Friend Problem


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nature girl

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
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Honnolulu, HI
When I went to my new school, I found my first friend. Let's just say she's J. Well, we've been friends for that 1 whole month. Then this girl comes along who is such a spoiled brat! I hate her becuz she is SO over dramatized. U wont believe this but she is Matthew Fox's daughter. Matthew Fox is an actor from lost. Anyways, J then becomes her best friend and abandons me and ignores me for 7 months. J finally talks to me on the 7th month. She comes next to me and I tell her how I feel about her abondaning me. She then starts hanging with me again until now. Right now, shes kind of ignoring me and she acts nothing like her when I met her on the first day school. She also seems to be kind of boring now, all she does is gymnastics with her friends while all I do is just WATCH HER or TIME HER on how many miutes or seconds she can keep her handstands and stuff. Right now, I feel hurt because I don't think she likes me for who I am. Can someone please help me!?


Friend problems can be really hard but just about all of us have been there before. Maybe J isn't the best kind of person for you. As difficult as it may be, you can move on to find a new buddy that is fun to be around, and cares about you for who you are. It's tough but it's just an idea. You might want to consider it. Hope this helps.



Well, nature girl, the first step is to stop being J's slave/watcher/timer/whatever.Instead on watching or timimg her gymnastics, pull her aside and say how hurt you are and also explain to J that you're not gonna be with her forever.She has only one secure change of being your friend, and now she's practically lost it.You'll see her reaction.

Hmmmm. She seems harsh. Try to make a new friend and see how you feel!


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Now she seems to be more interested in K now. I would like to make a new friend, but the problem is, it's kind of hard making a friend at the school I am at now since everyone else has a best friend to hang out with. So the only person I CAN hang out with is J. Another problem with her is that she thinks she is "boss" or something. She thinks that she could do whatever she wants with me. Like, she ALWAYS calls me stupid whenever I do something wrong or if I don't notice something. Sometimes I call her stupid but then she says, "Well, at least I am smarter than you!" But then when she's saying it at the wrong times, like when I'm angry, I say "Oh really! I'd like to compare your grades to mine!" But I only do that to defend myself. I sometimes ask myself why I'm even her friend...


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