Girl Confessions!


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Oct 28, 2007
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1. Do you sleep in ur bra?

2. Are rumors going around about you?

3. Are you a spoiled brat?

4. Do you dress up on halloween?

5. Are you short?

6. Do you enjoy football games?

7. Do you wear makeup?

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth?

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?

10. If so, what did u do to them?

11. Who was the last person you hugged?

12. Do you have a boyfriend?

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours?

Heh, found this on the internet, thought it might be fun :) Here are my answers...

1. no, it's very uncomfortable

2. yes, someone that hates me said I kill animals because, she hates me!

3. Of Course!!!

4. Who wouldn't? If you don't dress up, you don't get candy

5. yes, 4'9"(and I'm 13!!!)

6. yes, it's so fun to watch guys get tackled :(

7. yes, lipgloss and maskara

8. no... I just can't okay!! lol

9. Yes, my boyfriend

10. I smacked his butt back

11. My boyfriend..

12. Yes

13. Yes

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol, yeah. If there is a quistion that is personal, just put, Too personal, or, None Of your Business!!! LOL! Just answer them.

1. Do you sleep in ur bra? -- Sometimes. Sometimes it's uncomfortable. If I'm too tired to even notice, yeah.

2. Are rumors going around about you? -- Sort of..

3. Are you a spoiled brat? -- Um, no.. 0__o

4. Do you dress up on halloween? -- Yes, it's fun xD

5. Are you short? Yes.

6. Do you enjoy football games? -- Yes.

7. Do you wear makeup? -- No.

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? Don't wear makeup.

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? No. xDD

10. If so, what did u do to them?

11. Who was the last person you hugged? I can't remember.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Yeah, sorta

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? Haha. No.

1. Yeah

2. *gulp*..yes

3. YES!

4. Oh yeah!

5. No. o.0

6. YES!

7. Gak! NO!

8. Read #7


10. I said no.

11. Mom.

12. A crush actually.

13. LOL NO!

1. Do you sleep in ur bra?

WOOT!!!!!! Totally

2. Are rumors going around about you?

nope XD

3. Are you a spoiled brat?

spoiled: yes

brat: no

4. Do you dress up on halloween?

totally! XD (even besides the fact i'm almost 13)

5. Are you short?


6. Do you enjoy football games?

sick no. i hate watching sports

7. Do you wear makeup?

yup.....eyeshadow and sometimes lipstick

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth?

no idea. my friends put it on for me XD

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?

nope T.T

10. If so, what did u do to them?

WELL, I would smack theres back XD

11. Who was the last person you hugged?

My friends Monica, "HUGS ALL AROUND!"

12. Do you have a boyfriend?

nope T.T

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours?

well how would i XD

1. Do you sleep in your bra- no, I only wear it during the day

2. Are rumors going around about you- I dont think so o_O

3. Are a spoiled brat- a little...

4. Do your dress up on halloween-Yes XD

5. Are you short- No, I'm average for my age.

6. Do you enjoy football games- No, I like watching baseball.

7. Do you wear makeup- Sometimes

8. Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth- No XD

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours- Yes X3

10.If so, what did u do to them- I screamed at them.

11. Who was the last person you hugged- My friend Ryan

12. Do you have a boyfriend- No, but I like someone.

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours- I want to T.T

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Myspace survey meets Tamatalk :/

Aw well.

1. Do you sleep in ur bra?


2. Are rumors going around about you?

Not to my knowledge.

3. Are you a spoiled brat?


4. Do you dress up on halloween?


5. Are you short?


6. Do you enjoy football games?


7. Do you wear makeup?


8. Can u put mascara on without opening your mouth?


9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?

No. They wouldn't be alive if they had :|

10. If so, what did u do to them?


11. Who was the last person you hugged?

Don't remember.

12. Do you have a significant other?


13. If so, have you kissed him/her in the past 24 hours?


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1. Do you sleep in your bra? -Yes.

2. Are rumors going around about you? -There was a rumor going around that I was pregnant, but I think it's passed now.

3. Are you a spoiled brat? -Fah, no.

4. Do you dress up on halloween? -Yes.

5. Are you short? -Compared to my friends, yes.

6. Do you enjoy football games? -Nothing to enjoy. I'm always playing with the band.

7. Do you wear makeup? -Yes. Eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow.

8. Can you put mascara on without opening your mouth? -When I focus hard enough XD

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? -Yes. XD

10. If so, what did you do to them? -I'm sort of used to it, so nothing.

11. Who was the last person you hugged? -Either Danielle or Johnny. I think it was Danielle.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? -No.

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? -No.

1. Do you sleep in ur bra? Yes

2. Are rumors going around about you? I wouldn't know...

3. Are you a spoiled brat? Somewhat

4. Do you dress up on halloween? Only with my friends

5. Are you short? Compaired to many people, not at all

6. Do you enjoy football games? Depends who i am with

7. Do you wear makeup? Very rarly. I don't need to. If it is that one blue moon when i do, just blush.

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? If i think about it, i can, but if not, then no. But i don't wear mascara. I bought a bottle of it once (the one in the green and pink bottle) and my eyelashes were clumped beyond imagaination when i was done. I hated it.

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? Yes

10. If so, what did u do to them? Nothing. It was my friend

11. Who was the last person you hugged? My friend

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? N/A

Thats *BaBi*

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1. Do you sleep in ur bra? No. Well, except for a few times when I've come home so late and I'm so tired that I just fall asleep in my regular clothes.

2. Are rumors going around about you? Don't think so

3. Are you a spoiled brat? No

4. Do you dress up on halloween? I used to

5. Are you short? Yes

6. Do you enjoy football games? I did when I was in band

7. Do you wear makeup? Yes

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? Yes

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? No

10. If so, what did u do to them? N/A

11. Who was the last person you hugged? My friend

12. Do you have a significant other? No.

13. If so, have you kissed him/her in the past 24 hours? N/A

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1. UH-UH. That wouldn't be too comfy :furawatchi: ...

2. I don't think so.

3. Nope! I'm an angel, most of the time(LOL :furawatchi: ).

4. Yep.

5. No, I'm pretty tall for my age.

6. Sure!

7. Just lip-gloss.

8. I dunno, I don't wear it yet.

9. No(thank goodness).

10. N/A

11. I can't remember.

12. Not currently.

13. N/A

1. Do you sleep in ur bra? Yes... 0___o

2. Are rumors going around about you? Well besides that I like thsi idiot... no... and aren't you always the LAST person to find out? XD

3. Are you a spoiled brat? *pokes bed full of junk*

4. Do you dress up on halloween? Yes... have a problem?

5. Are you short? For my age, no. Thank God.

6. Do you enjoy football games? Who's being killed, Nya?

7. Do you wear makeup? Once and a while.

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? Nope, never really tried though...

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? Heckno,

10. If so, what did u do to them? I would kill them, but nuuuuu

11. Who was the last person you hugged? uhm... my friend...

12. Do you have a boyfriend? bnu

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? Heck no, maybe the last 3 years... >---?

1. Do you sleep in ur bra? Yes

2. Are rumors going around about you? I don't think so

3. Are you a spoiled brat? Kinda....

4. Do you dress up on halloween? YEAH!!!

5. Are you short? Yes, very.

6. Do you enjoy football games? I hate football with a seething passion.

7. Do you wear makeup? no

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? No

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? No, but I've slapped someone else's butt.

10. If so, what did u do to them? I'd smack them back, but I haven't been smacked recently.

11. Who was the last person you hugged? My dad, I think.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No.

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? Eww....

1. Do you sleep in ur bra? Like,no.

2. Are rumors going around about you? Like,yes.

3. Are you a spoiled brat? Yep.

4. Do you dress up on halloween? Yep.

5. Are you short? Nope

6. Do you enjoy football games? Sometimes

7. Do you wear makeup? Sometimes

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? no

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? NO!!

10. If so, what did u do to them? But somebody had smacked my butt,I would tell.

11. Who was the last person you hugged? Myself...

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? 9 is not the age for you to be kissing.

1. Do you sleep in ur bra?


2. Are rumors going around about you?


3. Are you a spoiled brat?

Some could say.

4. Do you dress up on halloween?

Not really, just a few accesories.

5. Are you short?

Considering my age, yes.

6. Do you enjoy football games?


7. Do you wear makeup?


8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth?

Yes, actually.

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?

Um, no.

10. If so, what did u do to them?


11. Who was the last person you hugged?


12. Do you have a boyfriend?

Somewhat...Oh wait no.

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours?

Um, no.

1. Do you sleep in your bra? - Goodness no.

2. Are rumors going around about you? Apparently it is common knowledge, but just not true, so I guess that means yes, there is.

3. Are you a spoiled brat? -Nah, spoiled.. well not too much anymore.

4. Do you dress up on halloween? -Yes.

5. Are you short? -Nope.

6. Do you enjoy football games? -Yea. I am not a fan, but if I am watching I get into it.

7. Do you wear makeup? -Yes.

8. Can you put mascara on without opening your mouth? -Yes.

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? -Yes.

10. If so, what did you do to them? -Stuck out my tongue at him.

11. Who was the last person you hugged? -My boyfriend.. like 2 minutes ago.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? -Yes.

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? -Yes.

1. Do you sleep in ur bra?

2. Are rumors going around about you?

3. Are you a spoiled brat?

4. Do you dress up on halloween?

5. Are you short?

6. Do you enjoy football games?

7. Do you wear makeup?

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth?

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?

10. If so, what did u do to them?

11. Who was the last person you hugged?

12. Do you have a boyfriend?

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours?

Heh, found this on the internet, thought it might be fun ;) Here are my answers...

1. no, it's very uncomfortable

2. yes, someone that hates me said I kill animals because, she hates me!

3. Of Course!!!

4. Who wouldn't? If you don't dress up, you don't get candy

5. yes, 4'9"(and I'm 13!!!)

6. yes, it's so fun to watch guys get tackled ;)

7. yes, lipgloss and maskara

8. no... I just can't okay!! lol

9. Yes, my boyfriend

10. I smacked his butt back

11. My boyfriend..

12. Yes

13. Yes

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Do you sleep in ur bra? No


2. Are rumors going around about you?....Sort of, The rumors sort of died down, But I doubt they completely stopped. >_>



3. Are you a spoiled brat?. Depends on your Definition of Spoiled brat, if you mean, Screaming and stuff just because I don't get my own way, than No.



4. Do you dress up on halloween?. Depends.



5. Are you short?....Not really. 5''9



6. Do you enjoy football games?Yes. And I think BC lions should have won their game yesterday....T.T



7. Do you wear makeup? about....65% of the time, yes.



8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth?Yes 8D



9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? . no, o_O



10. If so, what did u do to them?

If so, which was no, Then I'd likely curse up a storm



11. Who was the last person you hugged?. I don't like Hugs. >__> (cept for Online Hugs. Like, *hug*, that kind)


12. Do you have a boyfriend? ....Lawl. No way.


13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours?


1. Do you sleep in ur bra? No, I don't wear a bra yet. ;)

2. Are rumors going around about you? No.

3. Are you a spoiled brat? Uh...kind of....

4. Do you dress up on halloween? Yes.

5. Are you short? No.

6. Do you enjoy football games? No.

7. Do you wear makeup? No.

8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? I don't wear makeup.

9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? No. XD

10. If so, what did u do to them? See above.

11. Who was the last person you hugged? My best friend, Stephanie.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nah.

13. If so, have you kissed him in the past 24 hours? See above.

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