Generic "Kyoryu Kids" Dinosaur 8 -in-1 Vpet (Any Info?)


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Active member
Jun 2, 2019
Reaction score
Winchester Bay, Oregon Coast
So I already posted about this generic vpet in the knockoff tama section,  but that doesn't seem like the right section. So sorry guys!

Anyone ever had one of these? By "Kyoryu Kids"

I love the case. After looking at them a few times, I had to order myself one! Judging by the pics on the packaging,  it looks like there are 6 dinosaurs, a turtle,  and a snail pet. Hope I get the style pet pictured! ;)

I went ahead and ordered myself a second one . If they both end up in working order, mabey I'll sell one....maybe! ;)

So I have a question: what does the word "Kyoryu " mean in the names of some of these generic dinosaur pets I see online? Is it a brand name or descriptive?

There was also an older post that has a great picture of a " battling dinosaur" vpet. It looks very similar to this one, but not quite the same . Any thoughts?

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So I have a question: what does the word "Kyoryu " mean in the names of some of these generic dinosaur pets I see online? Is it a brand name or descriptive?
"Kyoryu" is the Japanese word for "dinosaur", so it's a descriptive term that also handily tells us what market the original device was meant for. 🐲

While I'm here, please can I just ask that you use the Edit button if you need to add to your previous message if you're within 24 hours of posting it, as you were here. I keep having to merge your extra replies! :p

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No problem at all! :)

Anyway, I really like the graphics on this one - they have that very Game Boy-esque design to them that you could only find on virtual pets made for the Japanese market back in the day.

I'm certainly interested in learning more!

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