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I really need help!
Ok, well I've been having discharges for more than 6 months now and I just had a shower and realised that I had a..let's just call it "breast discharge" I looked it up on the net to see if it was normal and half of it seems to be normal but half not. I mean you're supposed to get it before your period right? The discharge is white and non-sticky and it came out by itself. Is this normal? My hands are shaking and I'm scared I have a disease or something! :p It feels like my breasts kindof hurt while I'm walking around but I don't know. Maybe I'm willing it to hurt because that's something that happens before a period?
Ah, Nipple Discharge. I have had this before and it has nothing to do with your period. I was terrified as well because some discharge is normal and some is not good. I went to the doctor and as it turns out I just had more of a certain hormone than usual, which is why I was experiencing this. I do encourage you to check it out with a doctor though, especially just for peace of mind. :p

Breast Discharge? Hmm interesting! I looked it up. and it's actually called "Nipple Discharge".

I says it usually happens to older women.

But for younger girls like you, who are going through puberty. It says you could be having irritation through clothing or something.

I think you should talk to your mother about it. It's not a disease but it's still a good idea to talk to her about it. Doesn't look to serious though. :3~♥

And breast pain through puberty is a pretty common thing too.
Thanks! ^^

I talked to my mum about it because it worried me a lot. She said that I didn't have to worry about it cos all the info I found was on the internet and the internet can always have faulse info. She also says that symptoms can vary for every girl so I shouldn't have to worry about that either. I feel much better now! ^_^


Only cuz I have such a heavy flow and it lasts for a whole week. And I cramp, real bad. At first I was really freaked out because it was so heavy, I thought I was hemmoraging (>.<) But nope, just family history.

[SIZE=7pt]Girls, how luuuucky we are. D:[/SIZE]

Let's not go into full detail, but..

The weird thing is that, once you get your period, you are actually able to get pregnant.

ok well im not sure when im going to get mine but maybe you can tell me if its gonna be soon

i got hair downstairs, discharge, hair on legs, hair on arms, breasts (small) budding? and armpit hairs.

I am 11 12 in september

am i going to start soon or have i got a while to go i know you cant tell me when its going to be but i mean am i getting close to it or am i way off

[SIZE=7pt]Girls, how luuuucky we are. D:[/SIZE]Let's not go into full detail, but..

The weird thing is that, once you get your period, you are actually able to get pregnant.
I know, thats the only scary thing about periods. =o

Is it just me or is it other females too- whenever you see a cute little baby it makes you want to have your own? Lol, I luff babies. ^__^

Please don't post this. For girls its kinda embarassing cause its TOO personal. This is a private thing only for girls. Please don't post this kind of stuff. I'm getting a bit quesy.


Doesn't everyone have that?
probably i was just listing the stuff i have

nature girl: this topic has been going on for a long time, and the guides have said that its ok please do not post your comments about how gross it is. It has been said many times in this topic and now im going to say it again you dont have to look and post in this topic, just leave it alone if you do not feel comfortable posting. Sorry but its an informative topic and well helps girls who are going through puberty, so if you do not like it then dont post

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