Girl Problems


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Mini 500

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
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Ok..Well there's this girl at my school and I like her.....ALOT. But last year I made her cry by swearing at her and then she threw a punch at my face and I blocked with a...uh....plank of wood. And now she STILL hates me and I've tried everything to clear my reputation but nothing works! Please Help!

Ummmm, you really have a problem here! x.x

Have you tried writing a note to her apologizing?

Lol > :( Violence is not the way. Just leave her alone @.@ Her loss. She can't be mad that you blocked your face with wood xP


Well, it wasn't nice of you to be mean to her, nor did she have the right to hit you.

You could have talked it out.

Just forget about that. Something like that happened to me last year, I asked this boy out, and he said no, now he kinda likes me. :( Now I just like him as a friend.

That is horrible. Even though it all wasnt intirely you fault... own up to it all anyway.

All girls hate boys' ego. You just have to suck up your pride and beg.

Sweet and different ways of apologizing are always better than just saying sorry...

Think of a way to do it that would be special to her.

Such as

- if she plays a sport write im sorry love, and throw it to her.

- if she has a cell phone call her under private and leave a long/sweet voicemail.

- leave a note in the front of her textbook with a rose pedal or something.

- and always the classic bouquet of roses tends to be a favorite haha.

Hope i could help :)

Well since i'm a girl, I might be able to help. I got some steps on what girls like in the situation.

Step 1:

Talk to her.

If she plays sports go to her game and support her. (Make sure that she doesn't think your stalking her or being a pervert.) And if she ever gets insulted or something then stand up for her and she'll see a nicer side to you and realize you not a jerk after all. (Not that you are)

Step 2:

Tell her you want to be friends.

Tell her that you want to be friends and that you are really sorry about cursing at her.

Step 3 (The liking stage):

Go around to some of her friends and observe her and see what she likes. Don't stalk her but stand by a corner and observe her. Try to sit near each other during classes.

Step 4:

The love stage. Girls like it when they hear something they like. Tell her she smells nice and her hair is pretty.

Step 5:

Pull her aside and tell her you want to talk. Tell her gently that you like her. If the bell rings write her a note. Tell her to meet you somewhere after school.

Step 6:

Keep on telling her she looks pretty but don't say something offensive like " 'Your really skinny' "

Then she might just grow to like you.

If it don't work take someone else's advice and PM me if it doesn't work out or tell me if you guys end up dating.



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before you think about dating her apologize! THen try and be friends....if that doesn't work then you really can't do anything...

no wonder why she hates yousay sorry now >:l

Also...I thought you were a girl and you liked a girl...

Not that...thats weird or anything...Just saying

Looking at your post, that girl did nothing wrong. Unless you want to explain why you cussed at her in the fist place, I suggest you say sorry.

First of all , I wouldn't cattagorize this topic as "girl problems" because this could very well have happened to a boy.

Anyways , What you need to do is sit her down an talk to her. Don't be like : HEY! HEY! WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING TO ME? I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!! Just walk up to her [preferably holding something like a book] and say "can we talk"? If she says no , don't beg. Leave her alone , she'll come around :D If she agrees to talk go to a place where there are no interruptions. Since you both did things wrong [cussing , throwing punches] then you need to list what you did wrong , give her a chance to say what she did wrong. If she doesn't say : I just want you to know im sorry , if you want to stay mad at me then thats fine , but I won't stay mad at you.

then walk away :) simple as that. Hope things work out between you and this girl.


If she was going to punch you in the face, you have a right to black yourself! Lol! But really, everyone know the saying "Sticks and stones may hurt your bones but words can never hurt you," and sometimes its not true. But in this case, it is. Just one swear and she tries to punch you. But on the other hand, you shouldn't have sweared at all at her, and now shes mad. If you liked her, why did you swear at her? You should say sorry and write a sorry note, too. Thanks, Monchi

P.S. If you apologize, it may take a while for her to feel happy with you again. Give her time, and eventually SHE may say sorry, too. (because she should)

But punching and swearing are wrong so don't do it.

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You should write her a note saying sorry like, 100 times. But be specific about what you're sorry about. Then near the end say that you hope she can forgive you and you can be friends or something like that.

I would feel extremely embarressed if someone did that, and saying "no I still hate you" would just make me feel like an idiot. So what better thing does she have to say than "okay"?

You = in the wrong for swearing at her.

Her = in the wrong for hitting her.

Apologise sincerely and do your best to make it up to her.

But swearing in a girl's face is a HUGE turn-off, so don't be surprised if she never really likes you back. At the very least, try and become friends and go from there. But, if she's particularly stubborn, you might be faced with a ree-eeally bad relationship from here onwards. But, if so, then it's not your fault and you can at least try. Good luck! :p


Also...I thought you were a girl and you liked a girl...

Not that...thats weird or anything...Just saying
xD me 2.

When I saw dancinmonki92's reply I was think WTF? is she trying to make them a lesbian couple or something? Then I read the thing again and realized that he was a boy. xD

Anyway, just apologize. If she refuses to forgive her, move on, it's her loss. Good luck :D

umm, yeah, apologize, and if she ignores you, its her loss...and why were you carrying wood with you?

^ Probably woodwork or something. Details, details!! =3

It's been a while since this topic was created - is the topic owner going to update us at all?!

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