Found a Dog, something wrong with its eye?


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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2012
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So my mom was cleaning one of the rentals she manages and the last renters left behind this Chihuahua/Daschund mix, it is very sweet and is an adult but there seems to be something wrong with its eye, like a vein popped out or something. On 'YA!' someone suggested that it might be 'cherry eye' where the third eyelid swells out with the tear duct or something?

Has anyone dealt with this before? I am kind of worried because we want to keep her because she is very sweet, and with all the chihuahuas in the area, she'd be put down same day if we took her to the shelter.

We've kinda already named her Tinkerbell or Tink.

pictures would be more helpful..

even if it's nothing it's a good idea to take him/her to the vet as you have no idea what it has and don't know what kind of care the previous owners took.

I dont have a camera at the moment but where I live people treat chihuahuas pretty badly. The renters had trapped the dog under a grocery basket with a little bit of food in a pile of trash (so she wouldnt try to follow them, most likely) It's been pouring the past 3 days and she's been out there just wallowing in trash and mud.

She seems happy now we have her in the house and shes very cuddly and affectionate. The only thing that seems wrong is the eye.

Yeah the vet is the best option. Some animals don't show pain or distress until the condition is really bad, so you wouldn't want it to suffer. Have you cleaned it? Just to make sure it doesn't get infected too?

If you haven't clean it with some lukewarm water and wipe away from the eye so you don't introduce any nasty bugs.

I have found a stray like that! We took her in and cared. Her eye never healed for us, though...I suggest a vet. But we cant do anything for our dog, now...she passed...

Either way, clean the eye and take her to a vet. That is the best thing to do. Dont let anything touch her eye or where it is affected at. Try to keep it away from everything. and if she has long hair and the hair could possibly touch the eye, make sure that her hair is shorter there, so it wont bother it any more.

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By all means, get the dog to the vet as soon as possible. Cherry eye can be fixed either with medication or surgery. Also consider spaying her as well.

Hey um... Be sure to check the post dates before posting in an older topic. If its 3 months old, its topic bumping.

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