Getting a boyfriend or girlfriend


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[SIZE=13pt]xD...In my opinion, guys don't get mature until there like 17 or 18. :angry: ...(Depending on the guy)[/SIZE]But I'm just basing that on my own opinion from what I've seen. xD♥


Anyway...I don't think you can really put an age on love.

It just doesn't make much sense.

It's not like once you turn 16 you automatically know everything about love, and are absolutely ready for a serious relationship. :angry:

I find that people should discover what love really is for themselves. As they grow older.

Not all at once, on the spot. :p
I wanted to say "That is not true, I'm mature at age 12!" but then I realized I would be contradicting myself.

I am still considering my true maturity, whether I'm ready for a GF or not.

I'm in 6th grade and I'll be 12 in July. I have a huge crush. Am I to young to have a BF?Also, what do you think the minimum age level for having a BF or GF should be? :angry: Thanks so much to everyone who replies to this topic! :) I love to hear everyone's awesome opinion.
no, you're not too young. if that were true, my parents wouldn't be letting me go out with a boy. (my parents are super-strict!!!)

Well, school's starting next week for me. I've asked in this topic before and I think sometime I'm going to ask out a girl I like.

My parent's obviously don't think I'm too young or immature, but I'm still debating it.

I'm probably going to wait until I'm thirteen until I ask her.

~♥Would you really EVER marry this guy?~♥Do you REALLY love him? Or is it just a crush?

~♥Are you able to work out tough times with this guy?
Just found this post after reading the first page.

I can definitely work out hard times with her, and I'm not sure about the other two (although the first one probably)

Sort of creepy. I don't really expect to marry her in ten years but that would be pretty cool.

Also, I don't like her for looks. I really lack the ability to see if someone's pretty or not. I like her for her personality, which is pretty much the female equivalent to mine. She even got me started on tamagotchi, so she caused me to sign up here about three years ago.

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well, I'm gonna be 12 in october and in 7th grade....

Last year, kids started going out in my school, but it wasnt serious or anything, they got to know each other better, went out for lunch and had the entire sophomore class talking about them for a week.

*ALTHOUGH: i would really like to start experimenting, cuz i think it'd be fun and good to try. My BFF had a boyfriend for a month, and she had to break up with him for social reasons, but still likes him. That's beside the point. As 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' they didnt do a whole lot, but twice a week they'd go out for lunch together and hang out after school, she told me they held hands and he kissed her on the cheek ^_^ That's just a more developed experiment. I believe at this point, (as in 10-13) we are too young to really love a boy/girl.

But at least she got to experiment.

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Umm if you love him, and then he likes you, you can become bf and gf..if youre ready. But in my opinion, you might be to young for umm physical..."contact". Ewww i just grossed myself out..

If you like him just cuz he's cute, i think you should get to know him more before you take another step. He might be snobby and mean. Some girls are like that. Theyre really pretty, but snobby and mean. ;)


i'm nine, so i don't know too much. my brothers' friends (14) are constantly 'breaking up' with girls.

my brother is too much of a coward (in his love life?? xP) to have one yet ;)

cecib ;)

I really don't know anything about "pretty," the girl I like is for her personality. We just fit in together. She's not snobby, she's nice and likes most of the same stuff I do. We're already great friends who haven't contacted each other all summer...

I've had a couple boyfriends, but I think I'm too young. I'm more at that stage where I crush on people. "Love" doesn't happen until you're older in my opinion.

It just really sickens me when I see younger kids, as in 5th graders, saying they "love" whoever they're "going out" with. "Going out" means going out to dinner, seeing a movie, etc. just the two of you. If you just want to call someone your boyfriend or girlfriend, that's not really going out.

This is just what I think, but I think others would agree with me.

I think it's possible for 5th or 6th graders to love each other truly, though unlikely. It's fine as long as it's not a sexual relationship. Highschool is probably a little young for that!

Well, I'm not sure if you're ready, but as long as your not thinking kissing is gross, then you're kinda ready.

Well, I think that age, it does not matter at all. But think, would you stay with this person forever? Would you raise a family with them? What if there hair turned grey early, would you still love them?

Think of the important questions, I can understand if you just want a boyfriend for a crush for the time but, nothing serious is really gonna happen until your sure about it.


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