Game strategies


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL
These are simply easier to understand instructions/various tips for games on V3, V4, and V4.5.


Get (Music note):

You play this game by the A and C buttons. Press either side to open the bags to catch the music notes as they come down on the left and right sides of the screen. But make sure not to catch the messes that come down, or its game over! There isn't really any good tips to give on this game except for pay attention to every item that falls down.


This is a difficult game that's similar to tug-of-war (From V4.5). The object of the game is to bump your opponent over. You build up energy by pressing the B button when the bar (There is a bar that is constantly moving inside of two lines... when the bar reaches the end of both lines, you've reached full height) reached its full height. My tip for this game isn't guaranteed to work every single time, but I've won with it many times before. As soon as the "Round 1" (Or what ever round you're on) animation ends, start pressing the B button with the rhythm of the bump "music" and when the bar shows up, you will have pressed it at the right time to get a full bar.


This game shows up in V4 as well. Your tamagotchi is holding a black flag in (Your left) left hand, and a white one in its right. Bigger flags will appear above it and (each time, you will hear a long beep) you will have to lift the flags in either hand of your tamagotchi (Using A and C buttons) to match the flags above its head. Starting in round 3, sometime there will appear, instead of flags, imitation flags. Each time one of these appears there will be a short beep instead of a long. Make sure not to raise either of the flags when these appear, because shortly after, a real one will come out.


At first, I thought this game was impossible... but after I played it awhile, I figured out a very simple strategy that hasn't let me down yet! But first, let me explain how you play the game. In this game, your tamagotchi will have to hit a ball on its head 20 times (Not counted on the screen) using the B button to jump when underneath the ball to make it spring in the air. The tip is, after each hit of the ball, simply move back to the center. The reason for this is, if you hit the ball on one of the either sides (Left and right), and the next time it comes down on the opposite side, then it will be impossible (Well, almost impossible) to reach it before it's too late to hit.


This is a game where arrows will appear over your tamagotchis head in a particular order (Make sure to remember the pattern!). After the beep, repeat the pattern that was previously displayed. I suggest either the arrows out loud as they appear, or writing them down. After a certain amount of patterns completed, the amount of arrows will increase. Remember, this game takes practice. It's more of a mental challenge than anything.


This is a racing game including your tamagotchi and a random opponent. You increase your chances of winning by repeatedly pressing one button very swiftly. The reason I say chances is that, the tamagotchis go back and forth throughout the track and at the end, one of the tamagotchis trip right before reaching the finish line, and the opposite tamagotchi wins... and no matter how fast I think I press the button, I don't always win. I suggest not using two fingers... and sort of try to get a twitch in the finger you’re using to press the button (Does that make since?).


Jump rope:

This is the first, and I would say the easiest of the games on the V4. This game is simply your tamagotchi jumping rope. Once the rope reaches the point just underneath halfway jump using the B button. Do this until you've reached the 11th one. Once the number to the right says 11, start jumping at the halfway point until the 15th one... then return to normal speed. Continue this until jump number 25, then it speeds up again until number 30, which is the winning point for the game.


In this game, you (Controlling your tamagotchi) will have to win 2 out of three matches to try to copy the frozen pose of the random tamagotchi to your right. There are 4 poses: Big eyed, normal, facing right, facing back. Each tamagotchi looks different in the different poses, so make sure you are doing the right ones. After the opposite tamagotchi has "chosen" its pose, your tamagotchi will cycle through them one by one, and once she/he reaches the same pose as the other tamagotchi, press the B button to freeze your tamagotchi. If it is in the same pose as the other tamagotchi, you have won one round. You will need to win 2.


This has the same name as the game in V4.5 (Shapes)... but is very different. In this game, the objective is to try to match the shape at the bottom by shapes coming down on left and right sides of the screen. The way you match them, is by cycling through different shapes until you reach the identical one that is coming down. There are 6 shapes to cycle though. The star, circle, square, triangle, diamond, heart, and then it goes back to star again. Practice is really the only tip I can give you. It's tricky at first, but you get the hang of things rather quickly.


This game is simple... but much harder than it sounds and looks. Above your tamagotchi, there are three "lights" representing the three buttons on your tamagotchi (Well, not really, but that's an easy way to explain it). When they light up, press the button directly underneath it. Sometimes 2 lights will light up, when this happens press the 2 buttons at the same time.

Flag: See Flag tips in the V3 section.



The object of this game is to reach the top of 30 clouds. Your tamagotchi will start out on a cloud at the bottom of the screen. You will see a cloud fly across its head… when your tamagotchi is underneath it, jump using the B button. Once you land on the 3rd one, the clouds will float by slightly faster. Continue this until you land on the 24th one… because you will have to jump as soon as you make contact with it (Number 24). These extremely fast clouds will continue (Keep jumping as soon as you land) until you get to 30, which is the winning point for this game.


You will have to win against 6 random tamagotchis in the game of tug-of-war. After the “Round 1” animation, you will see 2 bars above the tamagotchis heads. The one to the left of the screen is yours, the one to the right, is the opponents power bar. The bars are in between 2 lines… once the bar is the same length as the lines press the B button to stop it. The closer you are to a “full bar”, the better your tamagotchi will do. Because the bar is going fairly fast, try to press the B button right before it reaches maximum length.


Standing in the center of the screen, your tamagotchi will have to catch 50 apples coming down on either side of it using a basket that you control with the A and C buttons. The A button makes your tamagotchi move the basket to the left, and the C button makes your tamagotchi move the basket to the right. After each time your tamagotchi catches an apple, he/she will automatically return the basket to the center (In front of your tamagotchi). The apples will come down faster with advancement in the game.


You will have to match 30 sets of shapes to complete this game. At the bottom of the screen there are 3 white shapes, a circle, square, and a triangle. At the top of the screen, black shape(s) will come down (A circle, square, and/or triangle) … most of the time, they won’t match up (They need to match up in order to continue)… so to switch them to match, simply press the 2 buttons lined up with the 2 shapes you want to switch at the same time. This game takes lots of practice. I couldn’t win until at least my 10th try… but I got close at some times.


To win this game, you will need a score of 100. There are three discs at the bottom of the screen resembling man-holes (One for each button). Money bags, hearts, and snakes will fly up through them, when they come back down, press the button underneath the desired man-hole right before it touches. If you catch a money bag, you will earn 3 points, if you catch a heart, you will earn 2 points, but if you catch a snake, it’s game over. This game is extremely easy because you can miss all the money bags and hearts you want without losing.

I haven't played with my tamagotchis in about a year, and they're all dead on batteries. I was browsing through some of my old files, and found this ancient document. I remember spending a lot of time on it, so decided not to let it go to waste. Enjoy!



I should have added a poll asking if you thought it was helpful or not... because none of you are replying! What do you guys think of it?

EDIT: Besides you TAMAGIRL... thanks!

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I haven't gotten any responses (besides Tamagirl). Come on guys. Just tell me what you think! You don't even have to read it all!

*link to personal web site removed (site rules)*

Please put links like this in your signature message (only). Don't "hijack" someones thread and take it off topic? Thanks :(


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Wow, I'm glad you guys like it!

@ Audrey Hepburn: Sorry 'bout that... I just wanted to know what people think about it. I spent a lot of time on it.

@ Everyone else: Thanks! Do you guys think the guides will sticky it? I doubt it... there aren't that many good tips in there. I had originally intended to put tips in for V5 as well, but I never finished it before the batteries went dead in my Tamagotchi. I haven't bothered with the poor previous obsessions since.
