Friday the 13th.


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I'm sure you could google the folklore and stuff as to why people don't like friday the 13th's.

I personally enjoy them! For one, having your birthday on friday the 13th in my family is considered really good luck because any bad luck you get that day is replaced with all good stuff. My mom's birthday is on a 13th too and she had a friday the 13th birthday on her 13th birthday :D

Last friday the 13th that wasn't a birthday in 2008 I think was June and mom and I had the day off work because of our office in Port Dover was closed for all the bikers who visit that little town, so that day was awesome from what I recall! We saw a movie, got my computer new was just a great day.

The number 13 is also significant in our lives to just more than our birthdays lol. When mom paid off the house's mortgage, our mortgage and deed papers that came back to us had instrument numbers on it that ended in "13" which we both thought was awesome :p That number just loves coming up in interesting situations.

Overall, it's a great number, and I don't get why people are so paranoid about that day.

People don't like because its an unlucky number, no idea why they choose Friday, Maybe some people actually believe that Jason Voorhees is real


it's just a normal day to me, but I'm totally going to see the movie 8DDDD

Its Jasons B-day.x3 Like that movie called 'Friday The 13th'. Yeah, its a scary movie...and yeah. :3

I love friday the 13th. 13 is my lucky number :D

Let me explain..... 13 is considered unlucky because that's how many people attended the last supper. Friday is unlucky because it is supposedly the day Eve gave Adam the apple and doomed mankind to death. It is also when Jesus was crucified.

Here ya go. A copy/paste straight from wikipedia on Friday 13th:

* In numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve hours of the clock, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve Apostles of Jesus, twelve gods of Olympus, etc., whereas the number thirteen was considered irregular, transgressing this completeness.
There is also a superstition, thought by some to derive from the Last Supper or a Norse myth, that having thirteen people seated at a table will result in the death of one of the diners.

  * Friday has been considered an unlucky day at least since the 14th century's The Canterbury Tales, and many other professions have regarded Friday as an unlucky day to undertake journeys or begin new projects.

Black Friday has been associated with stock market crashes and other disasters since the 1800s.

It has also been suggested that Friday was the day that Jesus was crucified.
I was born on Friday the 13th. ;~; My birthday is June 13th. I don't really know why Friday the 13th is unlucky anyways.

I don't believe in Friday the 13th. Every time I trip over on that day, my friends will all be like, "ZOMFGGG IT'S FRIDAY 13TH BAD LUCK!". Then they remember that I trip and fall headfirst on the ground every day, and we continue as normal. :3

Well, I think it's a normal day.

I think that people think it's bad luck because they think about the bad luck on that day more than any other.

It's like, if you went to a fortune teller and it said, "You will meet an old friend", well, that might have happened anyway. You just think about it more.

That's my opinion.

Its not any different really. Infact good things always happen to me on friday the 13th. Like today I won $50 out of a chocolate bar promotion. But I all ready spent it on food, 2 tops and a shiny object.

Yeah, same with me.

Froday the 13th has always been a good day to me. But the background behind it is very sad.

Well, its today, and its not unlucky, its the luckiest day of all!! (in a way) My BLACK cat's B-days on one of the Friday the 13th and he is sooooooo sweet! Ask anyone! He dosn't hiss. scratch. bite. ANY BAD THING. So, to answer your question,... ITS NOT UNLUCKY AT ALL!!!!!

EDIT: And in fact, his name is Friday, but we call him, phu.

P.S, We spell it different!!!!!! Hint Hint!

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i just ignore stuff like that and pretend its a normal day. my friends keep telling me something bad will happen to me today because today is friday the 13th which is also my birthday.

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