Furby 2012!


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I've never really thought about taking my Furbys anyplace. I generally carry my two around in my backpack that I wear everywhere but I never actually brought one into a store with the batteries in. I'd be afraid you'd get kicked out for being disruptive. I do think bringing one in would be awesome if you could get away with it.

I would get away with it around here. It would be the people wanting to play with it I would have a problem with. It would be more of an issue if you brought 3 out of the case with you. That would be plain funny though. I think the only store I would keep it out of is ToysRUs though... Just because they sell so many toys. It would certainly get an adult closer to buying one. (I would think anyway)

I wouldn't be too sure if it would survive a day of play without being off. I would be setting it off pretty often. At least these can take a bit more handling before they wake up. Its not like they have the easiest battery compartment to deal with. (Exp in public) Since they dance when the batteries go in.

Yeah I think a lot of adults would buy them if they had the chance to interact with them first.

You're right about the battery compartment. Things like this would be where an off switch would come in handy. I know they wanted it to be like a real pet but for me personally having an off switch doesn't really detract from the lifelike quality. It would just be a way to make things like changing the batteries or taking them out in public easier.

I know its the first time around for a ton of kids. Lots of people have already bought them here, but I know they will vanish faster if people saw one in action. I am sorta surprised they didn't do something like they did for the Fidjit Friend. I guess Walmart might have one to show. They did it for a Gymnastics Dora toy. (pricey) If the kids around here got a chance to look at a furby, I think they would want it more then the FurReal Pony. I have seen many kids want that already and the parents roll eyes due to its cost. $54 compared to $100... looks much better.

I was just looking at the TRU book again... Um. From last year. *Sweat-Drop* so.... Its out if you want to go hunt Gremlins Wii down. Probably a better thing in your case, cheaper and if you wanted could probably buy it used. (Given you find one) I thought it was from this year. I didn't look close enough at the date. Blah, But that's one in my book to keep my eyes out for.

The new Furby is easily better than the FurReal Pony despite the price difference. I like the FurReal line, but none of them I've owned have topped the original Furby. Even the ones I've paid close to $70 for couldn't top the original $30 Furby. A lot of FurReal Friends have complex and impressive animatronics but they don't really have the complex personality Furby does. I've seen the FurReal Pony in action. It's impressive but I like 2012 Furby better. Truthfully, I think the original Furby is better than any FurReal animal as well.

Regarding the TRU book, it's an easy mistake to make. I'll keep my eye out for the game. You can probably get it dirt cheap if you can find it. With the new Wii U coming out stores will probably be marking down everything related to the original Wii to make room for the Wii U stuff.

I don't think they will be removing the Wii stuff. Maybe cheaper, but The Wii U is a PSP/DS like thing. I hope you find the game and at a cheaper price.

I like my Fur Real toys that I do have, but they only do so much. Seeming predictable in most cases. Of the larger ones, they seem to not have battery power for long. When the kids in my family saw the Furby, They instantly wanted one. If you put a equally priced Fur Real (Like the white cat) I figure they would want the Furby since it moves and talks. It changes its personality (and in short program) that makes it more special. Ya, the FurReals are adorable, but Furby I think has them beat this year.

Good thing both Furby and FurReal Friends are owned by the same company. As a matter of fact I read somewhere they incorporated Furby technology into the FurReal Friends line way back when the original FurReal cats were released. Both Furby and the FurReal Pony seem to be selling well so Hasbro's pretty much making a ton of cash off those two. I'm actually surprised the FurReal Pony didn't make any Hot Toy lists this year. I think Furby just overshadowed it.

Yup, very good thing. I hope this sort of thing (furreal vs furby) gets the furby tech more into the FurReal tech. I would love to have that white sitting cat with the Furby tech and personality. That would make a hugely interactive toy no kid would want to put down. I know I would have to have one. I didn't get a chance to get the sitting white cat. Still want one too and people know to look for one. (even if it would be weird to see in a store now, saw one when I didn't have the money in hand this summer. Went back and it was gone...

Could you imagine how awesome Furby tech inside a FurReal would be? Atleast that would have a back up off button. Oooh what fun it would be if they interacted FurReal to Furby too.... *drool*

That would be really awesome! The animatronics in the higher end FurReal Friends are already top notch. Mix that with a Furbylike personality that changes and grows and you get the kind of toy that parents beat the crap out of each other on Black Friday for. The kind that flies off shelves. Something like that would just be amazing!

I know, I would have to have one then. Even if they communicated into an app... People know how I spaz over precure... That would be me (again) if they did this at all. These current Furby will probably be an early morning day after thanksgiving special. Crazy people trying to get one for a few dollars off, if any.

I'd definately have to have one. Though the days when I could stand in line at 3 AM on Black Friday are long over. I did it when the original Furby came out and I had a lot of fun doing it. But my anxiety problems have gotten a lot worse since then and I'd probably have a massive panic attack if I found myself in a Black Friday sized crowd now.

I'm kind of wondering if the new Furbys will become scarce after Black Friday this year. There probably is a very good chance they'll put them on sale on Black Friday. They may be hard to come by once the Christmas shopping season kicks into high gear.

I have gone in stores for an hour for food but they have a toy section. Look in the toy section and see the Furby and two or three will be gone when I look again. (likely due to me thinking of what toy I might buy) So, they are getting there. Not many people know they are put until they see them in the store or in a commerical. I see them MIA when Thanksgiving is over. Although I go MIA for a while because, I too, hate the crowds. It got way worse working in a toy store. (by myself half the day, hungry, chicken of the crowds, feeling horrible about the products, the people who needed anger management...etc) Avoiding that scene this year I think.

If someone does see a furby at a decent price... I would likely buy from them if they obtained one or an extra. They know I am a sucker for digital pets and robo kitties.

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I once thought it might be fun to work in a toy store though it would probably suck during the holidays. Nowadays I can't work at all due to all the problems with anxiety I have. I'm on disability for it.

I'm glad Furbys are selling well. I wonder what's next. I half expect them to announce Furby Babies at the next Toy Fair.

It was fun... Although being by yourself in one a good chunk of the day... You don't know how to deal with them sometimes. That was my first working holiday too and I had no help until 3 or 4 in the afternoon... It was like that most of December and only got worse.

I am thinking the babies, if they do them based on holiday sales... By February for Valentines. I can see the advertisment now. "oh look! furby now has a family! (insert dancing and baby act with a adult furby) then two kids go "aww" at the sametime... Then it goes off to "get your Furby baby today" then it shows the furby baby again being cute...

Hahah. I Hope they do have baby and the Shelby. I still cross my fingers at garage sales for them.

I'm thinking of buying a new Furby, but I can't seem to find any info on what games they can play. Sure, feeding it and poking it is fun, but I remember the old Furbies having a few games that you could play with them. I can't remember what... but I think it was things like rock/paper/scissors. Do the new ones have win/lose games you can play with them?

Well, they can play with the App, currently only for - Apple products, but they do have other droid/smart phone apps on the way. They didn't have games, but the App makes them do more. Reacting to food, music, translation... That sort for now. But it has had an update for languages. I think they are doing languages first before they add more to the App.

As for fun, they dance, change personalities, they sing too. Lots of funny in this new programming. I haven't discovered any " Furby only" games, but I expect some to come in a new App update eventually... Not confirming though.

guys... It goes to sleep after two minutes of not playin. You have to turn it upside down to wake it.

Yup. It has a "child just ran away" feature on it. If it doesn't hear you... It assumes the child has left or fell asleep. I leave the room, I come back and find it turned off. Its a power save feature... But it sounds funnier that way, but it can be true.

You can also hit the botton on top of its head.

I read somewhere that Wal Mart will be selling Furbys for around $45 on Black Friday. I have one in Layaway for the original price of $54. I suppose I could go on Black Friday and get one for $45. But I'd rather just pay the extra nine bucks and avoid the insane asylum that is Wal Mart on Black Friday. I don't really have any money right now anyway.

After a month of usage, my Furby's batteries died on me. How long did everyone else's lasted?

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