Ghosts? Aliens?


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Do you believe in ghosts or aliens?

  • I believe in ghosts, but not aliens

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  • I believe in aliens, but not ghosts

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  • I believe in both aliens and ghosts

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't believe in either of them

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  • ...POMEGRANATE! (I don't know)

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Well, I know there was a topic like this already, but it was old. So I made a new one! Sorry if there's already a newer topic like this, but I haven't seen it on "New Posts," so it's probably not THAT new... Anyways!

I believe in ghosts, but not aliens. If the earth was, like, .001 degrees off of its axis, we wouldn't be here! So imagine how precise another planet would have to be to have life. I'm not saying there's not, but I'm leaning on the "Aliens do not exist" side =)

I really don't want this topic to have lots of flame wars over beliefs, so please stay civilized! Thank you in advance!


See, it's kinda hard to say because there is no scientific proof, so really the only way to determine this would be from personal experience or belief.

So I'm not really sure just yet.

Nice xD

Well, I'm actually having a discussion about it with one of my friends. I can post that on here. It has to do with aliens and the universe and stuff... I'll wait for it to be concluded, though =)



I believe that if we haven't completed our mission in life then we come back to furfil it, Or a family member in trouble we must warn and such...Of course these spirits are more powerful than us. They have stronger powers!


I don't believe in those little green men on mars..But I believe it's ignorant to think taht we are the only life out there...Space is bigger than we can imagion...So there is a GREAT chance that there is something out there

I don't believe in that kind of super natural.

Unless you mean the Holy Ghost refering to the Holy Spirit.

Then I would say yes, but only that kind.

But you weren't.... so oh well. xD

As I have said many times before. I beleive in ghosts.

Aliens, same. It would be kinda weird if we where the only life in the big ol' universe.


I believe in ghost because I've watch most haunted, Ghost hunters , and some other show and on most haunted they have all kinds of scary thing like a girl getting possessed by an evil spirit and needed and exorcism done in order to keep the spirit away. If 100 percent sure about ghosts.

aliens: like potbellypnda says,"

I don't believe in those little green men on mars
" but there might be other life out there. I mean look! There is bunches of different solar systems out there! The earth might be compared by being a spec of dust! It is hard to beelieve there isn't something out there but probably not little one eyed tentacle bearing spece dudes that float around in little ships!
Ghosts: I believe in ghosts, I've seen pictures, footage and other convincing things on ghosts. Some say they are only part of our imagination or part of our fairytale world, but what if they do exist, maybe we just don't know it yet. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong.I don't really think the dead come back as ghosts, I believe they are spirits. And I think ghosts are evil, spirits aren't really.I think I've "seen to musch" and am now convinced.

Aliens:It's interesting hearing everyone opinion on aliens, but I don't believe that. Creepy looking "things" on Mars? To me, aliens sound pretty immature, people have shown photos of thse flying saucers but they turn out as fakes, people on T.V claim to have seen one, but what if they havn't? And it is true that the Earth is compared to a speck of dust then there must be other life somewhere else, but not aliens, who created those immature buggers anyway?

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I believe in both because a ghost thing happened to me and alien stories have been heard so yeah...I think they are both totally real and kinda scary.

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I do believe in ghosts, But I believe that they like to be called Spirits. After all they are lost souls of the deceased. They nice xD

I dont belive in aliens, but I belive in INTELIGENT LIFEFORMS. Its not like humans are the only inteligent lifeforms in the history of exsistency :eek:

P.S. check out my lamborguini DIABLO!

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Ok lets just make one tiny point clear. There is no proof that Ghosts exsist and there is no proof that Aliens exsist! Belive in what you want but just remember what people can do with technolgy now! They can pretend things!

I believe in aliens, but not ghosts (I try to convince myself I don't anyway :rolleyes: ). I think that if there really are aliens, they are not out there to kill us. If they are as smart as what we say they are, then they would've got us by now. I think they are just afraid of us, like we are of them.

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