"Fun Stuff" isn't so fun anymore...


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Could the TamaGuides please start cracking down on useless topics? Like:

"Mr. and Miss..." contests

"Battle of the..."

"Who should be the next TamaGuide?"

"Who's your best friend on TamaTalk?"

Those should be here, in the "What's on your mind?" section! It's SPAM AT ITS WORST, and it's so annoying! :ph34r: In my opinion (and nothing more), the "Fun Stuff" section should be limited to games, USEFUL polls, and basic FUN forum stuff.

OMG, it's like they all went blind and forgot the rules, kinda like some sort of evil forum zombies... :huh:

Does anyone else agree with me?

It's OK to have ONE of each of those types of topics, but there's waaaay too much stuff about "Who thinks I should be a TamaGuide?" and "Who will be the next TamaGuide?" and on and on and on. newbiekidlex, if you're not responsible for all twenty jillion topics about TamaGuides, then it's not really your fault. :rolleyes: I just think it's annoying when there's so many.

it is annoying but its not really spam, but if the person puts lots of those topics then its a problem, but hey it is sorta like how there are bunches of schools and stuff.

sometimes people dont know that there is already a topic on what their topic is about

if it is on purpose then it is annoying but you never know wether it is or it isnt so please be kind to those people and maybe just tell them their topic has already been done or should be moved

i wouldnt like it if it was me who innocently posted a topic and then got blamed for copying please e considerate of others! ^-^


memetchi101 :rolleyes:

Tamatalk is like falling apart now! Ok, I really think the same thing. I think the Member game is still fun but no one plays it only like me and ColonelJ. I never go to Fun Stuff anymore.

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