Friends/family actually kiling or hurting your Tama


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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
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Has anyone ever had a friend or Family member accidently kill your Tamagotchi? Or punish it? Or anything else you'd rather they not have done?

I'm asking because of an incident I had involving a Pikachu pedometer pet. Call it a lesson learned. I was somewhere with some of my family, a hospital I think, when my uncle noticed my Pikachu around my neck and asked what it was. I explained it was a virtual pet, tried my best to explain what they were and what their purpose was. He asked to see it so I handed it over. He immediately started pressing buttons and I freaked. I was trying to be polite so instead of saying anything I just waited until he was done and hoped that Pikachu wasn't too traumatized. Fortunately he wasn't. But from then on I made sure I told anyone who handled my virtual pets not to press any buttons because you could kill or hurt it. I'm lucky I didn't learn my lesson the hard way, by someone accidently harming one of my VPets.

So has anything like this happened to anyone else?

Luckily, no. My friends either know how to use them, don't care, or I just set up shoot the bug and I'm like "press this one and kill the bug!" :)

I've had trusted friends mess around with my robotic pets but then you can't just push a button on them and mess them up. Even so I'm still paranoid that they'll break them so I'd rather them not be handled at all. Someone once attempted to pick one of my Aibos up by the head. An $800 robot and they pick it up by the head. I haven't really had anyone show any interest in my Tamas so aside from my Pikachu pedometer they've been fairly lucky.

My brother started feeding my iD, a Memetchi oranges. It was really heavy afterwards. Adult tamas on the iD don't like oranges if you didn't already know. Also, he diciplined my V3 countless times in a row. I left my V3 with my mom to tamasit it and guess what she did? Fed it a scone and went to work without pausing it. With my friends, I've had more luck. All of my friends like tamas and have had or have their own, or want one desperately. But my ex-friend grabbed my iD and and then remodeling my tama's house to the really expensive gingerbead house, back to my old one, and then to the gingerbread house untill I ran out of money before I could pry it out of her hands.

My friend accidentally dropped mine in a pool... There was no saving it. He got me a new one though, and I feel bad saying this, but I liked the new one better

I've been very lucky with mine for the last 6 years. I don't let anybody hold them on their own... I have to be sitting next to them and if they want to do something I tell them how to do it :D But lately, nobody's been interested in mine so that's even better :D

Left mine alone with my boyfriend while I was at work today, I was so nervous, but I came home and Kuromaematchi was happy. :D

Luckily,I never need anyone to tamasit. If I do,I give them insructions and keep a good eye on them. B)

Some of my friends have had their tamas reset countless times by tama-hating boys.

My step dad always threatends to smash mine but

I don't think he means it...

If someone jokes about smashing any of my Vpets I quickly let them know that that's the one area I have absolutely no sense of humor in and that destroying one of them intentionally is one of the very few things I would never forgive. Maybe it's overreacting but you simply do not threaten something I care about even in jest. That's just me being wierd I guess.

My big brother fed mine a whole lot of pudding once. Now he always threatening to feed it more. And he keeps on nagging me to NAME A TAMA PUDDIN! WHO NAMES A TAMA PUDDIN!?!?

I'm pretty sure Puddin' wouldn't be the wierdest thing anyone's ever named a virtual pet. You'd be amazed at some of the names people can come up with for pets both virtual and real.

I'm pretty sure Puddin' wouldn't be the wierdest thing anyone's ever named a virtual pet. You'd be amazed at some of the names people can come up with for pets both virtual and real.
I name my tamas anything.

List of weird names I've named them







And that's just a few xD

I take mine out onto the playground beind my house. There are lots of tots there that insist they know how to handle a Tama. None of them have ever performed any damage thought.

The only person who has ever shown any interest in my tamas is my little 4-year-old niece but that's probably just because she was all like, "Ooh, Aunt Gaia has a toy that she's playing with, I want to play with it." Honestly I'm am more worried about protecting my laptop from her, that's what she goes for. My tamas are safe with me. :3

I name my tamas anything.

List of weird names I've named them







And that's just a few xD
Funny thing is, I have a tama named Nyan right now. :0

The first thing my man did when he saw my tama was try to kill it.

-_- My boss snatched mine out of my hand today while I was playing a game and made me lose. :(

She inspected it and gave me this look like she can't believe how dorky I keep getting. :)

My older sister used to hold my tamagotchi over the sink or toilet to threaten me. :eek:

She never actually hurt my tama, though. And thankfully she doesn't do that aanymore.

I once gave my tamagotchi to my mum once to tamasit and I gave her the instructions and i told her which buttons to press and when I got back my tama was calling my user name and he was really hungry and almost died. If I were you I wouldn't give your tama to your parent to look after. My brother likes to snatch my tamagotchis off me and give them a lot of food and work out how to work them but he doesn't do much damage.

Not all parents are bad tamasitters. I was on a swim team as a kid, and all my friends and I would give my mom our tamas. She always took good care of them, though I think I killed em pretty quick after that.

I've had trusted friends mess around with my robotic pets but then you can't just push a button on them and mess them up. Even so I'm still paranoid that they'll break them so I'd rather them not be handled at all. Someone once attempted to pick one of my Aibos up by the head. An $800 robot and they pick it up by the head. I haven't really had anyone show any interest in my Tamas so aside from my Pikachu pedometer they've been fairly lucky.
I can't really trust anyone with ANY kind of pet: virtual or real. I went to my cousin's house once (she lives 3 states away, we drove), and I forgot my v2 and my v3 at her house. She used to have Tamas, so I assumed she would be smart enough to pause it until I saw her again... nope. She raised both the poor little tamas to 99lbs, and up to the 3rd generation. They were all neglect characters. I had 0 gp, and they were all named really dumb things like "hhhh" and "dfnnn" and it made me really mad. And I also babysat my other cousin's puppy once, and another (younger) cousin was over. She was only 7. And her and her sister were playing with the puppy for a few minutes, and suddenly I heard "look! I can pick her up by her ears!" and then "Look at those funny little hairs on her snout! I pulled a bunch out!" and I raced over to them. Turns out they had damaged the dog's ears, and her snout bled from her whiskers being yanked out. And the poor dog didn't make a noise. And my friends think I'm really paranoid because I never let anyone play with anything of mine!!

I hope everyone is extra-careful of their pets (virtual or real!)!!!

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