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Ughh, I got it two days ago and today I kind of crazied out on my mom. Now I feel like a terrible person. Oh my gosh. Dx

I told myself I wouldn't be a crazy PMS chick. Ah no!

Anyway, I feel so.. gross using pads. I am a huge hygiene freak. I'm very sensitive to smells, I absolutely hate and freak when I get stuff on my clothes, I must take a shower everyday and this is just so.. icky to me. D: I feel disgusting.

... I told myself I wouldn't be a crazy PMS chick. Ah no!
You understand that you're setting yourself an impossible challenge there, right ? :lol:

Most times, PMS occurs whilst you're not even aware of it. Others are. You aren't.

Often, you realise afterwards of course, but don't blame yourself for it or "promise" you wont be ratty or mean because it's something you don't really control.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with apologising and explaining the bad mood to your Mom or even asking your Mom to remind you as soon as she sees you acting like a "crazy PMS chick" - but even then, the chances are if she says anything to you, you'll just have a major sense of humor failure moment and scowl :D

Unfortunately, you just have to do your best and deal. Same as millions of women before you :lol:

I'm not saying you will ever like having your period but it does get easier to deal with as you get older :3

You understand that you're setting yourself an impossible challenge there, right ? :lol:
Most times, PMS occurs whilst you're not even aware of it. Others are. You aren't.

Often, you realise afterwards of course, but don't blame yourself for it or "promise" you wont be ratty or mean because it's something you don't really control.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with apologising and explaining the bad mood to your Mom or even asking your Mom to remind you as soon as she sees you acting like a "crazy PMS chick" - but even then, the chances are if she says anything to you, you'll just have a major sense of humor failure moment and scowl :D

Unfortunately, you just have to do your best and deal. Same as millions of women before you :lol:

I'm not saying you will ever like having your period but it does get easier to deal with as you get older :3
Yeah, haha. I was just like BWABWABWA and stuff and then after a few hours I was just sitting there like ohmygosh. o..o


Fortunately, it popped up again on spring break and is now light. 8D

I can usually tell when it's coming because my legs ache and I want to die. xD

Yeah, haha. I was just like BWABWABWA and stuff and then after a few hours I was just sitting there like ohmygosh. o..o
I can totally relate.

Once at an after school practice, I would walk around completely pi**ed. And when I did talk, I was yelling and flipping out. I even called my coach a not-a-very-nice-name. He didn't take it personally. Maybe he figured out what was wrong. Smart kid.

Then, I felt bad about it and apologized at the next practice. He had no clue what I was apologizing about though.

I haven't had my flippin' thing for about 70 days now!

Gosh, scary much? Ah well, that means no pain and no redness for longer 8D. But, I'm expecting strong leakage for when it does come D:

Mine actually just switched from 7 days to 5. I started Sunday, and it stopped last night.

The funny thing is, I'm less moody when I'm on the rag than when I'm not.

Umm, Band Geek, Who were you refuring to when you said Michelle, pads are icky, cause said that.
Cluck_cluck_chicken. :3

Sorry for the confusion. D;

I got mine twice this month, which is unusual for me.

I got it before march break, and then I got it two weeks later. I wasn't expecting it. :|

I'm very heavy right now, so I'm having major cramps. Ugh, I hate it.

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