Ghosts. (O_O)


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Freaky story. I had a ghost tracker on my long lost (stolen STUPID ROBBERS!) ipod and I was just all like SWAG untill I saw a red dot on the sonar! I'm all like "this app is a fake" but then it said:

Dog Walking

And my dog walked by. I deleted that app.

I would delete that too.


Usually those kinds of apps work by picking up electromagnetic fields, which "ghosts" give out, because they're made out of pure energy.

Also today I opened my crown chakra......if you don't know what it is, Google it. I don't feel like explaining it.

Now that it's open, I've been seeing spirits in full figure for 2-3 seconds, not just in a flash. Also I saw Megan today in full figure. Now I think she's African American with dreadlocks, she wears a long, white and lacy dress that's very tattered. She was dragging something next to her.

Also I thought I saw my black cat Simon step over my feet....I definitely saw a 100% solid black cat step over my feet, and make a noticeable breeze. But it had white paws.

I looked under the coffee table to where it walked, and it disappeared.

Then in my head I saw it rubbing against my leg. Exactly where it was rubbing against me, I felt extremely cold energy "rubbing" against my leg. If I moved my feet then I wouldn't feel it, so it definitely wasn't just a draft. Then the cat stood up and moved around. It was so scary but amazing. Then it followed me to my room.

Because I'm so calm, well it happened 1/2 hour ago so I'm calmed down a bit.

I'm 14, gone through 6th 7th and 8th grade with everyone having dirty mouths....ahah, I wouldn't be bothered by anything bad, but I don't think I would read up on that stuff anyway xD I mean, I feel strong emotions toward spirits (Megan makes me laugh, Amanda [a scary solid black shadow that is very aggressive] makes me terrified to the point of tears, I miss Roy so I feel sadness, and the others I don't know their names.) but not like LOVE!! Haha, that would be creeee-pyyyyy

If my grandmother visited me I don't know what I'd do....she spoke Polish only so I wouldn't understand her. My other grandparents live in Russia and I only know enough Russian to understand basic communication, but they're not dead, so.....hehe yeah! Seems like your grandmom was very sweet though. The spirits in my house are very watchful over me....Megan is around 7 or 9 so she's mostly curious and mischievous (she is constantly trying to lure me into my parent's bathroom for a Megan-knows-why reason lol)...Amanda...well I don't know what the HELL her problem is, but she scared the living daylights out of me last time I encountered her when she followed me to my bedroom and knocked on the door even though I was screaming at her to leave me the beep alone (Well I didn't say She's very aggressive and intrusive and at night when she comes into my room I am just seized with terror and all I can do is curl up and shake and occasionally cry if I feel that trapped. Very scary. Megan doesn't scare me, just surprises me....a few weeks ago she hid my watershoes (the ONLY shoes I like to wear in the summer) and today I found them next to the exercise bike in the exercise room where I never go except to play with my starlings. Weird, because she hid them under a box.....go figure, I don't care as long as she doesn't break anything!!

I don't think you'd let anything else in if you called your Grandmom. I was in my room once and decided to call my dead aunt who I had never met, because I felt a connection with her because of her love of horses. I lay down in my bed, relaxed, and called her over, and imagined her next to me. Within a minute I felt her near me and I started talking to her. As long as you don't intentionally think of anything else, you won't call anything else. Also if you say out loud, firmly, "NOTHING is allowed in here except for my GRANDMOTHER....if ANYTHING else comes in here without my EXPRESS PERMISSION, the entity will immediately be forcefully ejected" which is what I say. I think it intimidates the other drifters.

And what you said about feeling "pulled"....well God almighty I feel that all the time! When Megan wants to meet me in the bathroom, I feel a strong pull in my gut in the direction of the bathroom, as though a magnet is in my gut and is being attracted to there. Also my legs almost "turn" themselves toward the bathroom and I feel like I absolutely MUST go there or something bad will happen.

I think it's very sweet that your kitties still hung around their usual haunts ^___^ my cockatiel stayed with my in my home until we sold his cage, which was a very sad day for me....but I'm happy he's moved on. He was the best bird I've ever had though. I don't think any of our other animals still hang around, they just left immediately without bothering to say goodbye. Especially our extremely mean Shih-tzu, Cory, who left a scar on my eyebrow when he bit my face when I was 4 > :(

And last but not least, dealing with the shadow man and random spirit. Oh, my gosh. I would be scared out of my wits if I saw a shadow. Usually if I see one and I DON'T know the gender or name, I get so scared because I think it's just a genderless, nameless demon or some other bad spirit that won't give me information. Those scare me the most. Like Roy used to be called "The Shadow Man" by me because I knew he was a man, I just didn't know the man until the fateful night where he gave me a message that was so strong and so sudden I couldn't shake it out of my head for 10 minutes....hehe. It's like seeing a stranger walking around your house, hiding, then learning their name and becoming comfortable around them. It's a very scary process because you have no idea who they are, but I wouldn't contact that shadow person until you are 100% sure it's safe, though. And since that was in a hospital, and there are LOTS of deaths there, you're gonna have lots of spirits there. Even more because other outsider spirits are attracted to the large amounts of energy.

And since you blocked out that gave me an image of a sad little bloodhound looking in through a doggy door that has a LOCK on it, lol!!! The poor guy, I bet he feels lonely, but you need to set the ground rules. I don't like blocking spirits out of my house/room, because....well, I don't know. But I don't like keeping them out. Because Roy definitely protected me, Megan keeps me company and makes me laugh, but Amanda scares the life out of me. I feel like I'm keeping my family out though if I keep them all out....and at my friend Mary's house, it's hilarious. We were talking to a spirit in her house named Johnny who has a sort of crush on Mary, and it was so funny! We were asking him all these things....I was like "Johnny, do you like Mary?"


"You like her body or her personality?"


"Aw, you perv!!"


And that last answer was SO strong in my head I just laughed out loud...Mary and me got the same exact responses, so we both started laughing at the same time, so if someone else were in there who had no idea what was happening would look at us strange....hehehe.

I think a lot of spirits are very funny, though. They have strong personalities like they did when they were alive.

Aaaaand I've talked too much.
Hahahahaha - it's okay - I mean some spirits are okay to have around like relatives and friendly guiding ones. But ground rules should be set. I don't know if I truly believe in Angels, but I totally believe in Demons and darker beings. The shadow man was actually just a shadow man - not really a human spirit at all. They are TERRIFYING *whimpers to look it up again* They are part of supernatural myth of sorts dating back long into history. "Shadow people are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer's peripheral vision.[1] They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel" The one I saw wasn't jerky in motion, but I always saw him out of the corner of my eye and then the hearing my name whispered in my ear and the being kicked YICK!!! I HATE HATE HATE shadow people!!! I never want to be around one again ever o_O; I haven't since that time and I'm glad he didn't follow me.

*takes a deep breath and relaxes* whew~ anyway I don't see spirits (other than the shadow man) usually. I see animal spirits on occasion, but human type ones I don't. I just feel emotions from them usually and they sometimes send me images or like letters or numbers. That's why I say that I'm an empath (empathic psychic), and the feelings don't just come from spirits they also come from people close to me. My mother used to project a lot of what she was feeling to me - so if she had a headache I had one, even if I wasn't around her the whole day O_O it was always really weird.

If you can actually see the spirits that's really lucky I think. Sometimes I get even more scared cause I can't really see them :/ If you need some help to channel your energy into getting a break from the spirits Amethyst helps with focusing away spirit energy. I mean, even every once in a while a persons got to get a break. Might help you to sleep a bit more soundly too :) You can help focus positive energy to it through holding and washing it under running water. This also helped me when I was dealing with the shadow man when I just could not deal with it that night ya know?

Also the spirit that roams our property isn't a bad spirit, but I just feel better not to have it wondering through my house hahaha - They just seemed sad even before I shooed them out. Since I'm an empath, I could pick up on that and it could potentially make me feel sad and depressed 24/7 and I didn't want that.


Hahahahaha - it's okay - I mean some spirits are okay to have around like relatives and friendly guiding ones. But ground rules should be set. I don't know if I truly believe in Angels, but I totally believe in Demons and darker beings. The shadow man was actually just a shadow man - not really a human spirit at all. They are TERRIFYING *whimpers to look it up again* They are part of supernatural myth of sorts dating back long into history. "Shadow people are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer's peripheral vision.[1] They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel" The one I saw wasn't jerky in motion, but I always saw him out of the corner of my eye and then the hearing my name whispered in my ear and the being kicked YICK!!! I HATE HATE HATE shadow people!!! I never want to be around one again ever o_O; I haven't since that time and I'm glad he didn't follow me.

*takes a deep breath and relaxes* whew~ anyway I don't see spirits (other than the shadow man) usually. I see animal spirits on occasion, but human type ones I don't. I just feel emotions from them usually and they sometimes send me images or like letters or numbers. That's why I say that I'm an empath (empathic psychic), and the feelings don't just come from spirits they also come from people close to me. My mother used to project a lot of what she was feeling to me - so if she had a headache I had one, even if I wasn't around her the whole day O_O it was always really weird.

If you can actually see the spirits that's really lucky I think. Sometimes I get even more scared cause I can't really see them :/ If you need some help to channel your energy into getting a break from the spirits Amethyst helps with focusing away spirit energy. I mean, even every once in a while a persons got to get a break. Might help you to sleep a bit more soundly too :) You can help focus positive energy to it through holding and washing it under running water. This also helped me when I was dealing with the shadow man when I just could not deal with it that night ya know?

Also the spirit that roams our property isn't a bad spirit, but I just feel better not to have it wondering through my house hahaha - They just seemed sad even before I shooed them out. Since I'm an empath, I could pick up on that and it could potentially make me feel sad and depressed 24/7 and I didn't want that.

You really, really scared me. I know you didn't mean to....but this bad spirit, Amanda (????) keeps following me around. I always see her in shadows, more often as a black blob on the ceiling or a shadow on a wall. Also when she chased me to my room, when I saw her in the dining room she was a giant black shadow that was kind of see-through....almost as though a shadow were pulled right off a wall! I don't know what to do.....I assume this may be the time to come out of my "psychic closet" as my dad can have the house blessed, also I can get blessed, and I can talk it over with some psychic monks who are at his church (many there are blessed with amazing gifts)......I don't know if I want that though. I feel like the spirit world is different from God and all that stuff. I know that the shadow I see right now is more aggressive and tormenting than anything else....right now I feel like crying (tears are welling up in my eyes) and I feel extremely vulnerable....often my dad goes to sleep at around 1-2am so at night I go to bed and sleep with my mom until my dad kicks me out (lol!) so she thinks I just want to cuddle, but in reality I feel protected.

There are many scary things in this house...

Yesterday I saw a black cat with white paws, FULLY SOLID, walk over my feet and walk under the coffee table. I call it Oreo, but I don't really know its actual name. In my head I saw it rubbing all over my legs, and corresponding to where it was rubbing my legs, I felt cold there. It often comes into my room and sits on/near my bed as I watch the spirits flurry around.

I don't know if all shadow people are bad though....I mean Roy, a somewhat protector for me, was first revealed to me in full figure, the 2nd time 3 years later as he passed a light on the wall and cast a huge shadow on the opposite wall. Right now there is a spirit about 15 feet from me in the living room and I am seeing them clearer than ever now that I've opened my Crown Chakra....this is really terrifying stuff and I know that what I am seeing is real.....I actually know Megan is next to our palm tree near the starling's cage.....

I see spirits every day, 24/7....I usually see one about every 10 minutes. Usually just a flash in my peripheral vision (peripheral vision is the least damaged part of your eyes so you see supernatural stuff there mostly until you're trained).... Often it's a black figure (the shadow person is a blurry figure, not clear like a spirit) or a orb of light or shadow...... Thinking about it terrifies me but there is no way I can avoid it.....they're everywhere. Other beings that certainly are NOT spirits, ETs I guess you could call them that do not abide the rules I give to spirits. Also animal spirits are very comforting and I enjoy having them around, especially Oreo.

Right now nobody is in my room (yet) but in 18 minutes they will all come in with a burst and I see something pink and large come in (????) in my little futuristic prediction.

I hate seeing spirits often because I get very clingy. If I stay home alone then the bad spirits all come out to torment me, e


















Ch-cherub? o_O

Anyway, I think seeing ghosts would actually be kinda cool. But because of my religion (christian) I don't really believe in it much. And CherubHorse, were you kidding? If it scares you that much, you might need therapy. (JK)

Well, it's weird but sometimes I get dreams about ghosts. Mostly they are lucid so they're fun. :3

Ch-cherub? o_O

Anyway, I think seeing ghosts would actually be kinda cool. But because of my religion (christian) I don't really believe in it much. And CherubHorse, were you kidding? If it scares you that much, you might need therapy. (JK)

Well, it's weird but sometimes I get dreams about ghosts. Mostly they are lucid so they're fun. :3
I wasn't joking before, I was just panicking and I should have waited to edit it later O________________O

But seriously there WERE things in my room....they were all over. Last night I didn't get to sleep until around 3am because my room had so much activity. I ended up reading the entire book, "Dogtips from Dogtown" and it didn't exactly help that there was a spirit of an animal IN MY ROOM.

Anyway they were everywhere and I don't want to finish saying what I want to say because I'll end up scaring myself again.


I started thinking about the evil thing and right now it is in the hallway watching me. A black orb near the ceiling. I do not like this whatsoever and I started swearing at it telling it to go away. What I am going to do if it gets too close I don't know. I'm watching my cat because she can probably see it better than me. She is watching it carefully.

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I wasn't joking before, I was just panicking and I should have waited to edit it later O________________O

But seriously there WERE things in my room....they were all over. Last night I didn't get to sleep until around 3am because my room had so much activity. I ended up reading the entire book, "Dogtips from Dogtown" and it didn't exactly help that there was a spirit of an animal IN MY ROOM.

Anyway they were everywhere and I don't want to finish saying what I want to say because I'll end up scaring myself again.


I started thinking about the evil thing and right now it is in the hallway watching me. A black orb near the ceiling. I do not like this whatsoever and I started swearing at it telling it to go away. What I am going to do if it gets too close I don't know. I'm watching my cat because she can probably see it better than me. She is watching it carefully.
Firstly, when stuff freaks you out remember to take a deep breath. Secondly, getting your house blessed if you don't feel like you can do it on your own might be a good idea (I don't know if what is in your place is really all that bad, but what can it hurt?) After all of that - I think you need to start claiming space for yourself.

I used to claim space (and still do) by focusing myself into a meditative state and forcefully claiming the space around me, whether it's just the room or the whole house. Fill the space with positive energy and forcefully state that it will ONLY be filled with positive energy. When I first moved into the house we are in now I started by taking a walk through with a stick of incense and starting as close as I could to the most eastern corner I stopped in each corner of my house and just repeated "Only good things here. Bless this house. Only Good things here." While calmly saying this I was thinking of the good things I want in my space - I want restful sleep, I want love, I want laughter, I want comfort, I want peace, only good things. I walked all the way through straight out to the back door and stuck the incense in the dirt outside and watched the smoke blow away from the doorway. I felt this was a good sign of anything negative leaving. Make sure you feel positive and not afraid - be forceful - not mean, but just know that what you are claiming is yours! (Edit: I know that smoke blowing out from a house seems somewhat un-miraculous, and our house does have a vacuum effect when the AC is running or on a particularly windy day, but we didn't have any AC at that time and there was no wind. The front door and all the windows were closed also. The smoke kept going out from the house with a lot of force pretty much for the entire stick of incense too so I take it as something unusual and not to be over looked.)

I didn't mean to scare you btw. o_o If you need any help or ideas with what's going on you can always send me a message and I will try and help out if I can - you're not alone :) I was pretty alone in things like this growing up, but that doesn't mean you have to be!


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i've seen a group of shadow people....

about 10 years ago i went to a cabin up in northern california with a bunch of family friends....

i was sleeping on a fold out bed with my friend and it faced the kitchen. i woke up because i heard people talking and moving things the next morning i asked if anyone was in the kitchen in the middle of the night and everyone said no o_o

there's a picture of me and my mom outside the front door of the cabin and there's an orb floating above us

i just noticed it a few months ago


I think there are probably ghosts after reading CherubHorse and Purn's conversation. It's likely that only people who can reach a certain level of focus can see them, and the reason so many people can't is because they're leading busy lives and/or ignoring the world around them. Ghosts are probably not touchable, but visible and audible if you're in a deep state of focus. I once hypnotized myself to give myself more confidence in sports, and it actually worked! I might try CherubHorse's instructions, just to test my focus level. There are so many frequencies of electromagnetic waves hardly visible to humans...

The ghost thing pretty much makes sense. :)

I wish I could actually see them know, as people, instead of just tiny lights. I guess some people are better at the ability to see ghosts than others. :)

I decided I probably don't have the ability to see ghosts. Or maybe I just don't have the focus level, or instruction-following skills. :p

The night after I last posted in this topic, I turned off all my lights (even covered my alarm clock with a blanket). After relaxing a bit, I saw some bright dots moving slightly back and forth. I felt kind of creeped out at first, but then I thought, these ghosts can't hurt me. I went to sleep feeling safe and happy, that there were other spirits in my room besides my own. But in the morning, alas, I found out they were glow-in-the-dark beads, which were part of a decoration that I had hanging from my ceiling. :mellow:

I'll try again, maybe actually READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CherubHorse put up here for seeing spirits, but I might just be one of those people with 20/20 vision, but bad sight when it comes to slightly different electromagnetic frequencies.

Can you see bug spirits? I dont know if these are bug spirits but:

Everytime im looking down in my room or away, I always see, in the corner of my eyes, these tiny black orbs crawling down the walls. I look where they were and they dissapear, but a few minutes later they are back. Also, last year at night when I would go to sleep I would always see a little kid figure peeking through my door (I keep my door cracked) and it freaked me out so I wanted to turn and face the wall but I was afraid I would see the orbs.

I chose "??? Not really sure..."

My reason:

Okay, so I'm a Christian.. therefore I don't believe in ghosts.. the thing is though.. I used to be at my church late at night several years ago because my mom had to work there.. and I would sit in the hallway right outside where she was working. We both heard a man and a woman's voice in the sanctuary talking with eachother.. and when we went down there.. there was no one there.

I had a dress hanging on my door for my grandmother's funeral about 5 years ago. The back tie was undone. My parents and I went to bed. When I got up.. (I was the first one up) the bow was tied in it.

I have this doll that plays music only when you wind her up.. I was sitting alone in my room one day.. and the doll just started playing music..

Since I'm a Christian.. I believe in angels.. and I believe these experiences were angels.. and I don't think ghosts exist.. but at the time they seemed convincing that they were trying to scare me.. so I chose not sure.

Just now I had this weird feeling and when I ran into my mom`s room because I was scared, there was a reflection on the big brown cabinet where she keeps some clothes. The reflection looked like a orange circle almost. It looked like it was on her vaccume. But when I took my eyes of the cabinet it was not on the vaccume. Also I heard 8 ticking noises.

I don't believe in ghosts. If I see or hear something, I always go "Oh, I'm just seeing things" or "Oh, I'm just hearing things."

I just can't shake off the feeling that it's a trick of the light or my eyes deceiving me.

I don't believe in angels either, but I kind of want them to exist because if they did then that would be really cool! :D And I'd love to talk to them.

So no, I don't believe, but I'm jealous of the people who do and can see / hear them. :)

I kind of picked Not really sure, because I sort of/do not believe in ghosts. Like if something, like my Tamagotchi, started to make weird beeping noises, I would begin to panic instantly, because I don't like it when something gets glitched and not able to work. It's creepy, but...ghosts don't seem to scare me, but it's my Tamagotchi that scares me a little.

Just now I had this weird feeling and when I ran into my mom`s room because I was scared, there was a reflection on the big brown cabinet where she keeps some clothes. The reflection looked like a orange circle almost. It looked like it was on her vaccume. But when I took my eyes of the cabinet it was not on the vaccume. Also I heard 8 ticking noises.
Actually what happened about the light was probably the light in the hall reflecting on the cabinet forming a orange circle. Don`t know about the ticking though

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Yesterday I saw a black cat with white paws, FULLY SOLID, walk over my feet and walk under the coffee table. I call it Oreo, but I don't really know its actual name. In my head I saw it rubbing all over my legs, and corresponding to where it was rubbing my legs, I felt cold there. It often comes into my room and sits on/near my bed as I watch the spirits flurry around.
Did this cat have a white chest?? If so, then your little friend is what's known as a Cait Sidhe. Or possibly a familiar or just a ghost cat.

I really love to hear everyones opinions in this thread :)

Ghosts and supernatural things are very tricky things to pin down. They are very experiential. People think I'm weird cause I don't fully believe in aliens and UFOs and stuff while I do believe in ghosts and spirits and energy and that sort of thing. (Not trying to knock UFO/Bigfoot/or any other thing) It's not that I don't believe in those types of things, it's just that I haven't had experience with them and honestly till someone proves without a doubt that they don't exist then I'm open to what most people have to offer as explanation. I just happen to have up close experiences with the ghost/spirit field and so I feel comfortable talking about it. I find others opinions on ghosts and spirits that they prefer to call them angels or demons, or shadow people or whatever. I just think of them as people or animals that have no physical body, they are the energy, the ghost of the machine that has been set loose.


I strongly believe in the supernatural and metaphysical.

Ever since I can remember, I've been somewhat psychic and had the ability to sense spirits.

I've encountered ghosts, spirits, and entities. In fact, I share my house with 31! I have experience with all ranges of spirits, from white arts to black arts.

I used to have some kind of shadowy negative energied spirit or possibly demon. idk. haunt my bedroom at night. It hasn't come back ever since I got some of the best protection the spirit world has to offer~

Also, yes, animals do sense ghosts.

oh and all those fabled 'fantasy creatures' from stories do exist! Like faeries, elves, dragons, unicorns, etc!

This is all very interesting... I myself am a medium, or a "Blue Star Child". My abilities are not quite what you would expect... But I have a connection on multiple levels with animals. I can understand them (not like hearing them speak English) but I can. It's not that I'm cruel... But I am almost completely unwavered by the death of a family member (unless its my mother or father). Why it is is that they follow me, they are here right now. For example, every time my mother took a picture of me at my birthday, there are translucent white orbs around me, that only the camera in contrast to when an animal dies, my spirit and theirs are no longer linked, and it seems as though they are gone. They are still here though. Their spirit knows mine, even from across separate realms. My skills are still in development, but I have certain abilities that are strong regardless. I sense the emotions and thoughts of others and take them on as my own. For example, I had just ate four slices of pizza, and my stomach was beyond full. Then my cat lily came in starving, and began to meow. Almost instantly, I felt as though I hadn't eaten in days. It's the same with random strangers. One thing I'm eating a hamburger in a food court, the next I feel an incredible amount of pressure come upon me as a seemingly busy man sat at the table next to me. So ya. I think spirits are real.

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