German, French, Irish, British?!


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
Me and my friend were just talking about this today.

What are you?

I mean like, do you have any british, german, or anything in your blood?

EXAMPLE: I'm (honestly, me) 1/2 Irish, 1/4 German, and 1/4 French

I'm 1/2 irish because:

My mom: 1/2 irish and 1/2 french

My dad: 1/2 irish and 1/2 german

Take my mom and dad's 1/2 and that makes me 1/2

Take my mom's 1/2 french, devide, and get 1/4

Take my dad's 1/2 german, devide, and get 1/4

Ta Da!!! :lol:

What about you?

My friend said "No wonder your so white, your irish! I always knew something like that with your voice!!!" I said "Lets not bring racism in this", and seriously, don't here, it's not welcome, even if ment lightly. :wacko:

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I am Irish and Norwegian. I believe my mother is a little bit Scottish too, which means I must be a little bit Scottish.

Yeah, I'm not really very many different races.


I'm half German, half Jamaican.

My dad's fully Jamaican, and my mom's fully German!

So I'm a mixed child~! :3~♥

I'm proud of my heritages...But I hate it how everyone just assumes I'm African or when they call me "Black" just because of my outer appearance... X_X" For pete sake....Just because I'm darker color then them, doesn't mean I'm BLACK~! D: I'm brown!!


For crying out load...When one of my friends first saw my mom she thought I was adopted. X_X" Because she was white. (And she hadn't met my dad at the time) But wowzers...! D:

Now, theres nothing wrong with being black...But with all those stupid stereotypes..." Kind of annoys me. D:

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Half german...

no, I messed up...

im 1/16 native american

and some other crap that I dont know

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Well the Origin of my Family (My Last name) (my mom and I have different last names, I have my dads last name) is Danish. And a tiny bit of noreigian as well.

My mom has a little bit of Scottish in her. Her grandmother was british

So i'm a little bit of Scottish and British as Well.

But mostly danish.

I researched my family history. xD


German Irish Canadian-French Italian Brazilian Puerto Rican Cherokee Portugese

I'm only positive that I'm Filipino.

There could be others, I can think of some that I might have heardfrom my sister before, but I'm not sure. friends and I were talking about this in PE. How...strange. Anyways, I am 100% Indian. From India, not Native American. I do sometimes wish I was something else. I probably am, a little bit. But, my family has been all Indian for quite a few generations. Half the people who meet me never guess until I tell them. I don't act a certain way or anything...I just act

Lets see,

My Pap that reciently died was Itealian. (No wonder I like Pasta So much xD)

MY Gram is Polish

My Other Gram is Hungarian

And MY other Pap was Scot/Irish.

i live in canada and both my parents are canadian but im third german,third british,third french i have a german last name that means "magnificant"... yeah. i did some research XD

Well, it's a little different for me. Because I was adopted. But anyways,


I have Russian blood ;)


But my adotped parents, and brothers are like...I don't know half, Norwegian, Scottish, Irish, and a lot of American. But I'm not sure. haha



Irish, Hungarian, British (I do the best Accent in my school :3) and uh... American? xD

Fully British. My parents thought I had Russian in me and french but I dont.

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