freezing the battery


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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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well my v3 battery went out, and i've heard that if you freeze the battery it'll work again.

i have 3 questions about this:

1. does the "freezing the battery" work on v3?

2. how long do i keep it in the freezer?

3. does the "freezing the battery" trick even work?

I've seen some rumors about "put the dead battery in a freezer for a couple of days" too, but I think it's a smoke-and-mirrors trick.

I have two Tamagotchis that I bought at about the same time. A couple of weeks ago one said the battery was low. I replaced that battery with a new one. A week later, the second said its battery was low. I put the old battery from the first into the second. It's been running without problem for two weeks like that now. I did not put the old battery into a freezer.

All low batteries normally have a bit of a voltage bounce-back when not in use.

You do not have to freeze the battery, just put it in the fridge. (It doesn't make a difference)

1. Yes, it works on anything that requires batteries.

2. It's best just to store all of your batteries in the refrigerator when you get them.

3. Yes!

Test it out if you want. Leave one battery in the refrigerator for a week, and leave the other out for a week. Then test them with a multitester . It is true that they will have some "voltage bounce-back", but overall, they will last longer if they are refrigerated. My (vague :) ) understanding is this: The cold air somehow slows down a chemical reaction that eventually degrades the battery. This is why people often have to make sure batteries in old tamagotchi are still working correctly.


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thankies you guys! oh! it works better in the refridgerator. oops! i already put it in the freezer!


one more question:

how long is it supposed to stay in the freezer? (the battery has already been in the freezer for about 2 days.)

It's okay, it doesn't make a difference whether you freeze it or just refrigerate it. Also, I'm not exactly sure how long it should be stored in the fridge, but the longer the better.

THIS IS SOOOOO COOL!!!!! :angry: Is it okay i post a topic like this in my tamagotchi fourum?I`ll give ya`ll credit too!!! *i just stuck and OLD tama battary AND my triple AAA`s in it....I hope my parents don`t tosst them or use them through. 0.0

DON'T FREEZE YOUR TAMA! or put it in the refiriderater! i did it and new the A button dosen't work on passwords or names on my v3.

ummmm...ONE PROBLEM!!!!!it said Freeze the BATTARY!not the TAMA.some people..mabye it just needs to thaw.

:angry: Yes, that's something everybody should remember, batterys in the freezer, if you put the actual tamagotchi in the freezer it could break.


DON'T FREEZE YOUR TAMA! or put it in the refiriderater! i did it and new the A button dosen't work on passwords or names on my v3.
i didn't freeze my tama. i froze the battery. now it been in there for like 3 days. thankies guys for helping.

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