Friend Problem


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Ok. I Need Help. MY this girl named olivia just moved here. We became Really good friends, BFFLUU (best friend for life and utirnity in the univerce(she made it up dont ask)) Ok well I have another Friend Named Emilie. She is My bffl, But not as mutch as Olivia. I knew Emilie ever since i was little, We were friends, ALWAYS in fights and w/e, we were friends. Well Olivia just asked Emilie To go see a movie. Im kinda jealous, EMilie is my friend, But Olivia Said She Is My BFFLUU. Y didnt she come to me first? Is this a true friend at all? Well I found out cuse She IMed me and Said is Emilie doing anything. I said i didnt know. Then she said she was gonna take her to a movie. Im really jealous. Help me

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Maybe she wanted to make a new friend. I mean, your best friend doesn't always have to do things with you. It's not like you're her only friend and she can't have any others. She probably just wanted to hang out with someone different for a change.

By the way, eternity starts with an e.

K thanks. The thing is Olivia Was friends with emilie too, just not as mutch as me ""at least she says that, it might be a lie"" and im really jealous. Olivia has lied to me Before and She always hugges me (she does that) And says im her best friend ever. But She went to her first, not even thinking of me, Could This Friendship All be a lie?

Gosh, not meaning to be harsh but you sound an awful lot like my friend and what she was saying.....she hated it when I played with other friends, and she made it seem like I couldn't be friends with anybody unless she approved. x.x Then she began hating me and said I had "too many friends".

Of course, I can udnerstand why you mgiht be jealous. Perhaps Olivia just wanted to hang out with somebody else for a change? As GotchiGirl96 said, she doesn't have to do everything with you. :wacko: If you are really that upset, talk to Olivia about it.


Just say to her, "How was it with Emilie, how wads the movie?" Then say, "you know I've been wondering why you asked her instead of me to go to the movies?" When she answers assum she's tellin' the truth about it. Maybe she noticed Emilie having a bad day and she wanted to cheer her up. Or maybe she wanted to see if Emilie wanted to be BFFLUU : )

See it'll be alright,


Gosh, not meaning to be harsh but you sound an awful lot like my friend and what she was saying.....she hated it when I played with other friends, and she made it seem like I couldn't be friends with anybody unless she approved. x.x Then she began hating me and said I had "too many friends".
Of course, I can udnerstand why you mgiht be jealous. Perhaps Olivia just wanted to hang out with somebody else for a change? As GotchiGirl96 said, she doesn't have to do everything with you. :furawatchi: If you are really that upset, talk to Olivia about it.

well the things is, emilie is my good friend. I just dont know y she went to Emilie first

Just say to her, "How was it with Emilie, how wads the movie?" Then say, "you know I've been wondering why you asked her instead of me to go to the movies?" When she answers assum she's tellin' the truth about it. Maybe she noticed Emilie having a bad day and she wanted to cheer her up. Or maybe she wanted to see if Emilie wanted to be BFFLUU : )See it'll be alright,

What r u saying? That i will lose my best friend to my other one? Sometimes when my friend hangs out with someone mean and i dont like, They will turn into the mean person. Maybe emilie, my friend i known for a long time will turn to be a liar like olivia

then i suggjest you alk to olivia about it and see if shes really your friend andif you think shes telling the truth then just give her one more chance! :furawatchi:

then i suggjest you alk to olivia about it and see if shes really your friend andif you think shes telling the truth then just give her one more chance! :furawatchi:
thanks but olivia did this to me a lot before and we made up. I want to be her friend, But i dont know if she is a true friend. Thanks for the help everyone

Try talking to her, maybe saying, "Olivia, I thought I was a better friend to you and Emeilie, and it hurt me alot when you askeed her to go to the movie with you. I actually got kind of jealous, and I've been wondering. Your my best friend, but am I really yours?" And see what she says, take thigns from there.

I try to help, but it doesn't always actually help.

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