Getting a boyfriend.


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Feb 15, 2009
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Okay, well, here's the thing...


All my friend's have a crush and/or have a boyfriend. We haven't had any discos or anything at my school, so I haven't really 'mingled' with guys. I go to an all-girls' school, but somehow, my friends still seem to know boys... :/

I mean, sure, I know boys from my old school, and we keep in touch via MSN or texting, but I just don't like like any of them. I did. But none of them are... nice.

Anyway, I've been feeling kind of pressurized (sp?) that I don't have a crush or boyfriend. Sometimes, I mentally slap myself [HARD btw :wacko: ], and come to reality: I don't need a boyfriend, and I must not be pressurized into getting one!

But sometimes, I just want someone to like me in that special way, you know?


And please bear in mind, I've never had a boyfriend before [little nerd, yes 8D].


Does anyone know how I can get to know new guys? At least have some more friends that are of the opposite gender?


I know I sound totally obsessed and creepy... I just want someone to love me :) ! x33

Ahhh I know how this feels. I've never had a boyfriend before either, but I'm young enough for it to be ok.

I would go out to places where you'd probably find boys. (IE park, rollar skating places) Work up the nerve to talk to some ones you like. Or to have friends. And if you flirt around the right way, maybe walk around with him. Get his number, his email, etc.

Good luck! :)

You're not ready for a boyfriend until you learn not to fall in love with the concept of love. Which is what you are currently doing.

I've had 'friends' like this. Palling up with me to get with the popular guys, because in their little friendship groups having a boyfriend makes you cool. And the more popular, the better. It's ridiculous.

Everybody wants to feel loved. But a relationship at the age of - I don't know how old you are, around eleven or twelve? - is unlikely to last all that long. And it won't be love if you just want a boyfriend to fit in with everyone else. I've given up on boys. At least all the boys I know, anyway. I know I'll probably find Mr Right someday, but for now I have guy friends. And friendship love is sometimes better than a boyfriend, because you don't usually end up getting hurt. Friends last forever. Boyfriends don't.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be recommending places you can go to meet guys and mindlessly fall in love with their cute maleness and have a boyfriend who you are only dating to fit in with your friends and be cool. I've had too much experience with things like this before. If you meet a nice guy who you actually like, then congratulations. Haray. Yippee. But wanting a boyfriend just for the sake of it? Pfft. That's not right.

You're not ready for a boyfriend until you learn not to fall in love with the concept of love. Which is what you are currently doing.
I've had 'friends' like this. Palling up with me to get with the popular guys, because in their little friendship groups having a boyfriend makes you cool. And the more popular, the better. It's ridiculous.

Everybody wants to feel loved. But a relationship at the age of - I don't know how old you are, around eleven or twelve? - is unlikely to last all that long. And it won't be love if you just want a boyfriend to fit in with everyone else. I've given up on boys. At least all the boys I know, anyway. I know I'll probably find Mr Right someday, but for now I have guy friends. And friendship love is sometimes better than a boyfriend, because you don't usually end up getting hurt. Friends last forever. Boyfriends don't.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be recommending places you can go to meet guys and mindlessly fall in love with their cute maleness and have a boyfriend who you are only dating to fit in with your friends and be cool. I've had too much experience with things like this before. If you meet a nice guy who you actually like, then congratulations. Haray. Yippee. But wanting a boyfriend just for the sake of it? Pfft. That's not right.
You know, Ester is completely right. It wouldn't be love if you just want someone to love. Your time will come, it's just not now.

You're not ready for a boyfriend until you learn not to fall in love with the concept of love. Which is what you are currently doing.
I've had 'friends' like this. Palling up with me to get with the popular guys, because in their little friendship groups having a boyfriend makes you cool. And the more popular, the better. It's ridiculous.

Everybody wants to feel loved. But a relationship at the age of - I don't know how old you are, around eleven or twelve? - is unlikely to last all that long. And it won't be love if you just want a boyfriend to fit in with everyone else. I've given up on boys. At least all the boys I know, anyway. I know I'll probably find Mr Right someday, but for now I have guy friends. And friendship love is sometimes better than a boyfriend, because you don't usually end up getting hurt. Friends last forever. Boyfriends don't.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be recommending places you can go to meet guys and mindlessly fall in love with their cute maleness and have a boyfriend who you are only dating to fit in with your friends and be cool. I've had too much experience with things like this before. If you meet a nice guy who you actually like, then congratulations. Haray. Yippee. But wanting a boyfriend just for the sake of it? Pfft. That's not right.
I don't think you quite got what I was aiming at, but thanks for the advice anyway ^.^


I don't want a boyfriend just for the sake of it because I just want to be popular - because I don't.

I'm not some soppy girl who thinks just one look will cause me to fall in love with some boy I'll probably forget later on in life, because I know love does not happen like that.


I guess I just wanted more guy friends... :3

Because going to an all girls' school, with all the cat fights and same things girls talk about, guys would be a nice change. I mean, every single boy I know is totally pathetic and whiny [sp?]... I just wanted at least one friend that wasn't a jerk.


The wanting-a-boyfriend phase was kinda creepy O_O; I was starting to scare myself.

But now I just want some new friends, because the ones I have now are always arguing with me for no particular reason or something, which just annoys me. :/

But that's a different topic.


So I guess I just wanted to know how to get to know boys [as friends].

But I honestly am not bothered ATM. Mwahaha, I have grown up a bit about that ^.^

Join a club, or a mixed sports team. This way, you will meet guys, with an added bonus too. By joining the club/team/camp, you automatically know the guy has the same interest(s) as you!

Okay, well, here's the thing... 

All my friend's have a crush and/or have a boyfriend. We haven't had any discos or anything at my school, so I haven't really 'mingled' with guys. I go to an all-girls' school, but somehow, my friends still seem to know boys... :/

I mean, sure, I know boys from my old school, and we keep in touch via MSN or texting, but I just don't like like any of them. I did. But none of them are... nice.

Anyway, I've been feeling kind of pressurized (sp?) that I don't have a crush or boyfriend. Sometimes, I mentally slap myself [HARD btw :rolleyes: ], and come to reality: I don't need a boyfriend, and I must not be pressurized into getting one!

But sometimes, I just want someone to like me in that special way, you know?


And please bear in mind, I've never had a boyfriend before [little nerd, yes 8D].


Does anyone know how I can get to know new guys? At least have some more friends that are of the opposite gender?


I know I sound totally obsessed and creepy... I just want someone to love me :p ! x33
I completely understand you, girl. Completely. Sometimes you just crave a special guy in your life-someone to make you laugh, be by your side, hold you close. Someone to love you. And there's nothing wrong with wanting that. That's the one thing that I really want right now.

My advice to you is not to scope out the world looking for someone to crush on. It's kinda weird, but it's actually easier to find "the one" when you aren't actually looking. Like my crush, for example. I'd known him all year long. We talked a little, I thought he was a cool guy. But lately, I started to notice just how great of a guy he was, and I absolutely adore him. We seem so alike. He just gives me all of these beautiful feelings inside, and his smiles melt my heart. He's just so beautiful, inside and out. So, I've fallen head over heels for a guy who I had known for a long time and hadn't had any feelings for, until I actually got to know him. It makes you think...

I'm not saying don't look around. Go ahead. It just that after my heart broke, I looked and looked, and didn't find anything at all. I stopped after getting dissappointed. It was when I had given up on love, when I found my wonderful crush. You say you have guyfriends. Take a second look at them. You just might see something else... ;)

Rosie on AC:WW always says to me.'If you want true love, stop looking'

Just like Mametchi Dreamer said. Take a closer look.

I'm not all that good at giving advice.

I was the same way! My best advice to you is to look for someone that has something in common with you, if you do, talking to them will become much easier.

You shouldnt feel pressured to get a boyfriend just because it's the 'cool' thing to do! I have a friend who told me the other day, 'I dont want a boyfriend just so I can fit in. If I want a boyfriend, I'll get one.' I dont think you should feel pressured! You should wait until you find someone you know that you'll want to be with and then date them. Are the chicks at your school dating guys they even know?! If they mess with you cuz you dont have a boyfriend, you should ignore them because... well, I'll be quoting this poster that's in my classroom. 'The popular thing is not always right, the right thing is not always popular'. I feel cheesy, though I hope I dont sound like it!

The only way I can get a guy is not try XD It totally catches me when a guy (guys) Like me ...

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