Four years at Tamatalk!


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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2009
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where you want to be.
Umm, well, yeah. :) Tis my TT birthday today!! ~~

(my old account was tamagotchi_pal)

It seems so weird to have already gotten round to four years already.


Anyone else celebrating their TT birthday around this time? O:

Mine's ages away! June 29. :p

But if I'd joined the first day I'd discovered this site, maybe my b day would be today? I've actually no idea!

I joined TT with my first account Sporky on September 21, 2005, then i moved to FireCracker on October 29, 2005, and then i moved to this account umm *points join date*

I have a lot of TT birthdays.

fridgos = September 30th 2005

Lunatone O.O = Sometime in 2007, you'll have to check.

Ura Togetchi = September 17th 2007 I think

Lukie =D = Look at my join date.

I always miss my birthdays xD I know when it's coming up, forget it on the day, then a week later realize it slipped my mind x_x;;

I'm determined to celebrate it next year! O:< It's a long time from now. April.

I feel so young when I hear you people talking about how old you are to TT xD

Yep, it'll be my 4th July 27th. ( my old account was Jamie__Rox )

and HBD to you!

I first joined in April '06.

So I've been around for a bit over three years :)

And congratulations! Four years is quite a while :)

This is my first and only account :3

I joined October 10 2005,

so my 4th birthday will be this October 10th.

I feel old. x.x

My Three Year birthday [my first account was Kittygirl_0929] is Tommorow!

I think. July 14 or something like that.

My 1st TT birthday is gonna be on 1st October.

Gosh, when I look back at illiey12 I realise how much I've grown. xD

I feel so young on TT compared to you guys who have been here for about like, 4 years. It has to get to 2012 before I'll be having my 4th TT birthday.

Did you know, Starry joined TT one day earlier than me? xDD

I forget the date I joined. My first ever account was Penguin_07 although I only made one post on that, then it was Missbehave then >...Missbehave...<.

I looked back on the very first Missbehave posts and GOD I was a noob. I got into a fight with Locky458 *glares at him* and on the first twenty or something I used chatspeak *face-palms*. Also, I used script form on RPs.

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