girls, help!


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2006
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at school i like this guy and i don't know what to do. if i ask him out he will tell all his friends but i want to keep it a secret. i don't know what to do

I'm with Crystalized on this. Just ahng out with them and have fun. They won't make fun of you (in a mean way) when you ask the guy out. They may harmlessly tease a little though. :D

I third that! Also, I would make an effort to become friends with the guy first too. Easier said than done for sure, but it's a great way for you guys to see if you really do click and gives time for feelings to evolve more. Naturally, you would become more comfortable around him AND, eventually, around his friends too! Good luck! :D

i was talking to my bestie rachel and she said that she will ask him for me tomorrow!! i have no time to hang with his friends!! plus, i still don't want all his friends to know, and for all i know, he will tell his friends. i know where he lives, so i could send him a letter, and i could call him, but i'm very shy.

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and my friend askedwho he like today and it's not me but i really like him and i can't start liking anybody else

Usually the boys ask girls out so I can see your problem and stuff. Maybe you should hang out with him more so he can start to like you

he sits one person away from me and still i think he's friends will find out in a way. we usaully lay tree and tips with him and his friends but it doesn't help.

i has this promblem till i found he had a gf

I fourth what Crystalized said.

She's right here.

Hang around with him and his friends, get to know them and have fun =] They won't bite (I hope) and if they do, use Dettol (Haha)

Trust me, I know from experience what she's saying is right.

This has happened to me before, and I just ignored it.

The guy ended up liking me, but nothing happened.

You have to make the first move, because guys are sissys. x]

What is the worst thing that can happen? People will make fun of you for liking a guy?

In that case, you have to make fun of them for being childish. x]

I third that! Also, I would make an effort to become friends with the guy first too. Easier said than done for sure, but it's a great way for you guys to see if you really do click and gives time for feelings to evolve more. Naturally, you would become more comfortable around him AND, eventually, around his friends too! Good luck! :mellow:
That is what I would do in your siuation. Good luck! I wish you the best!

just do it! here is the same pep talk i gave someone else:

just do it. What makes life exciting is to take risks. Without them, life is just borin. if he tells his friends and says no, who cares! Ignore him! YOu have a whole life ahead of you. Move on and live a happy life!

Hope you liked my pep talk

OK there it is.

PM me if you have more questions!

Please don't bump topics.

I'm pretty sure this has been resolved by now. ;]

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