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Haha, i almost NEVER wear makeup. But the other day we were supposed to dress up as kind of our opposites (long story). So I covered my face in makeup, including like 4 different colors of eye shadow. And, wouldn't you know it, the next day I get a sty. :p

I only use Eyliner, some lipgloss, mascara, and Nail Polish :]

Usually only mascara. aha and its from Avon =]

But lately i've also been using black eye liner, and shadow. =P

I found this really nice shade of pink that glimmery and I love it!

I also love layering eye shadows..

like today I layered pink with silver on top, then the pink shimmery stuff and it looked amazing!


I don't use mascara or eyeliner mom won't let me wear it until I get to high school or older

I don't wear makeup to school cause there's noone to impress there. Outside of school I use:

Lipgloss- Revlon, Maybelline, or New York Color. This Maybelline lipgloss called "Lippolish" in #200 'Sweet blush' It's very pretty. I use watermelon LipSmackers for a shiny and tasty top coat. (Esteh- I'm gonna try that Green Apple Mint stuff. Sounds tasty)

Blush (Usually on special occasions)- Revlon mineral stay. Its my mom's.

Eyeshadow- I wear my Neutrogena 'Soothing eye tints' in Petal Shimmer a lot. It makes you eyelids feel all coolish. I also wear my Revlon stuff sometimes.

Concealer- Neutrogena. I use either my mom's stick or my tube.

Nail polish- Maybelline or Sally Hansen. I use clear Wet 'n' Wild for a top coat. I reallyyyyyyyyyy want to buy Essie polish. That stuff pwns. Right now I'm wearing my new Sally Hansen "Hot Magenta" Nail polish. It pwns.

Only eye make-up, really.

Eyeshadow--I have an astounding collection, really. I'm proud of it. Blues, pink, purples, green, turquoise, black, gray, brown, white, a couple in between....

I wear eyeshadow on a regular basis.

Eyeliner--I love Rimmel. They have this one kind that you don't have to sharpen, you just twist it up, AND IT'S LOVE. But mine finished, so I have to get more. Most of my liners are the Sephora brand. I have like 3 different shades of blue, two purples, and numerous blacks. My favorites are the blacks, but I have this one blue that's like almost white. I rarely use it because it's like lovee<3


Chapstick--Strawberry. Always. Lip gloss makes my lips feel funny, but I wear it every once in a while, and when I do, it's Victoria's Secret's lip pallette or something--I don't know. I'll have to check.

Nail polish--I like always wear nail polish. And I have my signature way which I do when I feel special. It's really artistic. I wish I could explain it better, but it's like splatter painting.

And I think that's it.

Mascara--I hate. My eyelashes are already long.'s basically eye makeup.


I'm wearing a lot more make up than usual lately, cuz it's fun to put on.

I like eyeliner, cuz I'm bad at applying it, and it's almost inevitable that someone will get poked in the eye :)

I like experimenting with eye makeup. Especially eye shadow, like, mixing colours, and blending them to make several different colours and stuff. It's way good.

And doing little art things on your face with eyeliner, I'm good at that. But around my eyes, I find hard to do :\

I wear foundation, but not much. Just cuz it's annoying if there's too much, and I don't want it to run or anything... OR look like you could set my face on fire and still not burn my skin lol.

As for lipstick, etc. I don't really use that, just occasionally some lipgloss or light pink lipstick.

Nailpolish is fun though, I wear it a lot. I've usually got painted nails, a new colour every so often. I have purple atm :) I love it. I wanna keep them like that for a bit.

Nail art is way cool, it's so.. Yay. I've got little flowers in my pointer fingers hehe :)

Well, back at the beginning of grade seven, I wore practically no makeup. Just some light eyeshadow, a bit of mascara and lipgloss.

But after awhile, I tried changing it a bit. I wore foundation, but didn't know exactly how to match it to my skin-tone, so it never matched my neck... and it looked pretty cakey.

Then, I tried to go for a "scene" look or whatever.

I wore lots of eyeliner, pale concealor, and white face powder. Oh, and occasional bright neon eyeshadow.

At first, I couldn't do it right, but after awhile, it started to look good, especially my eyes. But everyone called me emo, and that's how I got my repuation as being one.

Then, I got sick of being the emo girl. So I started to change back. I got a new hair style (a cute cut with straight bangs) and began to wear less eyeliner, and used a skin-tone foundation instead of just pale powder and concealor. Now, I think I look better then I ever have. I'm not caked in make-up, and don't look flawless, but I think I have more a cute natural look. So, now I wear:

• Light foundation that is my skintone, maybe only a touch darker.

• Concealor under my eyes and on any blemishes.

• A light powder if my face looks oily.

•Eyeliner all around the eye, but in a very thin line.

• Brown mascara on top, vaseline on the bottom.

•Peachy skin-coloured eyeshadow all over eye.

•Light pink, soft lipstick with lip gloss


I don't wear make-up. Pretty much never.

When I get the occasional big and annoying zit, I'll cover it up with some concealer, but that's about it. I honestly look terrible with make-up, and I like to look natural :)

I don't really own any make-up. Not even nailpolish. I prefer to keep my nails natural as well, though I'd love atleast one nailpolish of some sort. Neh. I'm happy :3

I don't use make up. If chapstick is one, then lol.

When I was little, I LOVED to play with eyeliner. Like, I was only 7! And I regret playing with it. I poked myself, and I got an eye infection or something o_o And I had to use those annoying eye drops and stuff. I'm never going to play with make up from now on :)

Eh, sorta, I guess.

a. Eyeshadow-- I'm not picky as long as it isn't WAAAY dark or WAAAy light, or the liquid kind.

b. Blush-- I have my own, it's a sparkly pink, dunno where it is, so I stole some unused blush from my mom.

c. Mascara-- I am ALLOWED to wear mascara with color, but not until I get contacts because I do not want it all over my glasses. So, clear for now. And I barely use it, 'cause my lashes bat against the lenses.

d. Does polish count? 8D I paint my fingernails/toenails frequently. Usually bright colors for my toes, and sparky for my fingers. Or, just my toes, with a dark color, like green or something.

Lately, I've gone without makeup, to feel cleaner. I dunno why, I've just kept forgetting, but when I go to Maryland tomorrow, I'm bringing my makeup. 8D

I wear it all the time and I wear whatever is available because I honestly feel that I look terrible without it . I own a whole lot of makeup , like 20 eyeliners , liquid and pencil.


Most of the time I stick with eyeshadow, black pencil liner, mascara, blush, foundation and lipgloss.

However, there are times when I just take black eyeliner and put it on quite heavy.


Buuut , I do love wearing my makeup in fun flashy ways just because it looks cool . I love coming up with cool new eyeshadow ideas or just trying out the craziest things.


When it comes to makeup for me , light is ok but I tend to go for darker stuff like blacks and greys and browns because it's dark and I like it dark haha .


I love bright eyeshadows as well. My only makeup problem is my lack of brushes . A problem which I'm hoping to resolve this Christmas maybe. One thing I haven't yet tried is cream eyeshadow , however I would love to from what I've seen.


I dont usually wear too much foundation unless my skin is all ewie . And usually before I put it on , I'll put my Nivea cream on for better application . I usually use a mousse foundation because its small and easy to put on and carry around .



I could go on and on about me and my love of makeup but I won't because ... I just won't tehe.

Heck no. I look terrible in make-up.

Period. Maybe I'll post a pic of me wearing my make up. Hehe. When I do post that pic, feel free to laugh and say I look sukeh. (Cause I do)

All I wear is eyeliner, lol. I just bought this MAC Powerpoint Eye Pencil and I love it! :) And it's waterproof! > :)

You're really lucky.

A lot of MAC stuff is about, 20$ or over so I really just never get that stuff because tis too expensive D:

My mom is thinking about letting my use liquid eyeliner by the way, to those who are wondering xD

You're really lucky.
A lot of MAC stuff is about, 20$ or over so I really just never get that stuff because tis too expensive D:

My mom is thinking about letting my use liquid eyeliner by the way, to those who are wondering xD
Yeah, it is really expensive...they don't even sell it here in CoMo. :)

I had to go to this MAC Boutique in Los Angeles to get it, and it was about $17. D8

I'm such a klutz when it comes to using liquid eyeliner! xD I get it everywhere, and it ends up looking so terrible on me. D: Oh well. xP



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