Geddit outta my room!


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I hate it when flies get in my room because I can never get them to leave X.x A wasp stung me on the butt yesterday so Im trying to avoid bugs heheh.

They don't scare me, but they're annoying. And the worst part is that once they are in your room, it's almost impossible to get them out. I find it more annoying when you are trying to sleep and there is this one bug that keeps buzzing.

our house somehow got TONS of roaches in it o_O

I mean TONS, we have to kill about 3 every day D:


Only bugs that buzz, or have lots of long legs and them huge eyes, scare me. I don't mind small bugs flying around, I just catch it and put it outside, but if it's a bee, wasp or a bluebottle thing I run for cover. Well, not bees, I just stay away from them, but wasps and bluebottles scare me. Spiders are the worst... I don't know why they scare me, they just do.

Weird how something so small can send millions of humans into panic?

Urg, I hate bugs. Flies and ants I've learned to tolerate, since we get them so often, but if they come too close I'll scream. I hate wasps, bees, spiders, and all the other bugs that exist. Actually, I like caterpillars. Those little ones that eat leaves and destroy trees lol. I pick them up and play with 'em.

I have an electric bug swatter =D It's quite amusing. Today, I gave a fly about 20 shocks =D

Last night there was a moth flying around my room, and it was terribly annoying. It was pretty darn big too... so in the morning I got mummy to flush it down the toilet O:

I remember when a queen wasp managed to get itself into our house. Our neighbours knocked on the door and were like ''ZOMG THERE'S A GIANT WASP ON YOUR WINDOWWW!'' and I ran into my brother's room straight away, while mummy and the neighbours got it out xD.

I have a strange fear of ants. I name them when they're just there, but when they come near me, I scream and run D:

Ugh, I hate how bugs randomly appear when it's summer time. Ugh, water bugs, and flying roaches. >__> I normally go psycho and smash them with me shoe over 4 times, and then I spray them to death.

i hate earwigs. alot appear at my aunts house downstairs and my house has alot of ants and flys....

and im scared of flying earwigs. :eek:

I hate bugs. Dx
I'll admit, I often run and scream. Especially in the case of spiders, bees, wasps, hornets, cockroaches and beetles.

But sometimes I find ants cute. Unless they touch me; that's where their death occurs.
Same Here.

The other day I saw too spiders and I Freaked out. It was like, 4 am. So I woke my Mom up sceaming "KILL THE SPIDERS!"

I hate Bugs.

The only ones I don't mind are Ladybugs/Flies [Well, flies are annoying, But I don't freak out like I do over other bugs]

I absolutely loathe those dangler-worms from trees.

Those scare the living daylights out of me for some reason. Like one time, I was walking down the street to a friends' house, and she was all "o_O What's that moving thing in your hair..? Oh, it's one of those dangler worms.." That was when I screamed, hitting my head and ran the perimetre of her yard three times.

I also have issues with cockroaches and beetles. When I visited China, there was a HUGE cockroach in my room. I was standing on a chair for about half an hour before my mom came home and rescued me from the demon bug.

Plus the spiders that Feebee posted were probably the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while.. :eek:

Small spiders, like Daddy Long Legs, I have absolutely no problem with. Tarantulas are even okay with me. But those spiders were.. unnaturally big, to me. I also hate it when bugs land on me without my knowing. Especially in my hair or in my clothes.

No matter how much I hate a bug, I just can't kill it. It makes me feel.. bad. :p

I have an electric bug swatter =D It's quite amusing. Today, I gave a fly about 20 shocks =D
I have one of those Electric Bug Swatters too. Its epic. I touched it once while it was on, That was not epic.

Last year, before my Mom and I moved here, We'd always get these weird beetles in the house we were living in. [, Anyway, We'd kill 'em with the Bug Zapper. And while they were "Frying up" They Stunk so bad.

now that i think about it, i used to be really obsessed with bugs. now i don't really like them, but i just let them crawl out on their own without killing them.

i should make a tegaki E about bugs... "hey, tegaki! do you hate bugs getting into your room?"

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Last night I had this hugeeee cockroach reall up high in my room. It was pretty much on the ceiling. I screamed, mum came running, and then she got the bottle of 'Mortein' and sprayed it on the roach. The roach fell onto the floor, but then fell onto it's back. So then it died : D

R.I.P. Roachy.

[? - 2009]

Ahhh... yes.

Mostly spiders, bees, flies and moths come into my room. =P

I always kill them and flush them down the toilet and do an evil laugh. xD

Or I put them in a tissue and put them in the toilet and they try to swim but they cant so I laugh evil-ish again and sometimes I put soap or hair color (not hair die) and spray it on them. It gets them so-mad! xDD

If a bee comes into my room, I usually:

a. Tell my dad

b. Tell my mom

c. Tell my sister

d. Run down stairs saying "THERES A BEE IN MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

e. Go to my playroom

f. Get a roll of newspaper or something and whack it and laugh evily and flush it down the toilet.

Yup. xDDD

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