Getting an avatar


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Gotchi Guy46

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
Hi. :D

Well,I have been having alot of avatar trouble and it has gotten to the point of annoying now.The problem is everytime I get an image from Google images and try to put it as my avatar I either get a message saying it is to big when it is only like 25KB and sometimes it becoems a Bitmap.image when it is realy a jpg or jpeg.

If you can help me I will be greatly appreciated.Please because this is realy annoying me now and I would like an avatar from Google images for a change. ;)

I don't know what difference it makes if you have an avatar from google images or an actual icon website. Try iconator or avatarmagic, because they make all sorts of avvies that are compatible with TamaTalk.

Well, if you have paint, read on. If you don't, then all I can say is google ways to resize it.

If you have Microsoft Paint program...:

Go on Paint, and open up the google image. then, from your toolbox, select the square icon made up of broken lines. right-click and select the "resize/skew" option. Then you can enter how much you want to resize it by.

Save it to your computer, and make sure you save it as 'JPG' or something. If not, then you can change it. hope that works ..:)

Lol, GotchiGuy46 and GotchiGirl96 posted right after eachother =D

^ xD Trust Tess to notice.

Yeaah, that would probably be the best idea. Or, if one day your too lazy, the best way would be iconator's [or avatarmagic, but in my opinion, iconator's better] avatars. I usually get mine from there and I haven't had any problems, so there will probably be few on there what aren't compatible with TamaTalk, if any.

But, resizing it on Paint would probably be the best idea as you said you'd prefer to get them off Google Images. Try that out and let us know how it works out for you ;]

Iconator has a lot of great avatars. All you need to do is save it into your computer, upload it here, and then you have the avatar of your dreams. :)

As Tess said, avatars will usually work if they've been saved onto Paint, and they're the right size. I usually don't have a problem with this kind of thing as long as I do that.

I'm having avatar problems too x.x

But it's because I can't find a single nice picture of me to upload. It's like, photographer's block.

I tried getting an avatar from iconatar but no luck at all.The image turned into a Bitmap image as I saved it to my computer,any Avatarmagic never works for me.

Any other ideas?

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