getting ready


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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2009
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hi im annie and ive just got my v5 and its on 2G and i have 2 boys and 1 girl.

this is there names.

hi im Twilight

Hi i am starlight and my lil bro cant talk an his name is Midnight

Midnight will be red like this


happy *****

bonds 0%

family name

1st Twilight,omutuchi

2nd Starlight,Omutuchi

3rd Midnight,futabatchi

let me know by pm if there is any thing i can do to make my log better :blink: :huh: :)


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they evolved and im not to proud of Starlight shes developed an attitude!

The Stats

Hungry ***

Happy ****

Bonds 10%

Family name Angel

1st Twilight,AhiruKutchi,Boy

2nd Starlight,Belltchi,Girl

3rd Midnight,Mattaritchi,Boy

Hey wat y'all doin? Ma Brothers Stink Y'all.

WE dO nOT , hEY i cAN tALK!


Hi sorry about not going on for a while i was not aloud,They evolved again an here are the Stats

Happy *****

Hungry *****

Bonds 20 %

Family Name Angel

1st Twilight,Bakutchi,Boy

2nd Starlight,Ichigotchi,Girl

3rd Midnight,Mamekatchi,Boy

An update 1.Starlights lost her attitude

2.They are all working together

now they will talk

Hi waz up

Hi sorry bout when i was a kid my friends are teenagers and they were snobby and i just copied them.

hey waz up in the houz.

Thats all for now see ya

hi its me Starlight im nearly an adult i think im one tomorr-or the next day.



Happy ****

Hungry ****

bonds 20%

Family Name Angel

1ST Twilight,Bakutchi,Boy

2ND Starlight,Ichigotchi,Girl

3RD Midnight,Mamekatchi,Boy

Now f-Hey I Wanna lead no-no i am-no i am

Hey you guys stop fighting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sowy,Sowwy mumma.

Thats ok


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hi me again we evolved last night but mum was to tired to see what we were



me and Twilight got changed in to makiko an kuromametchi

thats all for now see ya

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hi i used the dating show and now im on 3rd generation i have nkow idea what to

name them pm me with ideas please they are 1 girl and1 boy the stats


happy *****

hungry *****

bonds 0%

gen 3

points 1680


thats all for now bye they will evolve soon i might be able to tell you today if im

aloud on the computer



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hi i have chose the names it is Grace and connor


hi im a sakuramotchiand my lil bro is a ahirukutchi.




happy ****

hungry ****

bonds 10%

gen 3

points 1860

Grace will talk in blue and connor will talk in green

thats all bye

hey they evolved grace is a chamametchi and connor is a mamekatchi.

that is all for now bye but first they wanna talk

hey i cant believe it i think im evolving tonight bye

hi i am connor and i have no idea why cause annie hates that name oh well bye

hi they evolved and now grace is a lovezukintchi and connor a kuromametchi bye

did you know there is a short cut to get to your log just search your user name and it will come up click on it and you are at your log


any way i can use the dating show tomorrow i will marry grace bye for now

i changed my mind and i ended up marrying connor and i have 3 kids and they are called

cameron,anna,and gaby. they are all peple i known any way cam is a ahirukutchi and will be red,anna is belltchi and will be bluea and gaby is a mousetchi and will be green. thats all and im purple.

hey just as i was about to tell you what teenagers they were and they changed to adults so ill try to remember,cam was a bakutchi,anna was a um cant remember and gaby was a korokotchi and now cameron wis a uhyotchi,anna a makiko and gaby a mukugetchi. thats all bye

hey im goin to see 17 again so i wont replyin for a while anyway i will marry cam today after i get back have to go bye

im gettin married im gettin married

hey i married them and now im on 5 gen i have 2 boys,1 girl there names




they were eat ing out the fridge so i stopped them and i marryed cam to a girl i named amy.



hi sorry i havent posted for a while any way they turned into teenagers.

derick was a bakutchi,ann a ichigotchi and matt a korokotchi now they are adults and they are derick a uhyotchi,ann awatatchi turned into a makiko and matt hasugatchi turned into kuromametchi.

they can be married tomorrow and i will marry ann.



sorry i havnt been on in a while i married ann and i had2boys 1 girl now they are adults so i have named them amie,dan and ant. they get married in 2 days time.

hi i am about to marry this is how it goes i marry amie to steve who is amies boyfriend everyone cries they kiss and they have 3 eggs i will tell you what are they soon they are 2 omututchis and 1 futatabatchi. two girls one boy they are marcie oldest,minal middle,stan youngest. thats all bye.

hi they evolved yesterday after i got off and they are Marcie,belltchi Minal,ahirukutchi and Stan,tororotchi. anyways they will talk hey i am so beautiful,when i grow up i want to be a :( hi bye. helloz i sound like a boys name im not!!!!!!!!!! hey sowy mummy. now they are havin conversation with the fridge. bye

this might be my second page i dunno anywayz nothin has happened to the angel family but i decided that i will brobably marry marcie or Stan depends.




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