love to go study abroad in France, if I ever get the chance.

When my brother was in grade 8 or 9, we had a Japanese exchange student come and stay at our house. It was like really cool xD His school went to Japan after, but he didnt wanna go, cause it was too expensive.

Me, no.

Back in Cali, my bestestestest friend's family had this girl come over from India. Except she didn't talk much. She kinda avoided us the whole time.

My cousin, in India, just finished her exchange program with kids in Korea.

The girl from Korea came over a couple months back, and my cousing visited them over summer. She said that school there was INSANE. Like we think school here is bad, the kids there are in school like 12 hours a day or more. They're like straightening their hair and brushing their teeth in the hallways.


Yeah. I kinda wanna do an exchange program. I know my parents would let me, but our district is really bad at letting us go out of Texas. Like theatre at the senior highs has been invited to competitions in Switzerland, but the district never lets them go. D:

Never had anyone stay at my houseee. D':

Katie, come, and stay at my house. It will be fun!

But Mum says it's fine for maybe one day to have someone stay at my house. I'm still in Primary School, so my school hasn't hosted any.. but High School will. :) In fact, they have this program with China, where every Year 12 student from the High School can go over to China as an exchange student, and a Chinese student will come here.. is that the whole concept of it anyway..?

Australian exchange students are coming in November! :angry:

I want to host but I don't really have anything for them to do so i didn't.

And living in a foreign stranger's house for three weeks is scary. xD

Our school has no exchange students. ]: We wouldn't really host one either. Although that would be epic! Canada is famous for being multicultural and multiracial already, so there's bound to be foreigners around you all the time. If it were me, I would be all up for the idea. Living in a country where there aren't many English speakers and trying to learn their language and culture would be unbelievable. Germany, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Japan FTW. Mostly because they seem like pretty cool people and their languages are shamazing <3.

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