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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
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Yes . . . It's a site.

A social networking site. Sort of.

Like Facebook. And Myspace. And Twitter.

Except you ask each other questions. There's no status updates or anything. And of course, you can set yourself anonymous when you ask.

And you follow people like on twitter?

I wasn't sure where to put this. And if there's already a topic then . . . crap. Sorry.

So this isn't advertising . . . I think.

Anyway anyway anyway.

Post your accounts plz.

Mine is here kthnx.

I don't have a Formspring, but a lot of my friends do. I've checked out their accounts, and honestly it's just a bunch of people trash talking each other... and it's not very nice. I mean, I think the concept is a pretty cool idea, but I don't want one. I don't want the drama that seems to come with it.

Like everyone on tumblr has them except me. xD

I've been tempted to get one bit I haven't...yet.

I made one only cause other people got one ..

And I wanted to see what it was like and all.

So far nobody's asked me any questions, nor followed me.

Not my type of website I guess?


I'm kinda getting the hang of this thing.

It's kinda cool. :)

'nother edit:

One thing I like about Formspring is that you can ask questions even if you're not a member. I have plenty of friends who can't be stuffed making one but still wanna ask their other friends questions--so yeah :)

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I looked at a couple of people's, and didn't really get it. :S

Do you just, like, have an account where anyone can ask you any question, and you just answer it to the public?

^^ Basically. Though I know some people who hide their answers & post them on their tumbl account.

I had one.. But i deleted it because all the questions i got were Sexual. :[
Aw, D:

That happens with this thing, unfortunately.

Most of my latest questions have something to do with Twilight ..

''Why do you hate twilight??'' ''AS IF YOU HATE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!''

I have one but I toatally forget my name it. I would ask you all questions, but it says, "You are using an old version of internet Explorer." So I will go on tomorrow.

Promise. :)

A couple of my friends have it, and now.. there's a topic on it, so I guess I'll get one sooner or later.. what's to lose? ;P

Plus I really like answering questions. So I'll try it.

Ksenia- I will follow you xD

edit- if I end up doing it, uh what should my usename be? :cool:

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Seems interesting. I will make one! Maybe. Or maybe I will be too lazy. The latter is more likely. XD

EDIT: I made one. Just now. I haven't given it to anyone, so no questions are answered.

Here it iss.

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