Getting over it


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
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Burlington, Ontario, Canada
I've liked this guy for 3 1/2 years straight.

He used to be just a buddy of mine, but now I really, really like him.

I was going to ask him out, when he told me he got a girlfriend.

Now I feel really sad about it, and I am beating myself up and regretting for not asking him out sooner...

What should I do to get over it?

I know your pain. I used to be in the EXACT situation.

For a while, wait it out, because they might break up. But if they do, don't ask him out right away. Wait a bit for him to "heal", then go for it.

If for some reason they stay together, shiznit happens. Unfortunatly to more of us than others. Still be his buddy/friend, and find out more about him. Maybe you'll be even better friends, or you won't like him anymore.

I know your pain. I used to be in the EXACT situation.
For a while, wait it out, because they might break up. But if they do, don't ask him out right away. Wait a bit for him to "heal", then go for it.

If for some reason they stay together, shiznit happens. Unfortunatly to more of us than others. Still be his buddy/friend, and find out more about him. Maybe you'll be even better friends, or you won't like him anymore.
Excellent points. If a break up occurs, being there for him and supporting him will not only help him deal, but you'll get to make him feel better too! And if not such a thing occurs then it's something you live and learn by: Next time if you like someone, it's better to try and fail then not try at all.

Not much right now you can do about it, so just hang with friends or get more involved into your homework more or something to keep your mind busy. It'll feel better in time.

That's true. Even if he still does have a girlfriend, you can still hang out with him as a friend or not.

And that's pretty lucky. Most of the guys I end up liking reject me and stuff gets all weird between us. :mellow:

Learn more about each other. Become closer friends. Wait it out for him to break up with his girlfriend, because they have to break up sometime. Even if it takes a long time, you can still be a close friend. :mellow:

Learn more about each other. Become closer friends. Wait it out for him to break up with his girlfriend, because they have to break up sometime. Even if it takes a long time, you can still be a close friend. :gozarutchi:
Not so. Noone should have to wait for someone who isn't available at this time. It's just not realistic and it's not going to help her move on and learn from this experience.

As I said it's okay to be sad. Just ride this stuff through and if by chance (which I say by chance means if it does happen, it's not guaranteed) he does become single again and is bummed out at least you could be his support system and go from there. In the meantime though, my previous advice as well as others will work just fine.

Just stay friends with him. ^.^

I had a really good friend (that was a dude) and when we started going out, and then when we broke up, it really screwed up our friendship. I mean, it was a while ago so we're cool now but for a while things were really awkward between us.

But I do agree with everyone else here as well. n_n

I started liking him in grade 3, now im in grade 7 0_o

I havent ever liked anyone else but him.

He's said before he had his girlfriend, that he's liked me in grade 4 and 6.

So I think it WOULD work out...

Freakishly, I never wanted anything more than this.

I started liking him in grade 3, now im in grade 7 0_oI havent ever liked anyone else but him.

He's said before he had his girlfriend, that he's liked me in grade 4 and 6.

So I think it WOULD work out...

Freakishly, I never wanted anything more than this.
Well it's not going to help you at all if you hang on and watch and wait for someone to break with him. For now just support him and if stuff happens in your favour, go for it. Otherwise, not much else you can do but deal.

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