gerbil question


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
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i have a boy gerbil that fights with the other boy we have. i am gonna get a girl soon and i want them to mate. but i was wondering do boy and girl gerbils fight?

Yay! A gerbil question! *cheers* If your boys are seriously fighting, like with blood and stuff, then you gotta separate 'em. But gerbils also play-wrestle, and that's healthy and normal. They do it for fun. As for if a boy and a girl will get depends on their age. Get a young girl and she will probably be fine with a male. Once she's full grown, they will probably mate readily. Introduce them with a split of course as you would with all other gerbils. Of course, they CAN fight - all animals can - but males and females tend to be pretty good friends. Lastly, I just want to say that unless you have a lot of experience with gerbils I wouldn't recommend breeding. So many things can happen, and by the time your female has her first litter, she will likely already be pregnant again. Breeding any animal is not something to be taken lightly. You have to make sure you will be able to find homes for the babies, and care for any that might become sick, etc. I've had four gerbils, am very knowledgeable about them and have kept them for over a year but I still can't even consider breeding. I don't have the space, money, or time for that. And you have to be sure to get a healthy, unrelated pair, too. If you really want to try breeding, then at least check out this link: Responsible Breeding: Are you REALLY ready? That's an excellent gerbil forum. If you're serious about your gerbils, and are considering breeding, I HIGHLY recommend joining it. The members there are great and they have a wonderful breeding section which will help you out a LOT.

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