freaky P.E teacher


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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i have a P.E teacher named mr. zongul and he kinda freaks me out, i feel all, u no, uncomfturble around him, one time when we were running laps hes like "nice legs" and when we were exersizing hes like, "u have a really good body" or he will come up to me and say "i really like ur hair" and he will have his arm around my sholder and im thinking 'ummm UR 30!!! stay away from me!!" every time we do somthing like crunches or tag team he will always stand right over me or around me. its just the way he says it, its just so freaky and flirty! what do u think i should do?! i just want to be away from him!!!

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Well I don't believe some of his remarks were very appropriate, in fact he should know better. If it's making you feel uneasy tell him directly when he does it again "Look I appreciate the compliments, but some of your comments are a little out of line for a teacher, and I will only ask once for you to stop...please and thank you." And if he continues I'd speak with the principal. It wouldn't hurt either to mention this to your parents. I know you might not like the conflict but a teacher needs to keep a degree of professionalism in their classroom, as well as maintain a friendly, positive attitude.

If he makes some kind of dumb excuse how he was just complimenting you and not to take it negatively, go see the principal anyway in private before or after school. Either way if it's making YOU feel uneasy, it should be dealt with immediately with little to no hesitation. I certainly wouldn't put up with a teacher's comments like that...intentional or not.

Maybe you should tell the princable or teacher because that's just wrong. My PE teacher has an afro!!!!!!!!

First, ask some other girls in your class generally about they feel about him. Then, especially if it's not just you [if it is just you, still do this but it might be better if a friend of yours goes too], go make an appointment with a counselor.

A PE teacher has no right to say those things.

Maybe you should tell the princable or teacher because that's just wrong. My PE teacher has an afro!!!!!!!!
Lol! Well anyway I felt the same way. But different. My gym teacher liked it when girls wore booty shorts. And he smiled at them. But when I wore basketball shorts he didn't smile at all. I was all like "eww you perv" But not directly to his face but I still stayed away from him. tell your principal he shouldn't be saying those things

tell the princible you feel un confutible when he gives you coments like that. one of the gym teacher she is really weird she walks in on us wiel we'r canging and she is aways mean to the boys and nice to the girl i mean like wtf o_0

He makes you uncomfortable. And you've given reasons for being uncomfortable.

Tell your parents and then tell your principal. No teacher should do that. You're at school to learn, have fun, and you're supposed to feel safe.

That's..rather odd for a PE Teacher.

I agree with TigerLily013. :)

If this is continuous, tell your parents and they will definitely do something about that. The PE Teacher should be saying or doing those things, because that is very rude.

If it keeps on going after you tell your parents who must have done something by then, tell your principal. Your principal may fire him, or may talk to him about saying and doing those things to you and other students.

Does he do that to other students, or is it just you? Go ask the students that are in your gym class about their feelings about the PE Teacher. :eek:

Good luck! :p

^^ Definately looks like a teacher :D

At school everyone has the right to feel safe. If he is making you feel unsafe [which he surely is] tell the principal or another teacher immediately. You could also tell your parents about it if you'd like. If he continues doing it, then I would recommend to change classes.

O__O Your teacher should not being saying anything like that!

Like some other people suggested, talk to some of your friends first. And ask them if he's said anything like that to them.

Even if he hasn't, thats very unacceptable for him to say anything like to you.


Tell a teacher, or your parents about it. Because if you don't tell on him soon, things could get worse. D:

My Gym teacher isn't a perv, but I thought my basketball coach was for alittle while, and so did my teammates.

Everytime we would be at a tournament and he wanted to tell one of the girls that were off something, he would kneel in front of them and put his hand on our leg while he's speaking. All of us were too scared to say anything because he's a big guy (Well over 6 feet tall, has a little bit of a belly), and he has a really deep voice.

Just a tidbit scary.

Maybe you should tell the princable or teacher because that's just wrong. My PE teacher has an afro!!!!!!!!
Lol he has an afro oh em gee! That was off topic, so anyway, tell a teacher.

My Gym teacher isn't a perv, but I thought my basketball coach was for alittle while, and so did my teammates.Everytime we would be at a tournament and he wanted to tell one of the girls that were off something, he would kneel in front of them and put his hand on our leg while he's speaking. All of us were too scared to say anything because he's a big guy (Well over 6 feet tall, has a little bit of a belly), and he has a really deep voice.

Just a tidbit scary.
Whats his name?? Sounds kind of like my 6th grade teacher. Well not the perv part but over 6 ft tall little bit of belly and deep voice. I think he is a perv now On one of this kid's desk(he didn't carve this in) my teacher was like who is jenny? and why do you love her and he was like is she hot. Me and my bff just looked at eachother and mouthed perv

My Gym teacher isn't a perv, but I thought my basketball coach was for alittle while, and so did my teammates.Everytime we would be at a tournament and he wanted to tell one of the girls that were off something, he would kneel in front of them and put his hand on our leg while he's speaking. All of us were too scared to say anything because he's a big guy (Well over 6 feet tall, has a little bit of a belly), and he has a really deep voice.

Just a tidbit scary.
Tall with a deep voice or not, you should of told someone higher up like the principal about their actions and how it bothered you and your teammates.

That's just....wierd. x.x

I would say to tell your parents first and then have them or you set up an appointment with the principal/counselor to discuss this matter.

Same thing happened to me, but my gym teacher is hot. :)

Yeah..just tell the principle or something.

He's probably trying to encourage you to play sport because he probably thinks youre good at it. Or he might just be being friendly :(

But if it bugs you too much tell a teacher or a friend who you are close to because they will be able to give you more advice ;)

He's probably trying to encourage you to play sport because he probably thinks youre good at it. Or he might just be being friendly ;)
But if it bugs you too much tell a teacher or a friend who you are close to because they will be able to give you more advice ;)
Friendly or not, the approach is very poor, and not professional for a teacher. If they were just trying to be friendly they either overdid it, or needs further training in how to encourage students. "Nice Legs" and getting in someone's personal space is a little too friendly for a teacher imho :p

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