Friend has a problem


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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2008
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Here's what she said:

At my school this guy told me he liked me, he even asked me out on a date! I turned it down because I think I'm too young to go out with a boy! I'm barely a teenager! I also think it's because people ind love thirty years from now! I don't fancy the guy anyway. Now I have been recently informed by my friend that this other guy likes me and he is the guy who asked me out's close friend! he's not asking me out which makes me glad 'coz he's a little cute and I don't want to turn him down. Anyway I've got a fairly big idea of other boys who like me I know this 'coz they check me out, flirt and use swear words to impress me(even though that doesn't really work...). I HOPE THEY DON'T ASK ME OUT BECAUSE I HATE REJECTING PEOPLE!

Please help her!

She need it! And don't go saying OMG you lucky bum, actually help!!! (Pleaaaaaaaaaase!?)

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Just ignore them if they're hinting that they like you. If one of them does ask you out, just politely turn them down. "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to date.." Something like that. I wouldn't make something up to get you out of that, because that will get you tangled up in a web of lies.

Yeah, what TamaPATCHI said. Although, I know it can be little... weird saying "I'm not allowed to date", just tell her to say, "I don't really want to date" or something...?

Also, tell her to try not flirt or interact with boys that might lead them to think that she likes them. :)

Otherwise, there isn't much else to do.

Best Wishes and Good Luck,


Just ignore them if they're hinting that they like you. If one of them does ask you out, just politely turn them down. "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to date.." Something like that. I wouldn't make something up to get you out of that, because that will get you tangled up in a web of lies.
I 100% agree. Also, boys are weird and even if they are flirting with you it isn't garunted that any of them will ask you out.


Ya I don't know how to spell garunted O_x

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