General RP Character Disscusion


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2006
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Thought this might be a fun thread to have. We can talk about all our characters from the different RPs, as well as help each other brainstorm new ones. I've seen some other forums have this thread, and it gets popular a lot.

Ooh, what a fun thread.

So, for my RP characters, I mainly go for playing easy going guys, slackers, and once, I even pulled off a jerk jock. |D Was fun.

Girls, I mainly play stubborn, rude ones. Way more fun than sweet girls. In one RP, I'm playing a sadistic, immature girl. :DD

lol, I've been playing a lot of annoying boys recently, which has been really fun. I brought back my first character for an RP too (made him less of a stu though), and for girls I only have one right now. She's very egotistical, thinking of herself as the most important girl in the world.

You mean like Dex?

Oh, and I also like playing super awkward guys who are the type who always follow the rules. Shy guys are always fun to play.

With girls it's all like, sassy, who will usually tell you what they really think of you (Paradice & Fawn), or, metally currupted (Flora), then there's Shelly. A bit of a klutz, fun, not the brightest, can't hold a grudge and is blind to fults.

With guys, I rarely play them and they are usually like a female character's bother/twin and they tend to be laid back, calm and don't annoy me.

