Friends vs. Boyfriend


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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
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I have been dating my boyfriend for about 2 months now and he has an awesome personality! The only problem is some of the things he does would not be considered all that great. He doesn't do drugs or drink alcohol but he tries to get me to do things that will get me in trouble. I TELL him it will get me in trouble and he doesn't listen! He keeps bugging me to do it! Luckily I am stubborn and don't give in at all though. Lately some of my best friends (both guy and girl) have been saying they don't like him and he's annoying. They told me to seriously think about dating him, so right after school today (it was a half day) I ran home without waiting for him to come to my locker so we could walk together. I guess all I'm trying to say is I like his personality but some of his habits IRRITATE me to bits. Should I break up with him because of how my friends feel about him? I mean, I have heard that friends are important when it comes to choosing your boyfriend but I'm so confused!


Ps: sorry if this was so confusing, but it was very hard to put into words

ive had issues like that before (a little diffrent) but when it comes to friends and B-friends, dump him, there are other boys at ur school that have a great personality (i think, im not in ur school :p ) so wat i would do is.... dump him its hard i know :p but its 4 ur own good!


im not desiding 4 u, its ur choice

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I just went through a hard period with my friend over her boyfriend and I despised him - and for good reason. But she wouldn't listen to me. He was rude to me, her family, and was constantly upsetting her but she couldn't see it until he hurt her for the last time and broke up with her.

It caused a huge gas in our relationship because of all this going on and so my advice to you is that while you shouldn't always go along with what your friends say, friends and family are SO important to your relationship. They can see things that you can't, or in some cases choose not to see.

My friend had this crazy idea that the only thing that mattered was his relationship with her when it came in dating him and that was not the case.

If he's pressuring you to do things that you don't want to then you really should break up with him. It may be "little" things right now, but who knows what can grow out of it if he learns to push you around. Don't be stuck with a downer.

U should tell ur freinds if they were realy ur freinds they would stick up for u and let u stay with him!!!So tell ur freinds if they cant handle it they dont have to be ur freinds!!!!!SO TOTTELY STAY WITH HIM!!!!!! :p unless.....

hes ugly

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^ It doesn't matter if he's ugly of not.

Anyway...Friends or boyfriend. Well, it actually depends. If your friends really care maybe they might mean the best for you. If you want to stay with him, thenit is your choice. No matter what, your friends can't control you, hm? So overall, it's your choice.

I didn't really help you, sorry. :angry:

I would dump him. But not only cuz of the friends part of it, but because I don't want people doing bad things and trying to get me to do the same.

Your friends can't control you though. You're aloud to think and decide things for yourself. But if they're your true friends, they might mean the best for you. I doubt that they're doing it just to get you to break up with him cuz they don't like him. I reckon they're trying to get you to understand that they want the best for you and being with this guy might get you in alot of trouble.

Try telling your boyfriend again that you don't want to be included in these things. If he doesn't listen, then definately dump him. A guy that doesn't respect a girl's decisions isn't worth having..especially when it comes to other things. If he listens, then maybe stay.

Overall, it's your decision and none of us are going to decide for you.

Best of luck,


Don't just dump him, Have a talk to him first about what he's doing wrong, and If he respects what you're saying and makes a change, He's worth staying with.

If your friends are true friends, they'll understand.

Well, do you want to be with him? Don't doubt you're relationship with him if your friends tell you to dump him, if they don't respect your decision, they're not true friends.

Boyfriends should never do that. Dump him if he's making you feel uncomfortable, although after you ask him why he's doing these things. If it's a good answer, give him another shot. If it's know what to do.

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