Friend Problem


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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I'm having a problem with a Friend, again. :I Be prepared. It's kinda long.

We will call her 'E' (read this topic to get somewhat of an overview. If any of you are wondering about that topic, M and I are friends now. E is the new problem)

E is one of my good friends, well, not anymore.

Lets see. For starters, if you read that topic, You heard about R. R is this Tom Boyish Prep. She can't be both. She tells people how to dress and act, and thinks she can beat everyone up. R just happens to Be E's friend. E told me R is like a 'sister' to her. Well, to start things off with this problem, I am not very fond of R. At All. She completely dissed Sango, and said I'm not good enough for her. E is Turning into R. E is not the friend I used to know and love (as a friend xD). E fights with me over everything, things my other friends and I would forget about in 5 seconds. R always tries to make me jealous because she and E are 'so tight'. Every time I try to address E about R in any way, E gets mad. She always says "Here we go again. Just shut up." and Sticks up for R in any fight between us. (Us being Me and R) I understand I can't change my 'friend', nor do I want to lose her (unless it comes to that point)

Sorry if that confused you.

Help? :I

Ouch T.T

Well, I'm sorry to say this, hun, but you can't be friends with a person like that. I mean, it is completely up to you, but would you rather be in peace, or have a fight with someone all the time? And if shes turning against you for someone she knows you hate, that isn't much of a friend at all.

Hope I helped <3

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^ I agree

There comes a point in life when you realise who are your true friends. And for you that time has come. It's just pointless drama, I think you're better off sticking with your other friends, which seem more loyal. If I was E and you and R were fighting I would try and stop it all, not stick up for one person individually, I'm sure anyone else would too. I don't think you deserve all this, I think you should just let go. Sorry.

I agree with everyone else.


True friends stick up for each other no matter what happens, and not anyone else get in between their relationship, like what E is doing. She's letting R get between you.


I think it's time to say 'Bye' to E, and hang out with your other friends.

I don't really get the complexity of the situation. Obviously, your "friend" is being a jerk. Ditch her and go hang out with someone who's nice to you.

^ If your friend Changed out of the Blue into someone like you hate, what would you do?


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I'd say that the best way to get something resolved between two people is just to talk things out. Does your friend know that you're feeling hurt by the way she's acting toward you? Are you giving her a reason to treat you the way she does?

I understand that talking things out doesn't always work, but it is a good start. Tell your friend how you're feeling, and explain your part of the issue.

People can act like real jerks sometimes and it gets really hard to put up with. There's some point where you have to draw the line. If that means finding new friends, then that's probably the best way to go.

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