Forgive and Forget.


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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2008
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I don't understand.

I have a best friend I've known for like 8 years, and then two other close friends.

One is a definite sheep, and just follows along what other people do, switching opinions

and likes and dislikes frequently. but you just live with that and accept her.

The other is really competetive and sporty, and will resort to violence at any time, even

if the offence is miniscule. This gets annoying, but if you try to point it out she'll say,

"it doesn't matter." even if she had just kicked my best friend in the throat(which has happened).

Lately, this girl, let's call her 'A', had been so rude it's hard to just ignore it.

She and my best friend Wog(nickname, I got permission from her to use it here), both wear animal hats. While A's hat goes untouched,

Wog's hat is constantly stolen by A, thrown in the dirt, so on. Wog has ignored it. Because

she knows she'll get hurt if she retaliated.

One day I couldn't stand by and watch. Me and Wog went on a mission, a GAME, mind you, to

playfully steal A's hat and see the responce.

Wog went up to A and took it off her head. Wog isn't a fast runner, and A took an advantage and

slammed her to the ground mid-gallop. She then ripped Wog's hat off, spit inside it, and rubbed it around in the dirt. Me and Wog watched dumbfounded as this happened. In the whole year Wog had stood by and said nothing while A challenged her limits. Now that Wog was done this ONCE in the whole year, this is what happened. How childish can you get??

We gave back A's hat. she stormed off to sit with some other classmates. Me, Wog, and my other close friend "M" sat and chuckles disbelievingly. we were offended, humiliated, and entertained. But this was sooo unacceptable. She wasn't our friend anymore, unless she learned to control her actions!!!

We got some drawing paper and crayons to have some fun. A walked over and spit inside the bucket and on top of the pile of papers. Once again, we were dumbfounded. HOW CHILDISH!!

I then went home. Later Wog told me what happened when I left. A and M and her sat in the feild together, Wog feeling awkward because they had just fought. A openly mocked Wog, saying she shouldn't be happy because her positivity was fake and she'll live a terrible life and probably get killed or commit suicide. Wog fought back with passion, saying positivity draws things to you and having a positive perspective will improve your life. A begged to differ. When A's parents came, while M wasn't looking, A spit on Wogs knee and jammed her foot onto her throat. "Byyyyeeeee, wooogggg."<-she used her real name

and so we knew that we wouldn't be so close anymore.

The next day was our last day of school.

Me and M and Wog arrived and saw A. we knew she'd avoid us because we were on such bad terms. But she bounded up and put her arms around us shouting, "Hiii, Buddies!!!!<3" We were shocked. How could she think we would ignore all that had happened???? But she continued to follow us, making small talk and stuff. We talked in a huddle, and me and wog went off together while M left for home. Have I mentioned A is an invader of personalspace? she's pulled M's shirt completely down in the middle of class, and pulled Wogs pants down at recess, too. Well I couldn't take being around her, so me and Wog both hid behind different trees. A came up and puled my hair so hard I almost started crying. I screamed, "STOP!" at her, and she slowly released muttering, "overreaction...B****... I'm glad I was mean to you." I took Wog by the arm and started running away, not caring.

Later in the summer, she said she didn't want to go to the fair because me and Wog were going to be there. We didn't care.

Now, Today. There was a second fair. M is someone who pressures you alot. and she called to see if I wanted to go to the fair with her, her friends, and Annie. She had gone to Annie's Bday when me and wog were invited, but didn't go. We weren't just gonna let her force us into forgetting and make it seem like she had power over us. And I said NO because Annie was going

M: "she doesn't dislike you. she's only mad at wog"

ME: "I'm not going to abandon my best friend. Annie doesn't have the right to take hold of my willpower."

M: "She didn't do anything that bad. It doesn't matter anymore."

ME: "It matters to me, because she was rude to me and my best friend and I'm not going to let her forget it."

M: "Just apologize."

ME: "for what?"

M: "taking her hat, its your guyses fault anyway."

ME: "No, we retaliated. and we did it in a game, playful sort of way that we thought wouldn't hurt her feelings."

M: "Just come to the fair. It doesn't matter."

ME: " I'm not going to abandon Wog! We both feel strongly about this!"

M: "Girls do this all the time just ignore it."

ME: "I won't! I may seem stubborn, but what she did, and what she's been doing all year is cruel!"

M: "whatever. then what are you doing tomorow if you dont come to the fair with us, huh?"

ME: "walk around town."

M: "That doesn't sound fun at all. Won't you be lonely?"

ME: "No, and I dont have to go to the fair to have fun."

M: "Whatever."

ME: "you dont need me, you're inviting like 6 other people!"

M: "Look, I can't uninvite Annie. so why dont you just come? shes not mad at you. we can forget all about this!

ME: "I'm not going to! I'd let down my best friend! Look. If annie seems alright, just call me when you get there and i'll see if me and wog can hang out with you for a while. But being around annie, with her offensive remarks and stuff, I just can't stand it!!!""

M: "I'm not going to have my phone, so I can't."

ME: "Annie has a phone."


**blip. phone off.**

How can I just forget? How can I let this go?

My best friend and me have been putting up with her all year.

She calls me fat and ugly and stupid and it's a fluke I got skipped up a grade,

then says, "Just Kidding!" all happily. But her remarks are so specific!

It feels like she's serious. and we're aalmost back to school.

I'm so scared.

If I forgive and forget, we'll be friends again and nothing will have changed.

But how?

How could I just forgive her just like that?

Please, please help, TT. :-(

Have you tried talking to an adult about A? If you have and it didn't help, maybe ditch M and A? If all else fails, PM me, and I maybe can ask you more specific questions that might help.

Sorry if this didn't help, but I hope it did.

I've talked to both Wogs' and my parents.

They've both said she's a rude child and we shouldn't listen to her.

but she's pretty hard to avoid, and ditching both of them(M and her), I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

M has adorable moments when she's sooo kind and caring. A does too.

but...I could ditch A but M hangs out with her...and me and wog have such thin skin,

we wouldn't want others to think badly of us.

ehhh D*:

this is emilee.'s other account, btw.

(on other account)

plus, A can pressure me into thinking differently. D*:

and I don't want to make her feel bad.

She has barely any friends apart from us,

and she said if she was all alone she'd cut herself and things like that,

threatening us.

well, her older sister i suppose. but anytime someone tells her she should do something, she rants about how bossy they are and purposely denies doing it. o-o

I think you should find all new friends except for that Wog girl.


Why were you ever friends with Annie in the first place if she acted so weird to you? I wouldn't talk to her again. You should keep talking to the sheep girl if you want to. Even though she's kind and caring sometimes, you deserve better than to be with someone like that and if you have so many problems with her, this is getting crazy. You need to ditch her forever. Especially if she said she would cut herself if you stop talking to her! She sounds crazy. Talk to her sister or an adult and let her know that she said that. They may be able to help her. There is no point in forgiving and forgetting. It will happen again. It's an unhealthy friendship.

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