Girls (and guys)


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Turn ons:The same height as me (Im freaking 5'5 feet tall! I want a boy who is as tall as me -.-)

Likes Anime/Manga

Chains and stuff

A nice looks

Nice hair, not girly (Oh lord)

Dislikes Preps as much as I do

Likes to Stargaze at night

Sitting outside under the stars

Likes me for who I am

Turn offs:

Fatter then me (XD)



Two Timer


Shorter then me

Likes anything to do with Preppy music

Slobby eater
im 5ft 6

me boy

bout girls


crazy laph

likes me


sleepy people

Moi: Chic

About: Other Chic

Turn Ons

  • Long hair.
  • Shiny hair
  • Straight hair
  • Pettable hair
  • shorter than me
  • dark hair
  • slim
  • clean
  • kind
  • huggable
  • sweet
  • likes kisses
  • like anime/manga
  • tells me she loves me back

Turn offs

  • Dirty socks
  • B.O.
  • too fat
  • taller than me
  • flirting w/ other dudes/chics
  • dislike of nature
  • overlike of eyeliner or other makeup
  • blond hair
  • hispanic (I'm not racist)

Me: girl

About: guys I guess?

Turn on:

Short (cuz I'm tall)


wears cargo pants

likes me for me, not the icky blond on the outside

Turn off


self centered


Update :( I got a whole lot better since my last post here. Lemme fix this..


About-Guys, *squeels* lol!


Looks at my face when he talks to me

NEVER cheats on me or flirts with another girl, that makes me happy =)

Calls me when he tells me he will, that makes me trust him



treats me right

compliments me =)

holds my hand when I'm sad and cheers me up

short or tall, don't matter, I like both

If on internet, doesn't ask me ANY personal quistions, omg, total turn-on to back off on that

hispanic, they are total turn-ons to me

likes to mess around SOMETIMES


Looks at my feet when talks to me, makes me sad and mad

cheats on me, makes me break up with him and maybe slapping in the face, lol

doesn't call me or forgets, who would forget me?! JK



Never compliments me, it's okay, but it is a turn-off

doesn't do anything when I'm sad

super short, like a mini man, lol, or too tall

asks me quistions about personal stuff on the internet, if internet bf gf, and asks for pics, that makes me steaming MAD

flirts with other girls

pet names

insults hannah montana, lol!!!

lying to me about age or name, I'm serious, lol

Story- I once had a online boyfriend for a day, he asked me for a pic, over and over, and I got mad, and then he was cheating on ALOT of girls, I was done with it. Good bye dude. I only don't care if he only asked me for age and state and first name only.


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Okay, well, I have thought of a lot more turn ons and turn offs, but I should probably describe my current boyfriend, because he has nearly all of the turn ons.

ME: girl

ABOUT: guys (my bf specifically)


~isn't afraid to be himself

~he can and likes to sing and isn't afraid to admit it

~makes me happy just seeing him

~his name gives me some butterflies

~light brown hair

~I can be myself around him

~great sense of humor

~older than me

~taller than me

~HIS DAD OWNS OUR LOCAL RITAS ITAILIAN ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know, homemade itailian ice, homemade frozen custard, shakes, YUM!




Turn Ons:

Good hair

Sense of humor

Nice eyes

Good smile


Bad boy

Good taste in music

Taller, but not too much



Loves Black

Loves Blue

Likes the same movies

Likes me for me

Likes my taste in things

Turn Offs


Too jocky

Too many muscles

Ugly hair

Ugly smile

Bad sense of humor


Bad taste in music

Lies too much

Too sensitive

Not manly

Good boy

Doesn't like anything I like

Likes bugs

Cheats too much

Me: girl

About: Guys

Turn ons:

Likes Music


Is a good artist


Emo/ Scater

Long hair (not butt lenh, xD)

Has same interest as me

Likes foot ball

No muscles



Can think deep (i like smart guys ALOT xD

No preppy/ jock, just plays foot ball

Turn Offs:


Has short hair

Has huge muscles

Wears Pink

Laughs retardedly


Hates cats

Makses fun of geeks (GEEKS ROCK xD)

Total Idiot

Plays Violin o_O

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Me: Girl

About: Guys


Likes music

Gets along with my other friends

Will listen to me

Not too smart but not too stupid



Kinda shy

Treats me as his equal


Insulting guys


Can't get along with other people besides me


Pet names (only I use/give pet names!! That's my job, not my lover's.)

Anger issues


Oh yeah, another turn on that sorta goes with bad boy and emo:

I like guys that are sort of a jerk, and I don't really care if they're rude, just as long as they're not too rude to me.

Me: Girl.

About: Boys Of Course.

Turns On:

Someone Who Respects me And Friends

Brown or Blonde Hair

Any Eyes

Any Kind of Style..

Makes Me Laugh And Some Other things.

Turns Off:

A Guy with a Long Beard, Ew.

A Pig.

With Grey hair...

Who is A Creep

Dsnt Respect me and Friends

They Use Girls

I Think That is All.....

x x x Jessica

Have Fun.

Im a girl

i like guys


*Blue Eyes

*Stright Teeth


*Makes me laugh non-stop


*Picking there nose (EWW!)

*Cusing none stop! (yes, sadly i no some people)

*Drinking probles

*that eats, all the time

so thats about it!

Turns On





Green/Blue/Hazel Faded Eyes

And as long as they love me back soul to soul

we ar a perfect match

I'm a girl, and I'm replying about guys.

Some turn-ons are:

-Dark brown or black hair

-Skin that is naturally tan



And some turn-offs:

-Guys with long fingernails

-If they have bad B.O. and don't do anything about it


I don't really care about height and weight. I think personality is more important than looks, not that I don't like hot guys. And same with popularity, it doesn't matter. Middle school and high school is really cliquey, but when you're older a "nerd" who actually DID all of his homework will likely have a better job, and certainly better education than the "popular" girl who copied off him. Argh, I hate labels.

Some of the answers seem to be a bit vain...

ME: Girl


-Sense of humor

-Intelligence (I like someone that can teach me something)

-Common interests

-Attitude (Confident but not sleezy)


-Taller than me (I'm only 5'0", so it's not hard to pull off)

-Ability to cook


-No sexuality

-Elitist attitude



-Extremely rude/sarcastic

I'm engaged, so I of course listed things that described my honey. :D And the turn offs are things he's not. :mellow:

I really like a nice guy who loves to goof off but also can be serious. He needs to be nice but not overly. He has to be funny but not toooooo funny. And needs to LOVE music and me.

Me ; GirlAbout; Boys

Turn- On(s) :

Black Hair

Okay weight (middle)




Is good in school

Nice to others

Doesn't care what I look like.

Likes the same things as me

Short Hair


Green Eyes

Turn Off(s) :

Poser / Scene Kid

Brown Hair




Thinking that he's so perfect

Only has a Girlfriend for looks



Not good in school ( Like being sent to detention)

Long Hair

How do you expect to have a boyfriend that doesen't get atleast 2 or 3 detentions in there life? :S





a cheeky smile

a few inches taller

hair thats not long but not really short so it doesnt hang of the head but he dont look bald XP

cute little things

sweetness(as in the have a heart and care)



fatness(this fat kids was a perv so thats why)



boys who try to make you do what you dont want to



Me: Girl

Wirting About: Guy

~Trun Ons~


2.In to alt rock

3.Gets what I'm talking about

4.longer hair

5.kinda geeky (*-*)


-Turn offs-

1.short hair

2.super good at school(a+ gotta study all the time)

3.Obsessed with sports

4.stuck up

5. gonna go out wit my best friend if we break up

~~~Patrick Stump will do too<3~~~

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I like a guy who likes me for more than just my looks.

A respectful, easygoing guy who understands when I can't go out with him is what I'm rooting for.

He must be able to stick to one girl, and one girl only.

If I'm sad, he'll hold my hand.

If I'm lonely, he will let me know that he is there.

He tells me that I am Beautiful, not just 'hot' or 'fine'.

He's loyal, and will stick up for me when I need it.

Sweetness and Honesty is what I want in a guy the most.

It's the person inside that I truly care about.

What catches my Eye:

Side swept, not-too-long Shaggy hair.

Bright Blue, or Deep, dark eyes.

Surfer Style, (you know what I mean?)

Abercrombie & Fitch Clothing

An Outstanding smile

Swim Trunks

AKA Cody Linley! :)

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Me: Girl






.normal hair length

.a little athletic

.somewhat smart

.likes me (not just for a gf)

No, just no...:




.really fat people


.long hair (like super long)



.i think people get the point...

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