Funniest phone conversations


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One time, my friends and I were calling random numbers on the phone and one of the numbers I called was 0800 SAUSAGE (0800 7287243) and then I heard this lady on the phone and she said "Hello this is Sally *insert last name here* from *insert place here*" and I didn't know what to say so I just hung up xD

I forgot what her last name was and I also forgot the place where she was xD

so I was talking with a friend. she was standing on a chair. Then I hear bang. And then shes all like "I fell of a chair." a couple minutes later I am standing on the arm of a chair and i fall. And i'm all "I fell of chair!?!" then we start laughing hystiricly. It was so weird.

I was on the phone with Madi on Friday night and a truck drove past her house. I could hear it through the phone. xD

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