Funny Moments When People Have Hit On You


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I was on a date with my boyfriend and we went to see a movie. We were getting popcorn and stuff and the guy taking our orders chekced me out and whispered, "I get off at nine, if you wanna ditch your dad for me." (Michael has a beard and is tall, while I'm a foot shorter, and kind of small everywhere else.) I was like "Uhmm...actually...." & my boyfriend put his arm around my waist and said, "Actually, we're dating. And I'm going to need you to get our popcorn, because we have some making out to do. That's right, she's mine, so just go home and watch TV with your mommy at nine." The guy at the counter got all red and finished our order and we left.

I was so embarassed, but at the same time, I thought it was hilarious. :D

Me, my brother, and my sister were at Starbucks, and some teenage guys were looking at my sister... It was an awkward moment, especially when one of them slipped her his number. To this day, she has never set foot in that Starbucks again.

So, I was walking my four cats, yeah I have four cats that I walk, get over it ._.

ANYWAYS, I was walking my four cats and this nerdy guy taps me on the shoulder and says

'Hai :33 *snort* Nice horses :3'

He made me jump when he tapped me and I got really scared, I was only 12 D:

I look at him kinda freaked out and ran away. He looked upset. meeeh x3

The only time anyone ever hit on me was at an anime convention a couple years ago, and it was VERY FUNNY. By someone cosplaying none other then Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club. (For those that don't know he's a huge flirt.) This was before I was a fan of OHSHC and quite frankly I'm denser then dense.

So here my friend and I are, completely and utterly lost, sitting with these cosplayers we never met. So this Tamaki walks up to me and says something along the lines of that he's seen me before. So me, being the oblivious innocent that I am, simply told him who I cosplay. He then gets REALLY close to me and starts to say something only to be interrupted by the person who my friend and I were talking to moments before who deadpans "She's 13." The Tamaki cosplayer then FREAKED OUT (very amusing) then looked at my friend only to get "She's 13 too." in response. More freaking out.

And that is why you don't get lost at anime conventions. :3

Well I go to school in New York City so every creep in the world that I could possibly come across is there.

Sooo last time I got hit on was a month and a half ago (I've been off for a month) and I was walking through a Kmart looking for pants before school because I hated my outfit. But anyway.

As I was walking past the 40 year old man he was like..

Him: "You live here?"(as in NYC)

Me: "No."

Him: "I'm an African American, can I see you again?"

Me: "" -walks away-

It was strange..but now I laugh at it like lol how strange

(Btw in no way am I trying to be racist at all it was the actual convo)

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I was walking my friend home, and there were these boys with older girls. Even though they couldn't see us (it was dark, and raining therefore we had our hoods up) they started insulting us.

Then when I was walking back home, the boys were by themselves and kept whistling at me and saying "Wit wooo" again and again. I'm was just like "Seriously? You're like, eleven."

Well, this one time, I was talking with my friends at the library, and this random guy came up to me and said "Did it hurt?" and I said "When?", and he replied "When you fell from heaven". I said 'Yeah, I broke my arm and a couple of ribs, and I had to go to the hospital, thanks for asking :) " and he just walked off.

Well, this one time, I was talking with my friends at the library, and this random guy came up to me and said "Did it hurt?" and I said "When?", and he replied "When you fell from heaven". I said 'Yeah, I broke my arm and a couple of ribs, and I had to go to the hospital, thanks for asking :) " and he just walked off.
That just made my day. Witty comments for the win :)

Oh gosh... I don't get hit on but my mom does. o_O

For some reason, mexicans like mom. It's creepy.

Anyways, everytime mom drives to work or comes home, these mexican dudes just stare at her... Even when me and my brother are in the car too... o_O

Once, a mexican (big surprise) was about ten feet away from mom at a gas station. He asked mom for her phone number, and mom said: "I've been happily married for 16 years." Then, the dude said "Give me a week." I about threw up. X_x

Nothing was meant to be racist in this post.

I never had a guy hit on me

I remember this one time i was walking down the street with my mum and my little brother and then this car came racing past and there were 3 guys whistling at me... and their like 7 years older than me!

I was like to my mum what...the...

it was the first time someone hit on me.

and when my mum was 12 she was at the shops buying her school uniform(she's very tall)

and this guy whos like, 21 said to my grandma: what year of college is she in?

Then my grandma whispered: she's going into year 7.

he walked away really fast...

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I'm not sure if this is getting "hit on", but...

It was really cold outside, and as I'm going into class, I say "Oh my gosh, it's freezing!" And one of the guys in the class hold out his hand and says "you can hold my hand, It'll warm you up." So I say "I'm not that cold." And he walks to his desk sulking. XD

*WARNING: I like to tell stories fully dialogged.*

Picture it, Highland Mall (In Austin, Texas), 2010!

OK, OK, so, I'm just kidding. But, anyway, I was about 13, still am, but, I was standing with my seven year old cousin in Claire's (The little accessory shop for little girls?), and, there was this guy, holding the hand of a girl about the same age of Cece (My cousin), only, he seemed to be more interested in what Cece was looking at then what his own little sister/cousin/niece/etc. was looking at.


First, I figured he was a pervert, who liked to check little girls out. He didn't look to be more than sixteen, so, y'know, I kinda scooted in closer to Cece, thinking of defensive methods I learned in defense class (As a part of my etiquette lessons, defensive classes were mandatory). You know, knee to the groin, nose, back of the knee, elbow to the temple, et cetera, et cetera. Typical stuff.

However, as I moved in closer to her, his smile got bigger. I guess it was because he thought that it was going to be a two for one, or, the fact that he figured I finally noticed him.

I flattered myself by thinking the latter, but, apparently there was some truth on his part in that self-flattery.

Next thing I know, he's pulling the little girl (Monica his cousin, I learned later) in our direction. I felt my cheeks go a little warm, and, I pulled on my bottom lip, something I tend to do when boys come around. He was pretty cute, tall, broad shouldered, blue eyes, obviously died black hair, dimple in his chin, and, skater boy hair. Seeing as how I nearly die every time they (skater boys) come around, I was pretty pleased.

"Hey," He said, and, I loved his deep voice. "I'm Danny."

I smiled a bit. "And I'm Nae," My eyes misted over in obvious embarrassment as I corrected myself. "I'm Ashley. Sorry, my friends call me Nae."

He laughed a bit. It was a gorgeous laugh. Oh how I loved it. "S'okay. I'm Daniel, but, my friends call me Danny."

We talked a bit as Cece and Monica walked around, looking at hair bows and earrings, laughing at the decorations and getting shot dirty looks by the employees and the little girls around us.

"So..." He trailed off as I payed for Cece's things and we were walking towards the food court.

Was he..? I quickly pulled my number to the front of my mind. Maybe he wanted to... Oh how I hope he wanted to...

"Uhm. Well..." He was stammering. Stammering? Why would he... "You know, there are 206 bones in the body."


"Yeah, I know-" My eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

Cece and Monica turned to look at us, knowing there wasn't something going on right, but, turned around, probably still talking about their lucky finds.

"Well... I wanted to know... Would you like to add another one?" His ears burned red. I stopped, still looking at him with wide eyes.

I know he didn't just... He did not just ask me... Are you serious?

"Cece?" I called her back to me. She turned and ran to me (I have always been her favorite). "Come on. Let's go."

We walked a few stores in the other direction before I heard pattering feet behind me. I was tempted to pull Cece further along until I realized they were smaller feet. And Cece called out "Monny!" I turned around to see Monica there and no one else.

"Ash?" She asked me, her voice sweet. "What happened?"

I looked up the see Danny talking to some guys who were laughing and looking in my direction. I had never been so humiliated...

"Danny asked me... Uhm..." How was I going to tell a seven year old what her older cousin asked me?

"Did he ask you what those boys told him to?" She asked, her eyebrows scrunching in confusing. "They said something about bones..."

She left her sentence dangling, trying to recall what was said, and, I was sure that, no matter how dark I was, she could see me blushing.

Hold up.

They told him to say it?

"Monica, would you do me a favor?" I asked, stopping her progress.

"Yeah!" She was nearly bouncing.

"Go tell Danny I'm 13." That would teach him.

Her eyes went wide. "OOoooOoo He's gonna be in trouble! You're... Ill... Ill... Illegal!"

I smiled and watched as she went to go tell him. I nearly laughed as their eyes went wide and they looked back at me in surprise. "Thirteen?" He mouthed. I nodded curtly and walked off, not even bothering to look back.

"Nae Nae?" Cece asked pulling on my hand. "What does 207 bones mean?"

I sighed. How in the world was I supposed to explain this to Aunt Sabrina?

So, true story, true story! I was just talking to Danny about it. It's one of those "do you remember when we first met?" moments. We actually ended up being great friends - Once he explained what was going on and all.


- Nae

^^^^ Haha. Just imagine I pushed a "like" button. :)

A certain senior I know told me in order for him to help me in math, we had to have makeout sessions as his payment. Woah. But it was in front of my ex, so I totally flirted back. The ex didn't look too happy. Oh well, that's his problem. :)

^^Heh heh that's terrible! lDD

Oh hmmm let me see. I was out last Sunday and this guy was flirting with me big time at a store. I had to turn him down about . . . Oh? . . . . ten times lol.

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Kso, theres this girl named Maddie. She's gone out with a lot of guys and is getting pretty popular in my grade. She's pretty- but not my type. I rarely ever talked to her and now all of sudden she keeps trying to start conversation with me every morning once I walk into school. It's kind of annoying but probably harmless. Oh, and she keeps staring at me in lunch, smiling. o-o

Kso, theres this girl named Maddie. She's gone out with a lot of guys and is getting pretty popular in my grade. She's pretty- but not my type. I rarely ever talked to her and now all of sudden she keeps trying to start conversation with me every morning once I walk into school. It's kind of annoying but probably harmless. Oh, and she keeps staring at me in lunch, smiling. o-o

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