Gigpets Explorer...has anyone finished it?


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Jan 29, 2007
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We've returned 12 items to the king and got the second flower book, collected all the flowers and returned them to the beach.

We kinda thought there might be an end to the game, but we've been sent on another random quest.

Does the game ever end, or is this just going to be endless questing from now on with no real purpose??? :D

omg finally someone who has found everything... I don't know if it ends either.. been playing and doing quest after quest, I'm still missing one of the kings items and the second flower book too... any help from you would be greatly appreciated... my daughter and i are going crazy trying to figure out what we have missed... we have the kings cloak, the sceptor, the sheild, the sword, the collar, the ring, the crown, the jar thingy, gold collar, the round sheild, the statue, could you please tell me what we are missing and maybe where we could find it ... I was hoping that this game ends too....

Hey you are further than we are!

I have been leaving pitchforks behind and now I realize that I need 250 to pass the guy on Magna Mountain.

We are frustrated being able to find one of the hints in the Mountain or Jungle that said "dig near a fishing net on the beach". We have dug all over and cannot find anything!

I have no clue what all I have brought the king but know I have 11 maps and One garden book. We have visted the spaceship and that is where we have left off....

It certainlly feels like it will never end....back and forth back and forth..

Let me know if you can help on the net thing or where to find flower book 2

....and let me know if you get some fireworks or a cute little dance or something if it does end!

omg finally someone who has found everything... I don't know if it ends either.. been playing and doing quest after quest, I'm still missing one of the kings items and the second flower book too... any help from you would be greatly appreciated... my daughter and i are going crazy trying to figure out what we have missed... we have the kings cloak, the sceptor, the sheild, the sword, the collar, the ring, the crown, the jar thingy, gold collar, the round sheild, the statue, could you please tell me what we are missing and maybe where we could find it ... I was hoping that this game ends too....
Do you have the blue collar?

My daughter says we have both the blue and gold collar so i'm not sure what we are missing ... because we only have 11 items and some people have 12 .. i'm so confused now lol

As far as digging near the net, my daughter thinks we only got a bag of stars...

also you dont need 250 pitchforks if you have 250 halos... both guards lead to the same stop .. i think it's like that depending on how you wanted your pet to be . either nice or not nice .. so if you have 250 halos you are fine ...

my daughter and i are in the same stop as you on the game, we have only 11 items, no second garden book, and we have been to the spaceship... and we keep doing quest after quest and not getting anywhere else.... check out my list of 11 items and see if anything is different from your 11 .. if so maybe we can help eachother find the 12th item...

i pray that there is an ending because this game is driving me crazy lol

sorry i read that wrong thought it said 11 items not 11 maps, let me know how many items you have and what they are and maybe i can help you find some of the other ones

There's a BLUE collar?  We don't have that yet!
Actually, we do have 12 items, including the blue collar. We got our twelfth item by accident up by the wishing well in Gigaville (past the lighthouse) by digging up a flower. We had dug tons of flowers up there before without getting it so we aren't sure if it was just luck that the flower was where we had to dig. After giving the 12th item to the king we got the second flower book and have picked all the flowers.

Our latest try to find the "end" has been to switch from bad to good to collect all possible friendship tokens. Not sure if this will work or not.

One thing we are still trying to figure out is, which lightpost? One of the clues is dig near a light post. We have dug everywhere, even around the torches on the beach. No luck. Does anyone know which lightpost and where to dig by it?

As far as digging near the net, my daughter thinks we only got a bag of stars...
also you dont need 250 pitchforks if you have 250 halos... both guards lead to the same stop .. i think it's like that depending on how you wanted your pet to be . either nice or not nice .. so if you have 250 halos you are fine ...

my daughter and i are in the same stop as you on the game, we have only 11 items, no second garden book, and we have been to the spaceship... and we keep doing quest after quest and not getting anywhere else.... check out my list of 11 items and see if anything is different from your 11 .. if so maybe we can help eachother find the 12th item...

i pray that there is an ending because this game is driving me crazy lol
My 12 item was by the red building. :lol:

Whoo hoo we found the 12th item FINALLY it was by the red building... thank goodness and we got the last garden book and collected the last of the flowers.... now what lol ... is there any end to this game???

I am pretty sure this is where we started this thread. With 12 items and no idea if the game ever ends.

We wrote to Hasbro to ask but they have not seen fit to answer.

We have been on a ton of quests since having picked the last flower. Nothing seems to change much other than there isn't much left to buy in any of the stores, we have about 1400 of stars and lightbulbs, about 650 halos and 350 pitchforks and about $4,500 (we once had way more pitchforks than halos but as we said we changed our strategy to go back and make friends with all the nice pets we couldn't when we were bad). We've decorated our house to the nth degree. Still no end in sight. Sigh! :eek: At this point, one of our remaining reasons to keep playing rather than quit in disgust is to buy things we can give to our mini-pet to help them along.

Very, very frustrated! :furawatchi:

If anyone has any ideas, or has seen the game end, please, please let us know!

Can anyone tell me which light post is the one in the clue "dig by a light post"?????

I would like to know that one too .... "dig near a lightpost" .. the only thing i found near any light post was in gigaville and it was just a panda doll ... that can't be it can it?

plus i was wondering what we are suppose to do if anything with the skeleton key... we went to the king and he says keep looking for his treasure ... so i was thinking maybe that's what we are suppose to do is find his treasure chest or something but who knows.... there has to be an end to this game i hope lol ...

omg finally someone who has found everything... I don't know if it ends either.. been playing and doing quest after quest, I'm still missing one of the kings items and the second flower book too... any help from you would be greatly appreciated... my daughter and i are going crazy trying to figure out what we have missed... we have the kings cloak, the sceptor, the sheild, the sword, the collar, the ring, the crown, the jar thingy, gold collar, the round sheild, the statue, could you please tell me what we are missing and maybe where we could find it ... I was hoping that this game ends too....
Wow! Now I know I shouldn't really get one and that I will get a Nintendo DS or a Wii instead so it won't drive me nuts as well:eek: By the way, what types of Tv's does it work on anyways :p

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We just got TV Explorer today. Why are you all thinking of it as a game that ends, when no one thinks of the handheld game that way? The TV Explorer pets are virtual pets that live in their houses & eat & sleep & & get sick & take medicine & so on. They live in a much bigger world than handheld pets, & can decorate their houses and buy more than 1 item at a time. (I'm hoping the handhelds can now do all their shopping as mini pets, since hand held shopping is so tedious.) They also have more to do, what with all these quests, but why should it end?

What happens with a handheld pet when you have full access to all the locked areas, plenty of money, can buy plenty of food & toys whenever you want to? You can play that silly balloon game or trade items with other handhelds, or become a minipet. Having a virtual pet is kind of "pointless", as is having a real pet, but so what?

We just got TV Explorer today. Why are you all thinking of it as a game that ends, when no one thinks of the handheld game that way? The TV Explorer pets are virtual pets that live in their houses & eat & sleep & & get sick & take medicine & so on. They live in a much bigger world than handheld pets, & can decorate their houses and buy more than 1 item at a time. (I'm hoping the handhelds can now do all their shopping as mini pets, since hand held shopping is so tedious.) They also have more to do, what with all these quests, but why should it end?
What happens with a handheld pet when you have full access to all the locked areas, plenty of money, can buy plenty of food & toys whenever you want to? You can play that silly balloon game or trade items with other handhelds, or become a minipet. Having a virtual pet is kind of "pointless", as is having a real pet, but so what?
You make some good points, but because you haven't played the explorer for very long you do not understand what the issue is that has frustrated some of us on this board. There are only so many places to explore. There are 12 items of treasure to return to the king. Once you've returned them all, there aren't any more. There are two flower books. Once you've got both of them, you can pick all of the rare flowers. Once you've picked all of the rare flowers and returned them to Madam Gardenia, there are no new ones. As for shopping, the stores run out of stuff (other than taco fries) eventually and there is a limit of items that your explorer pet can carry (other than taco fries). There are only certain items that can be transferred to your mini-pet, most of them cannot be transferred. When you collect money or haloes or pitchforks, they do not go to your mini-pet. Once you've unlocked the two tunnels to Gigalympia, the gate to Gigaville, the bridge to the other part of the jungle and the tunnel to Magma mountain, there is nowhere new to explore. The quests become repetative and there are no new prizes to obtain. At a certain point the game loses its interest. It seemed reasonable to assume that eventually the game ended and that you would eventually start over with a new character. Most video games do have an end after all. Have you never played Zelda?

In fairness, it has been a lot of game for the money and kept us entertained for quite awhile, but I guess at some point we were expecting an ending. Sadly, we've come to the conclusion that there is no end.
The truth is I'm not nuts about TV Explorer! My husband & daugher are into it, though.

I think the game gives a mixed message. All those quests certainly do make it seem like a Zelda type game, but they don't really follow through with that, as you point out. As an ongoing virtual pet game, it sounds like it's lacking too, if you can't keep buying things at the store or finding things.

So far my husband & daugher are nowhere near that point, so I just ask them to bring a minipet now and then and stock up on whatever gourmet item the fancy store on Mystery Island is selling. (So far 3 has been the most you can buy at one time.)

I just finished all the levels today, and still no end. Ive made all the friends, unlocked all the levels, returned all the items to the king, and returned all the flowers to madam gardenia. After countless days of playing, I too expected a rewarding end, but ended up with useless tasks (cleaning up more trash around gigaville for example) I still think its a fun game, and cant seem to put it down, but I almost expected an ending just like the rest of you. Maybe theyll create an explorer 2 to plug into and let us venture around more new addicting levels.

And yes to answer the lightpost question, all it is is a panda in gigaville. Digging by the net is only a bag of stars. I still havent been able to find the panda bear thats supposedly by the mailboxes. Still the game hasnt ended... but at least I can find a quick alternative to getting my handhelds food and toys quick (I find alot for my hamster and rabbit in the barn, and for my dog I find alot in the fancier restaurants and soy chops in the health store) Plus toys and food can be easily found through the circus tent and the wishing well. Good alternative there than buying things one by one through handheld. Another suggestion with that, is trying to win the pretty pies, nice drops, dim some, wicked wafers, and sour grapes through the games, or buying them at the store, and then transfering them to your handheld to sell at the general store, to earn money for their food in toys that are sold only in the handheld game.

I still dont know the purpose of the skeleton key. Does anyone else?

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