GameBoy Tamagotchi (COLOUR!)


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Erm, wait till I copy and paste the link. Sounds to me like the Nintendo DS ne, well talked about... Cpoming to USa in Jan and to us in March!

Oh, just got to the link... I think this is an already old an existing version. Tasty... Hope it works for GBA cos NDS has a GBA slot. :)

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That's GameBoy Classic version from 1998 or 1999. It supports GB Color and GBA but no DS (only GBA games work in DS)


- There is both Gen1 and Gen2 adult characters available.

- In the beginning you choose from 8 different colored and patterned eggs.

- You can raise up to 3 Tamas at a time

- Cartridge has inside clock, one days in the game goes in about 15 real life minutes (when playing games time freezes)

- Time doesn't pass when GameBoy is off, but game has some kind of inner calender system, and if you don't play the game in many days Tama will be angry and hungry when you play the game next time.

- there is IQ meter and Physical meter, and they discrease if you don't play Guess Direction game and Math Game with your Tama regularly

In US version Tama flies back to the Gotchi Planet when it goes to too bad condition. You can also send your Tama into the Planet Gotchi if you think you have raised it enough and it's old and well mannered.

This the 1st GB version of Tamagotchi. In Japan there was also released GB Tamagotchi 2 with Garden/Ocean characters and GB Tama 3 with Osutchi/Mesutchi characters.

Only this first game was ever released in western countries.

That's GameBoy Classic version from 1998 or 1999. It supports GB Color and GBA but no DS (only GBA games work in DS)

- There is both Gen1 and Gen2 adult characters available.

- In the beginning you choose from 8 different colored and patterned eggs.

- You can raise up to 3 Tamas at a time

- Cartridge has inside clock, one days in the game goes in about 15 real life minutes (when playing games time freezes)

- Time doesn't pass when GameBoy is off, but game has some kind of inner calender system, and if you don't play the game in many days Tama will be angry and hungry when you play the game next time.

- there is IQ meter and Physical meter, and they discrease if you don't play Guess Direction game and Math Game with your Tama regularly.

In US version Tama flies back to the Gotchi Planet when it goes to too bad condition. You can also send your Tama into the Planet Gotchi if you think you have raised it enough and it's old and well mannered.

This the 1st GB version of Tamagotchi. In Japan there was also released GB Tamagotchi 2 with Garden/Ocean characters and GB Tama 3 with Osutchi/Mesutchi characters. Only this first game was ever released in western countries.
Great info, but you forgot the contests. :D And the third game, the exercise game.

There are three different contests: a racing game, where you race against three other Tamas; a beauty pagent, where your Tama poses and get rated on a 0-10 scale, and a math quiz, where your Tama has to answer a ton of math questions.

I've won all three. :huh:

Also I've gotten the secret character (Bill) about4 times, and three are with me today.

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I have the GB version. I raised a tama until he was 15 yrs.

My tama always loses on the last top question on knowledge :furawatchi:

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Well it wont work on a DS and the GBA sp (not sure about GBA) has only on slot, but i want the tamagotchi ds game, which has been released!

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