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Tsarina Anastacia

Active member
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey. Im from aus and of course i adore tamagotchi's.

Im 18. Im female. I live with my fiance. I have 3 tama's a Pink tamagotchi connection. Version 2 i think. 2 v4's, a pink and a red one. Im pestering my fiance for a v5 on monday ;) so hopefully K-Mart is still having their toy sale then. I finished school last year and im having a year off before i go do a Pharmecutical course. Um what else. Im addicted, quite literally, to Guild Wars. Best MMO around i reckon. Cant wait for guild wars 2 WOOT. I have a pet rat named Nibbles. A puppy Named Mallyx The Unyielding. He is a Chihuahua x Jack Russel x Maltese so he is a tiny little thing. We brought him home yesterday and he is settling in nicely and getting into everything :rolleyes: . I also have 2 pet fish. Who are the most durable things EVER. They are Siamese Fighting fish. My fiance's is Blue and mine is Yellow.

Hmm, i think thats about it really, OH im a really good baker ;) Cookies and Cakes are my speciality but i make lots of other yummy sugar filled stuff. Wow i sound fat :) im not tho. I may not do much each day but i know how to keep fit :p

A little about my fiance, who will never join because he isnt really into tama's :lol: , he is 21, he is a chef at a resturant. He likes guild wars as well. He wants a Pet Tarantula but im not too thrilled about that. I HATE spiders. He is adorable and is like a giant kitten to be honest. He loves to buy me things and spoil me. I really am the luckiest girl in aus :D

I love all types of music. If i like the song i'll listen to it and im not embarrased to say that when i was younger i liked britney spears lol. I also really love to sing and im not that bad at it either :D I wouldnt go on Australian Idol tho, im not THAT good lol. I hate Big Brother in all its Shapes and forms but it is addictive. So You Think You Can Dance is a good show. The latest season from America just hit our T.V.s a week or 2 ago. I love futurama, family guy, the simpsons, farscape, stargate sg-1, stargate Atlantis, POKEMON, OMG I ADORE POKEMON. Best thing the japanese gave us, and by that i mean Anime :D

Well, there is lots more i love and hate but i could write a 5 book series about that lol.

Cheers guys.


Welcome to TT! :puroperatchi:

You like a lot of things I like. ^^;;

I love So You Think You Can Dance & Family Guy.

I also enjoy Pokemon.

You are sooo right, anime is the best~~!!

I love to bake too. n_____n

Mkay, so PM me if you ever need anything or just want to chat!!

Looking forward to seeing you around!!


Ooo, cool. Welcome to TamaTalk!

(I'm stalking the member that posted before me! > :puroperatchi: )

Welcome to TamaTalk!


^__^ Wow, we're a lot alike! I LOVE Pokemon and anime, and I like cooking too!


If you need help, just check out the links in my siggy, and if you need a friend, just PM me! :D





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