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Thanks & I know this, but I'm serious that I might have them.Are cravings something serious that I should look up? Cuz on video day, we never taked about cravings. Or in health class. Thanx,

///Matchy :)
Nah, it's nothing serious. Cravings are just something your body does when it wants a certain kind of food I guess you could say.

They are mainly chocolate when your period comes around. :) But they can be anything really.

Yeah, my second one was delayed- by 40 days.

I thought that I wouldn't get it at all...but on the 40th day, I was like "Ahggg. I'm never gonna get it."

And whatdya know? :)

We're all different.

Yeah, my second one was delayed- by 40 days.I thought that I wouldn't get it at all...but on the 40th day, I was like "Ahggg. I'm never gonna get it."

And whatdya know? :)

We're all different.
Haha! I thought the same thing. I was like "Well guess it's not gonna happen this week." Then I recall a day after saying that it starts up again. I love those kind of premonitions :) lol.

Yeah, my second one was delayed- by 40 days.I thought that I wouldn't get it at all...but on the 40th day, I was like "Ahggg. I'm never gonna get it."

And whatdya know? :)

We're all different.
It happens! Just be prepared for the worst... :D I guess it's the way of life and we can not get around this stage called 'puperty.' :)


:mellow: I have my my period in Apirl last year then it skipped all the way to AUGEST 24! MY B-DAY!!! I am 11 and I havent had it since is that normal?
It takes roughly three years for your period to stabilise into a regular pattern. This means you can have quite a few months in a row where you period doesn't come or by reverse, it comes a little bit too frequently etc. This is not something you need to worry about but should have straightened out by the time you are 16 or 18 years. If it hasn't by then, you may want to see a doctor just to check things out. Until then, relax. :)

i've been dying to ask...... WHAT IS A PERIOD???????
A period is just another word for menstruation. :mellow:

When a girl reaches puberty, she will start to release an egg from her ovaries into her uterus (the places where a baby grows). The uterus is lined with some nutrient filled blood to help anchor the egg and aid in growth of th foetus. When pregnancy doesn't occur, the body flushes out all the blood and the egg, so it can build a fresh lining for the next egg. This process takes about a month and the bleeding is called menstruation.

All About Menstruation

Menstruation - having a period

Menstruation - facts and questions

mine were never normal (monthly) they were everyday for a long time. I had to go doctors and get a blood test, and the results were all normal, so I had to have an ultra sound, and it showed I have polycystic ovaries and that was making them so frequent and will be for my life, and can affect my chances of having children. Now Im on tablets to make them stable. And if I ever stop taking the tablet it will make them go nuts again. I don't believe its common to have what I have, but if your worried, its best talking to a doctor.

mine were never normal (monthly) they were everyday for a long time. I had to go doctors and get a blood test, and the results were all normal, so I had to have an ultra sound, and it showed I have polycystic ovaries and that was making them so frequent and will be for my life, and can affect my chances of having children. Now Im on tablets to make them stable. And if I ever stop taking the tablet it will make them go nuts again. I don't believe its common to have what I have, but if your worried, its best talking to a doctor.
Dang... that sounds like it must've been weird. I think.

Periods and puberty sucks, lolz, thank gosh I didn't get any cramps!!! *does a dance* Getting your period isn't that bad, it just kinda sucks thats all. :huh: So if you have'nt got yours, don't get all freaked out cause it's not a big deal, you will get used to it. I used to be freaked out about it last year but this year it don't matter!
I only get a few small cramps in the few days leadin to my period.

By day the flow be heavy, by night it is light.

this is personal but girls need to know about this stuff !!

Everybodys body is diffrent soo u might not have the same problems as other girls.

You ownt be regular for about a year or even more!

sometimes i get cramps but it is usually just because i have not eaten in a while ... so make sure that you have a normal diet when you get it !!

If you have anymore questions your can PM me about it.

=] <33

Nah, it's nothing serious. Cravings are just something your body does when it wants a certain kind of food I guess you could say.

They are mainly chocolate when your period comes around. :wacko: But they can be anything really.
Alright, thank you!


[SIZE=14pt]I changed to 2 pills a day.[/SIZE]

The Primadoflis is working!!! I'm not getting any flare-ups anymore!!!


How exactly does it mess with your personality?

When my friend is on hers she can gets ticked off so easily it's crazy.

When I get mine I seem to cry more easily and stuff, like all of a sudden I wanna cry about missing my family or something like that. Then other times I get really ticked off for no reason, but not hold the grudge for long.

I ussually crave alot of junk food, like salt and vinegar chips..

How exactly does it mess with your personality?When my friend is on hers she can gets ticked off so easily it's crazy.
Well the hormone increase and decreasings through the 28 day cycle can cause someone to be moody. Especially when the period is still not fully regular yet.

My mom is making my family go on a diet. The reason I'm in it is because my mom says that if I stay away from white flour and other junk I won't get yeast infections.

Is that true?


My mom is making my family go on a diet. The reason I'm in it is because my mom says that if I stay away from white flour and other junk I won't get yeast infections.
Is that true?

There are quite a few reports on the internet about "drug-free", "natural" cures for Yeast Infections thru' eating certain foods and cutting out others - that you can buy in your local grocery store.

Why not ask your Mom if you can see the report/information she is using for the family's diet? Get her to explain which foods will help cure it :)

How exactly does it mess with your personality?When my friend is on hers she can gets ticked off so easily it's crazy.
Lol, thats like me :) just today I had my period

hahaha I snaped at my mom for asking me to do my test XXDD

but usally before I stated, I don't talk to anyone :)

I Got my first period in november.... and now its almost march! hellooooo? why hasnt my 2nd period come yet?

I Got my first period in november.... and now its almost march! hellooooo? why hasnt my 2nd period come yet?
Don't worry. It takes a long time for them to become regular. You are completely normal.

I got mine when I was 14. At the time, I was looking forward to it - to being a woman! Now, I pray for early menopause. It's the bane of my existance. But, I think I'm just unlucky.

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