Getting in trouble.


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My teachers love me 8D

In theme (One day a week. In first year of secondry, to build our confidence) me and my friends pass notes all day, and we are never caught.

I only get told off for talking.

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Just a little bit, my teachers generally love me. x3

One time my friend's individual assignment was a writing thing where she had to write a newspaper, so she wanted to interview our former teacher. My other friend and I just went with her because that teacher was awesome, we all loved her. So this was at lunch, we were going to interview the teacher. And she said, "Oh, I have to get my lunch, I'll be back," so we were just chatting in some random sofas in the hallway, and another teacher found us and we got in trouble for not being supervised. The teacher who supposedly went to get her lunch never came back to do the interview. -.-

I've gotten in trouble a little. Actually, I wouldv'e gotten in trouble less times but for some reason the principle blames the victim (wtf?) like this time a girl in my class gave this fat stalker boy my cell phone number, I told the principal then she yelled at me and told me that I better give her my cell phone -.- I never did. Then the school tried a new thing: to collect everyone's cell phones in the morning, label them, and return them at the end of the day. EPIC FAIL. They only ended up getting cell phones from 2 people from the entire school, so after a couple of days they gave up.

Also once I got moved next to the stalker kid and he kept on bugging me. Like, he would take stuff from my desk, try to whisper to me, acuse me of stealing his stuff, etc. So a couple of days later he was annoying the hell outta me when i opened my water bottle and poured water all over his stuff. And him. Ha, I got in trouble but I don't regret it. > :D

Also my friends and I were passing notes in class about the annoying girl in my class. Then she said in it that the girl was a dip**** and the teacher took and and sent us to the principal's office. I didn't write anything so bad, but the principal was still pretty pissy at me.

Also I eat during class. And talk to my friends. And people are constantly stealing stuff from my lunchbox. Ha, we don't even ask. We just walk over to other people's desks and look through there lunchbox. We do that daily. Also, i write my nickname on other people's desks and stuff like that.

I got yelled at today. I wasn't listening, I was glitter gluing my hands with Sarah and the maths teacher always picks on me. She said "Michelle, your not listening. Whats the answer to this?" -Points at big numbers and ratios on the board. I looked so confused and I said "Glitter glue?" waving my hands and she went nuts "THE ANSWER IS NOT GLITTER GLUE. YOU WOULD KNOW THE ANSWER IF YOU LISTENED MORE OFTEN. YOU WILL FAIL IN LIFE.... Rawr rawr rawr" I just sat there trying not to laugh then the nice nerd next to me told me the answer and I said "9:1 and 270 cm" and she looked gobsmacked and apologized so quickly.

Man. I tried to go and hour with out breaking a rule but I got hungry and that plan failed.

Not really.

Unless you count that one time last month. My Mom yelled at me for -almost- burning the house down

I didn't. I could have, If I never saw the smoke coming from the microwave in time.

Now I'm banned from the microwave [unless my Mom is home. Then I can use it. If she's not home, I can't]

I Swear alot. But My mom doesn't really mind.

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