FYI the real way to use the love potion


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Mar 2, 2006
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This is the real way of using the love potion. Sorry if you already know this:

1.this can only work with adults who are 5/6 years old

2.they have to be the oposite gender

3.get the other person ready to connect with you, if you have the potion

4. use the potion, and quickly connect with the opposite gender

5. the tamas will fall in love and have tama babies

6. there will be 2 o the mother's screen

7. one will go to the father's screen

8. There you go!

(Keep track of the time when you got your baby on the screen, i.e. 8:30, wait 24 hours, and set the time to 11:59. Wait one minute. If the tama parent and the baby spent time with each other for a full 24 hours, your parent will wake up. Wait three minute and your adult will go away. Next change the time to the daytime, and you have a new generation)

WORKS WITH BOTH VERSIONS, 2 AND 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not true. mine mated with my sisters and only i used the love potion and it worked

sorree this iz off topic put ive seen 3 pepl with the same avatar i no alot ov pepl do but sis one iz unece :)

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:) ;) OMG that so describes me!! Its like u r my twin! I luv luv luv kitties and duh im a girl plus i use msn and i always play w/ my friends. Whats your name. Tottaly pm me!!
Please stop posting about the Love Potion, people.

There is no Love Potion.

It is called HONEY.

Do not confuse people by calling it that. You are just showing people that you do not know how to read.


Stop posting these things. Seriously.

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