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And about those sex ed videos, there is no need to be nervous about those, either. I watched one in 4th grade, they're informative....and actually kind of humerous! Just look at it like another part of growing up, and it only happens once in your life. :wacko:
My sister says my school will not begin sex ed for a few years. i actually kinda like sex ed though i've never been through it. i think of this as my sex ed. :wacko: ok maybe not.

It is not really disgusting, all girls go through it eventually, like all guys...well, I'll keep that to myself...
All guys? guys dont have periods

All guys? guys dont have periods
They didn't mean that guys have periods. Iloveandrotchi was attempting to avoid mentioning that guys have wet dreams and erections... hence the "well I'll keep that to myself". Wet dreams and erections are not quite the same as having periods but can cause a great deal of embarrassement throughout puberty for guys because their hormones are a little bit unstable.

I just started my first period 2 days ago, It was freaky because at that time I was on vacation in Las Vegas! I was scared and didn't know what to do so i waited the whole day till night time to tell my mom about it and to ask her for help and for a pad! :mametchi: :wacko: :wacko:


I dont! I get pressure, And If someone can help me with this, Usually after my period my private area itches on the inside it itches bad and I cant sleep cause of the itching!

That happens to me too, but it happened the most before my first periond! I have a question:: What color is the discharge everytime you have your period supposed to be??


Yellow, Clear, Creamy, But I hear After period Itching in that area can become a big problem! Bell Sprout, U have any suggestions?

:wacko: :wacko: :mametchi: Okay, I was scared for a moment there, any advise about periods, that sorta-thing?? I am really new to it so can you help?? :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi:


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My first period was red, brownish, sorta like dark blood! Why??? :mametchi: :mametchi: :wacko: :mametchi: :wacko:
Fresh blood is red (sometimes light, sometimes dark). Blood that has been exposed to air becomes brown (you will have noticed this on scabs or cuts that you may have had on your arms or legs). If you are menstrual flow is slow then you may get brown blood becuase it has been exposed to air longer as it travels down from the uterus. It is quite normal. :mametchi:

Thanks Bell Sprout! You have been a very big help to me and everyone else here at Tama Talk!!!! :mametchi: B) :lol: :) :mametchi: :wacko: :wacko: :mametchi: :mametchi:


:wacko: :wacko: :lol: Okay, I was scared for a moment there, any advise about periods, that sorta-thing?? I am really new to it so can you help?? :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi:
Well.. there is a lot that I can give you!

1. Always carry spare pads/tampons wherever you go in a small pencil case of something like that (even when your period is not due) because you just never know when you will need it!

2. Don't get complacent. Change pads regularly. That will decrease the liklihood of the pad becoming flooded and leaking into your underwear and through your clothes.

3. If you get very bad cramps, take painkillers as soon as you start to bleed. That way you can avoid the pain in the first place! :mametchi:

4. Hot water bottles are a great help to relieve cramps!

5. Keep a diary. That way you can learn how long you go for and how frequently your period occurs. Keep a note of how heavily you bleed too.

6. Try different types and brands of pads. You might find something that is even better (more comfortable, more aborbant, better shaped, less irritating) than what you usually get.

Yellow, Clear, Creamy, But I hear After period Itching in that area can become a big problem! Bell Sprout, U have any suggestions?
Depends on the frequency or severity of the problem. A little itching is fine... everywhere gets itchy sometimes! You have to determine what is normal for you and what is not. If you are not sexually active and don't have problems with off-coloured (for you), smelling discharge then it is unlikely to be a serious problem. If you do have problems with discharge then it may be an indicator of a yeast infection amongst other diseases (particularly if you are also sexually active).

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