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I need metabolism pills. This kid a babysit is a sucker for energy.I think if I had some sort of focus pill (Have problems with focusing for over 30 min. with this job), I would operate a little better.
I think metabolism pills are usually for people 18+. You could try it though. Or maybe try eating more energizing foods.

Um a Q about middle school (it may be off topic NS) When Im at P.E classes at Middle School Will we have to take showers? If we do Ill be scared to death, I dont wanna expose private body parts to other girls X_x cause I if Im on my period then Well *gulp* help me, will we have to take showers?

Um a Q about middle school (it may be off topic NS) When Im at P.E classes at Middle School Will we have to take showers? If we do Ill be scared to death, I dont wanna expose private body parts to other girls X_x cause I if Im on my period then Well *gulp* help me, will we have to take showers?
I don't think it's required to take showers in gym in every grade. It wasn't in any of my schools anyway. They might encourage it, but they wont make you.

I don't think it's required to take showers in gym in every grade. It wasn't in any of my schools anyway. They might encourage it, but they wont make you.
I didn't have it at all this year, even though I'm in 6th grade. But, probably in high school you'll take showers. You'll also take showers if you're on the swim team.

*Edited: Nope... no off topic.*

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I didn't have it at all this year, even though I'm in 6th grade. But, probably in high school you'll take showers. You'll also take showers if you're on the swim team.
offtopic: hayhay click on the "mimit" in my siggy!
Eh, you wouldn't have to. They can't physically force you into a shower, otherwise they'd get fired. It's always an option to shower, but they can't make you. I imagine during swim team it woud be a requirement though.

i think i am really fat but everyone says i am skinny! what should i do i think they are lying.
If you look back a page or two to find where Bell Sprout posted a BMI calculator for kids. Check your BMI and see where it is in the chart. Either underweight, average, overweight, and obese. That's one way to determine it.

Other than that, look at yourself naked in a full bodied mirror if you have one and really look at your shape. If you think you need to lose a little bit to be confident in yourself, you may want to try it. I'll say this though. Don't EVER compare yourself to a celebrity. Think of yourself and how you want to look. Not how any celebrity looks and not how anyone else wants you to look. You aren't here to please them. You're here to please yourself, and that's all that matters.

Eh, you wouldn't have to. They can't physically force you into a shower, otherwise they'd get fired. It's always an option to shower, but they can't make you. I imagine during swim team it woud be a requirement though.
well there it goes, I been wanting to go on swim team cause swimmings my thing (look at my pool its HUGE) but Im glad periods stop when in water

i think i am really fat but everyone says i am skinny! what should i do i think they are lying.
Can I suggest to you that you listen to everyone else is saying to you? Often our perception of ourselves is not accurate to what we really are and we often don't realise that until things change. I reached my max height probably in about grade 10 at 171cm. At that stage I was usually 64-65kg (depending on the day) and every time I looked in the mirror all I was concerned about was that my tummy was big and my thighs seemed to touch between my legs and when I sat down I got what I described a elephant sags at my side. (My BMI back then was 22 which was on the lower side of the health range). Everyone always told me that I skinny and I thought it was rubbish because all I could let myself see was faults.

Five and half years down the track, I have left school, my life has changed including diet and activity levels. I have not grown but I now weight was 74kg. My belly really was big and I was starting to gain that swollen appearance. BMI wise I was either overweight or on that borderline depending on who's scale you looked at. The point is that I could really see that I was heavy. I realised that all those years ago at 65kg that I was very thin and looked really good (most evident when I look back on pics of myself at the time). The thing was that I had no perspective. I got caught up in the light minor things which I thought looked so bad!

Today I weight 70kg... it hasn't been easy to get this far because I wasn't very overweight so the process was slower. I am feeling stacks better about myself. I look and feel great! I realise I might not ever come back down to 65kgs but I am happy with what I've got because I have the perspective.


You cannot really judge yourself objectively. Your evaluation of what you are will be subjective until you've gained perspective! The people around you will by nature compare themselves to you! If they say that you are skinny, go for that because they probably right!

As SK said, there is no point in comparing yourself with people in the magazines. They are often not healthy people and if anything isn't quite right they are graphically altered to fit what it pleasant to the eye. They are the ones who get themselves in to trouble with eating problems and whatever else to be what the media wants them to be!

I am not saying that you will be perfect... but I am saying is that your friends probably have a more objective view of you than you do. Like SK said though, if you've got things to work on, use them to see how you are going to lift your confidence that way! Because it is going to be darn hard for you to feel just right otherwise! :p

Wow Bell That was long X_x how long it take ya?

I mesured my BMI Im normal THo I have belly fat, I wonder if during periods I will loose wait

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well there it goes, I been wanting to go on swim team cause swimmings my thing (look at my pool its HUGE) but Im glad periods stop when in water
Meowbark, it is never a good idea to go swimming without protection! The only thing that "stops" the menstrual flow is pressure. There is more pressure of whatever pushing up into your uterus than there is of the blood coming out. If you were to cough, laugh or strain hard as you might do in swimming then you might eject stuff that you don't want to. Noone may notice but someone might. That and as soon as you get out of the pool the water is gone so your flow will immediately restart.... Not a good look to be heading off to the showers with bloodied pool water dripping down your legs and a waste of a good swim suit! :p

If your flow is light and it is the last couple of days then you might get away with it but I can also tell you that a lot of people don't believe it is in anyway acceptable to jump into a pool without menstrual protection. We don't urinate in the pool and you don't defecate in the pool.. menstruation is viewed on the same lines. Realistically, if you want to do that then you need to start looking at tampons. Not only are they good for swimming but it means you can wear tight clothes without a hassle and do a lot of other physical activities without worrying about the pad between your legs moving about and scrunching and leaking etc.

I kinda do too, but if my mom and dad find out about this topic (which they probably won't) I'm dead meat. Oh well. I'll try to persuade them to let me keep on talking on this topic because it's an educational tool.

same here. My mom (or dad) doesn't know that tamatalk has well things that are not about tamagotchis. (sorry I'm off topic) I'm really only worried about 2 things: 1: My period may suprise me while I'm in the pool. 2: Will I be a heavy bleeder or a light bleeder?

*sighs* Those questions and thoughts may be answered not long from now. And I would like to say that this topic is VERY helpfull. I think not long from now this topic will reach 100 pages if everyone keeps replying and asking questions!

Hey im juat saying what if boys are on here and i dont think its allowed to exclude people from anything (besides group hatchings). I bet if it says "girls only" then boys will come pouring into that topic.

Meowbark, it is never a good idea to go swimming without protection! The only thing that "stops" the menstrual flow is pressure. There is more pressure of whatever pushing up into your uterus than there is of the blood coming out. If you were to cough, laugh or strain hard as you might do in swimming then you might eject stuff that you don't want to. Noone may notice but someone might. That and as soon as you get out of the pool the water is gone so your flow will immediately restart.... Not a good look to be heading off to the showers with bloodied pool water dripping down your legs and a waste of a good swim suit! :p
If your flow is light and it is the last couple of days then you might get away with it but I can also tell you that a lot of people don't believe it is in anyway acceptable to jump into a pool without menstrual protection. We don't urinate in the pool and you don't defecate in the pool.. menstruation is viewed on the same lines. Realistically, if you want to do that then you need to start looking at tampons. Not only are they good for swimming but it means you can wear tight clothes without a hassle and do a lot of other physical activities without worrying about the pad between your legs moving about and scrunching and leaking etc.
uh...heh I aint really a heavy bleeder, right now its toilet paper and nothing but very little blood lol But thanks for the advice, I may just go for art club

same here. My mom (or dad) doesn't know that tamatalk has well things that are not about tamagotchis. (sorry I'm off topic) I'm really only worried about 2 things: 1: My period may suprise me while I'm in the pool. 2: Will I be a heavy bleeder or a light bleeder? *sighs* Those questions and thoughts may be answered not long from now. And I would like to say that this topic is VERY helpfull. I think not long from now this topic will reach 100 pages if everyone keeps replying and asking questions!
Q: My period may suprise me while I'm in the pool?

A: This is highly unlikely... Unless you've had your swimsuit on all day and then jumped straight it the pool, the chances are you will discover it in your underwear before you go to get changed. Even if you were in your swim suit all day, chances are your first period will be light so you won't even know until you get out to get changed. Because it is light, even if you do strain or do anything like that noone will see it because the quantity you are losing is so small. Periods take a few hours to "arrive". They don't just go "splash!" and land.

Q: Will I be a heavy bleeder or a light bleeder?

A: The best way to find out it to have a chat with your Mum and/or your sisters. If they are heavy the chances are you will be too and the same applies if they are light. It isn't 100% way of knowing but it will give you a pretty good indicator!

Hey im juat saying what if boys are on here and i dont think its allowed to exclude people from anything (besides group hatchings). I bet if it says "girls only" then boys will come pouring into that topic.
Well we might consider a name change then? How does that sound?? Perhaps something like this:

Puberty! Open to all!

Girls Only! renamed..

Any ideas??

*Edited: BTW, remember that boys are the sons of women and will be husbands to women one day too. There is nothing in here that they shouldn't be aware of!*

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